What you guys doing right now.

The Irish orals aren't so bad. I'm fluent in Irish, as was everyone in my class (I went to an all-Irish secondary school) but from what I know, the standard of Irish in mainstream schools is dire. It's rare that anyone will fail them. I never got offered Italian in school though :/ Any reason you picked it over French?
Well, if you're fluent in Irish then there's not much to worry about. It's important to stay calm though. I kind of freaked out at the start of my oral and it caused me to lose my concentration and I started rambling and using poor vocabulary and stuff. Once I'd calmed down, it was just like having a (rather unsual) conversation with a stranger. The examiners are mostly very nice, too, so you should be grand! Go néirí go geal leat :p

Your German teacher sounds awful. I'm always shocked when teachers are so immature and petty - they're adults, you do expect more from them. Is Italian a difficult language to learn? I can't imagine you'd get much use from it either, considering it's only spoken in Italy (which is less economically important than La Francophonie, Germany/Austria and the collective of Spanish-speaking countries).
listening to music and drawing, while being miffed about the bank putting my card on hold and not telling me.....had to find out when i tried using it in a store and it declined....grrr stupid bank
Spyro201 said:
Can I ask what course your doing? Simply because i'm taking Law next year so; i'm just curious :)

Public Services. That is law and aspects of the legal system, citizenship, command and control, leadership, adventurous activities, government policies, fitness and the human body, and international terrorism.

This all adds up to one massive work-load! This is about four different courses put into one big one and it is very time consuming..due to assignments.

While I am on the subject of assignments: I am currently continuing with a Command and Control assignment. That is what I am doing now and it has to be handed in by tomorrow. Another late night tonight....BUT THEN THE EASTER HOLIDAYS!!!! ;D
Amray said:
Spyro201 said:
Can I ask what course your doing? Simply because i'm taking Law next year so; i'm just curious :)

Public Services...
LOL-CATS! I went for that in college myself... And now I'm in a university studio making ceramic art. :roll:

I'm just waiting on Ryo to go to Deepdale Reatil park for some reason... (He never goes anywhere without dragging me. :? )
Chaz said:
Amray said:
Spyro201 said:
Can I ask what course your doing? Simply because i'm taking Law next year so; i'm just curious :)

Public Services...
LOL-CATS! I went for that in college myself... And now I'm in a university studio making ceramic art. :roll:

For some reason or other I cannot see myself being a public servant either, despite my always wanting to be a detective.

However I can see myself doing art or photography. If that is the case then it would seem that all these hours spent doing mass pages of assignment work was just to pass the time.

On the bright side though, atleast I learnt and experienced many things that I never dreamt of.
Well i've been having a deep discussion to Amray on the interest of cute males and what to do with them. even though we once thought they where female particularly Bridget
Geez! Why is it the ones called Bridget...?

OT: Eating Guylian chocolate and getting updated on what's going on in the world...
Otaku-san said:
Well i've been having a deep discussion to Amray on the interest of cute males and what to do with them. even though we once thought they where female particularly Bridget

Haha, that was a good chat, and very in-depth too.
Amray said:
Otaku-san said:
Well i've been having a deep discussion to Amray on the interest of cute males and what to do with them. even though we once thought they where female particularly Bridget

Haha, that was a good chat, and very in-depth too.

Gives a whole new meaning
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Singing along to my iPod while my sister watches The Fast and The Furious.
And having a discussion with her about whether Zac Efron looks like Light from Death Note or not.
Trying to get Safari working again it suddenly just stopped. It is now being a pain tried reinstalling and whatnot but still it remains dead.