What you guys doing right now.

going to play some rock band 2 and wishing my mate send me rock band 1 US version, so I can actualy play the songs from RB one without switching disks.
At work with my feet up, just watched this weeks awesome Top Gear in Vietnam and now watching Big Fat Quiz of the Year while playing Zelda on my DS
Just watched top gear and now I am checking up on the forums before going to bed ready for work tomorrow, getting up at 6:30 a.m is going to be a struggle after nearly a week of going to bed after 1 a.m and getting up after 10 a.m.
Getting myself ready to head back to the flat tomorrow so packing away everything i have tonight so that i just have to go the morrow. Tis a bit worrying that its almost the 29th already =/
Dracos said:
Just watched top gear and now I am checking up on the forums before going to bed ready for work tomorrow, getting up at 6:30 a.m is going to be a struggle after nearly a week of going to bed after 1 a.m and getting up after 10 a.m.

Sitting on the forums trying to keep my self awake till a reasonable time or I will wake up in the middle of the night. I wish I had not said the above as I got zero sleep last night.
Having breakfast at the PC. Also planning on making an appointment to a spa for a nice massage (for personal pleasure and to do last minute Uni research).
I just finished reading The New Daughter, a fantastic and chilling short story (only about 16 pages in length) from John Connolly's 'Nocturnes', a short story collection. I've read that this short story is being adapted for film, though I imagine the story will be greatly expanded upon. It's going to have Kevin Costner and Ivana Baquero (who was the amazing actress that played the central character, Ofelia, in Pan's Labyrinth). I can't wait! :]
Just back from wandering around princes street looking at the sales, and about to get lunch. On a random sidenote, whilst in gamestation, i was actually surprised to hear the radio of theirs playing some of the Black Mages stuff, when i caught onto it, they where playing Zeromus, twas good though.
As you can guess from the time, I really shouldn't be awake right now. But I would not let myself to go to bed without having taken down Nihilanth, the final boss of Half Life. At last, I've done it! I completed Half Life! Yay! :]
chaos said:
wondering why the forum is blocking me... :S

Maybe it want's to check your papers to make sure you're not an illegal alien.

I am still ripping CDs I knew I had quite a few but this is ridiculous even though each one only takes a few minutes it just seems to be going on for ever.
Dracos said:
chaos said:
wondering why the forum is blocking me... :S

Maybe it want's to check your papers to make sure you're not an illegal alien.
I had my alien papers stamped by met police last summer, so I'm good at least until next summer.
They don't let people take pics inside of police stations, but I wanted to have a shot of the form they complete everytime I go there =P

OT: watching kamichu! and loving it!
Just finished off my assignment for Games Development and just wondering what to do next...

Ironically, I forgot to bring my PS2 Pad over, so I can't play Persona 3: FES. I 'could' write more reviews for Games and Anime since I got nothing else better to do.