What you guys doing right now.

seems your luck helped me out, i didn't have much more than 40mins revision time before the re-sit...and passed comfortable :D 82.4%.
and where would on-site be, cercia?

On topic, procrastinating a software release scheduling. Seriously, they let the guy who's leaving responsible for releases. Talk about blame it on someone else if things go wrong... =P
I made a bacon salad.

On an unrelated note, I received my used copy of Project A-ko today. Alas, in future I must be more careful to check included audio languages before inadvertently ordering dub-only titles.
posting an ad on JMB in an attempt to find like minded musicians in my area

it's a shame that most other people who post ads on there live in saome place like Swindon, it's bloody annoying trying to find a local band to join :evil:
Psst. Guys, I'm alive! I'm currently in a house with internet, but the house I've moved too won't have internet till somepoint next week. I also lack good phone signal to browse the web, so, I'll most definitely need someone to catch me up on all the goings on, both on and off the boards when I return. Erm, yeah.
