What you guys doing right now.

only issue with ur pic retro

u took the anime pic of Dori and Guri,

they're only boys in the game ;)

anyway on topic

stuffing my face with easter eggs \o/
Watching a live stream of the FF:XIII demo. I don't speak a word of Japanese but it's not to hard to make out, it's actually pretty epic.
evangelion rocks said:
Wondering wether or not to venture back into the misery and terror of graphics clinic tomorrow.-__-?

Are you taking it for GCSE now or AS/A-level?

I took Graphics and Resistant Materials for GCSE, I nearly died under it all (along with art aswell).

For some ridiculous reason i'm doing it this year at AS too. Definately being dropped at the end of the year, thats for sure.
Getting myself motivated to work on my 2D artwork. I also need to get out of the habbit of using pencil only... Drat, I hate old habbits. :p
Maltos said:
evangelion rocks said:
Wondering wether or not to venture back into the misery and terror of graphics clinic tomorrow.-__-?

Are you taking it for GCSE now or AS/A-level?

I took Graphics and Resistant Materials for GCSE, I nearly died under it all (along with art aswell).

For some ridiculous reason i'm doing it this year at AS too. Definately being dropped at the end of the year, thats for sure.

I'm doing GCSE level Graphics^_^.I know what you mean,there's so much work to do compared to food tech,where all one of my friends had to do was cook a tin of soup for his grade!>_<I'm also doing Art and for awhile it was hard to make sure I was doing all the work for both courses,but as of today I don't have to do anymore coursework for graphics!!^A^
Lupus said:
Watching a live stream of the FF:XIII demo. I don't speak a word of Japanese but it's not to hard to make out, it's actually pretty epic.

I'm making my way through the videos of the demo and it's seriously amazing. I had my doubts about the game for a while (largely because I was so disappointed about how different to FFXII it seemed because I absolutely adored FFXII), but that demo has impressed me in a huuuge way. I can't wait! :]
evangelion rocks said:
I'm doing GCSE level Graphics^_^.I know what you mean,there's so much work to do compared to food tech,where all one of my friends had to do was cook a tin of soup for his grade!>_<I'm also doing Art and for awhile it was hard to make sure I was doing all the work for both courses,but as of today I don't have to do anymore coursework for graphics!!^A^

Haha, did you get to pick what you did your graphics project on? I did mine on Fullmetal Alchemist, so I enjoyed some of the course. Plus they put my Fullmetal Alchemist poster on the wall in the graphics room for a while untill some kid stole it.

Good to hear you finished it all. Fininshed my Product Design courswork just before easter :p
Advice; don't take it at A-Level!
Seems like everyone took Graphics at GCSE.
I took it when i was doing my GCSEs because i thought i was going to be doing lots of drawing and illustrative design. Turns out i had a teacher with a manner similar to Snape, and we spent all our time using scary pieces of machinery,like the jigsaw, which i had a pathological fear of after i almost sliced my finger off, lol.
Still, i'm kind of glad i managed to avoid all the other steriotypically girly subjects...though i must say, textiles would have come in handy right about now!
I didn't go graphics, I had a "choice" of 3 things to do for technology, two of with were taken so I ended up doing Resistant Materials or something along those lines.. it was boring.
Can't beat my teacher though, he taught the two girls in my class and had their phone numbers and he spent 90% of his time helping them.. Shockingly enough they got the highest grades for the class. Got to love my school.
Amray said:
Proceeding with writing my novel.

I should really do more on my fourth (don't read too much into that fact that its my fourth one, chances of mine getting published are the same as me winning the lottery...without even playing it) Just at the moment my will to do so is lacking.

anyway at the moment i'm just doing some digital colouring work while listening to music.