What you guys doing right now.

CitizenGeek said:
I was without the internet in my apartment in Dublin for the week >:/ So now that I'm home, I'm catching up on all the news around the world. I'm horribly disappointed that Obama has chosen Rev. Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inauguration :/

shoulda chosen Rev Run DMC tbh :D
Woke up at 5am slightly hung over and couldnt get back to sleep, so I'm on here.

Oh the joy. And my girlfriends coming over in a few hours. I really need to have a wash.
Spyro201 said:
chaos said:
fish and chips for dinner.

Please say you've posted in the wrong topic, and you meant that to be in the 'What you bought today' thread.
Nope, right topic. Oven baked chips and oven baked battered fish. Also made me some mushy peas so I had something green in my plate as well.

OT: updating the DVD release schedule.
chaos said:
Spyro201 said:
chaos said:
fish and chips for dinner.

Please say you've posted in the wrong topic, and you meant that to be in the 'What you bought today' thread.
Nope, right topic. Oven baked chips and oven baked battered fish. Also made me some mushy peas so I had something green in my plate as well.

OT: updating the DVD release schedule.

You could have at least said 'Making fish and chips'.

researching prices of anime series I want.

I've compared amazon.com, amazon.co.uk, play.com, up1 and used find-dvd.com.

To my surprise, play.com had better prices than amazon.com and that even before considering import tax I would have to pay for a few items.

This is how weak he pound got =/
Currently watching Top Gear, but need to consider wrapping gifts up for christmas, which reminds me i still need to get one or two more gifts. Bah, can't christmas be finished now =/
Wah!!!!! I'm not having much luck with PCs... Hard drive on "MY" PC failed, so I'm using my bro's old one.

Happens every year near X-mas though... cursed?
OT: I'm gonna update my PC and go get some spare car keys. Locking my other keys in the boot of my car taught me a valuable lesson (but that's old news...)