What you guys doing right now.

Tachi- said:
Huh? want to talk about it or just going to leave us all hanging?
Perhaps memorium passed a free public lavatory whilst out and about, but decided not to use it.

Such a mistake could have lead to some unwanted discomfort in half an hour or so.
close, but no cigar

i was intending i ask someone out today, the conditions were perfect, but i kinda wussed out last minute and didn't do the deed, we did have a good chat though, probably the best chat since december
memorium said:
close, but no cigar

i was intending i ask someone out today, the conditions were perfect, but i kinda wussed out last minute and didn't do the deed, we did have a good chat though, probably the best chat since december

I thought as much. it had to be something to do with a woman.
if asking em out face to face is abit too much, try the old style of writing her a letter. some girls like that personal touch, romantic and all that jazz.

Otherwise, get talking more, meet up more and more and before you know it you'll end up in a relationship. might take a few weeks but if she's worth it i dare say you'll object to spending the extra time to "ease" yourself into it.
Memorium - bear in mind the golden rules that works wonders for me.
- Others only have as much power over you as you grant them;
- A girl's no is not a personal thing and in that case, it's their loss.
- And last, but not least - Don't try to do something, just do it. Imagining what if usually only makes things worse as you will never know for sure and it will only make you feel insecure in the future.
- There is not failure, only learning.

So says chaos, the eternal optimistic. ;)
Tough break mem, but I hope next time's the hammer hitting the nail on the head. :)

I'm some-what regretting staying up 'til 1am last night when I was up for 6am... At least work was easy today. (Odd enough though, I drink some energy drinks to give myself a boost... only to feel sleepy as soon as a drop hits my tongue.)
Chaz said:
Odd enough though, I drink some energy drinks to give myself a boost... only to feel sleepy as soon as a drop hits my tongue.
You know, it's supposed to be the other way around... You feel sleep ythe minute the LAST drop hits your tongue ;)

OT - procrastinating work.
I am currently in the state of being excited.

You see, I have recently come across this photograph:


I understand that it may not look like much at present. However, this little steel column is in fact the first piece of this building to have been assembled. Now all they need to do is add more pieces.
chaos said:
Chaz said:
Odd enough though, I drink some energy drinks to give myself a boost... only to feel sleepy as soon as a drop hits my tongue.
You know, it's supposed to be the other way around... You feel sleep ythe minute the LAST drop hits your tongue ;)

OT - procrastinating work.

Or atleast after the first 5minute buzz they give you. Running on 2hours sleep and a cup of coffee (5scoops) will keep you going all through an expo day.

Not advisable on regular occurance though :p you might just become poisoned by caffiene

Procrastinating work is no more taboo than Pro-castration.
Takes me back to a conversation between me and leo, where he funnily said "all rapists should be circumcised" when he meant to say castrated
Energy Drinks don't affect me full stop now unless i havemore than one or two. I can drink them like normal drinks now. But i can at least decide when i do have more caffeine and when i don't, hah.
memorium said:
i have just showered, ready to get into me suit for 6th Form ball

oh and thanks for the advice chaos, it really helped me

The hell? my advice helped too ;)
Ahh, so it was a date to the dance ball eh? you sly dog lol

Good to hear it payed off, if your anything like me and my missus, you'll be stuck with her 15 months down the road and a week away from flying off abroad together :p
Tachi- said:
memorium said:
i have just showered, ready to get into me suit for 6th Form ball

oh and thanks for the advice chaos, it really helped me

The hell? my advice helped too ;)
The problem with your advice is that it may lead to the "let's be friends forever!" outcome that unfortunately I know too well. It only works if she was interested as well in the first place.

Tachi- said:
Ahh, so it was a date to the dance ball eh? you sly dog lol

Good to hear it payed off, if your anything like me and my missus, you'll be stuck with her 15 months down the road and a week away from flying off abroad together :p
Don't listen to him. Take one step at a time ;)
Don't chose names for the kids just yet. =P
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
memorium said:
i have just showered, ready to get into me suit for 6th Form ball

oh and thanks for the advice chaos, it really helped me

The hell? my advice helped too ;)
The problem with your advice is that it may lead to the "let's be friends forever!" outcome that unfortunately I know too well. It only works if she was interested as well in the first place.

:lol: maybe that was the case for some, but in the past its worked for me. You meet up more and more, let them know how you feel and see where it goes. Thats how me and Laura got together and also how me and Kayls are together.

chaos said:
Tachi- said:
Ahh, so it was a date to the dance ball eh? you sly dog lol

Good to hear it payed off, if your anything like me and my missus, you'll be stuck with her 15 months down the road and a week away from flying off abroad together :p
Don't listen to him. Take one step at a time ;)
Don't chose names for the kids just yet. =P

lol i said "if he's anything like me" and knowing me in reality, i'd have thought you'd know that being like me is a mission and a half ;)

Just have fun, don't get into anything serious and enjoy it. If it goes on for 3 months or 30years: just enjoy whatever life as you live it.
Just don't do a japanese unrequitable, undying love :p that'll scare her off.
Tachi- said:
The hell? my advice helped too ;)
Ahh, so it was a date to the dance ball eh? you sly dog lol

Good to hear it payed off, if your anything like me and my missus, you'll be stuck with her 15 months down the road and a week away from flying off abroad together :p
well i found that chaos' "just do it" advice really helped out, and i ended up asking her out directly
she wasn't at the ball though, that, to be honest would've made my evening.

In the end she wasn't looking for a relationship right now since most of us are going to university after next year, which i believe is fairly understandable, i could think up of at least two reasons why she made that desision (she was quite suprised when i did ask her out though).

But although that's how it is, i asked her that if she changed her mind that she could perhaps let me know, and if she doesn't, then i could settle for the next best thing and be a good friend :)