What you guys doing right now.

Wondering how much of a moron Chaz can be, he's gone to pick up some food since we've had no tea today after his martial arts training, so i try to phone him to ask him to pick me up some chip, when what would you know......... his phone is off.

So Ryo starves tonight :( [/end rant]

oh and uploading an amv to youtube
Studying, slowly but surely. 10 hours till my exam...really can't be bothered. Would sleep but stress would keep me up...Oh the joys!....not.
Go, FTW Arby!!! All that's left for you to have - GUTSU!!! :D

Waiting for postman to deliver a PC for (my 'starving' brother, who was asked just before I left for said training if he wanted anything) Ryo.
Post would of been dramatically shorter if I hadn't seen his post... Ah well.
It's Academic Review Day today so I've just got back from that, did some Christmas shopping and now I'm thinking of ordering a pizza before I get on with some graphics work ^-^
@Spyro: Cheers, it was based on my Applied Maths module...which is basically Physics.

@Chaz: hah cheers, only 3 left to go, 2 more sleepless nights ahead of me! wooo.

On topic. Thinking about getting some breakfast/lunch/dinner before i get started with the evil that is studying, again. Why can't they just have a "download into head" button..would make things so much easier and i could relax.
Arbalest said:
Why can't they just have a "download into head" button..would make things so much easier and i could relax.
Well if it was my brain, I'd have an overload... I dont think the cleaners will want to wipe up the mess afterwards. ;)
I'm sure I'm not the only one though...

BTW, I'm just generally tierd, and just looking at the forums. May go on X-box 360 in a sec.
i'm basicly tired from the long day at college
where i now have to consider of getting part of an assignment down for tomorrow


the agony of it all
Ryo Chan said:
chilling out on my new pc :D

unfortunatly, u don't realise how many programs you install on a pc to enjoy it till you restart
Since the advent of Vista I'm more amazed at the number of things you have to remove or disable in order to enjoy it...
Ryo Chan said:
chilling out on my new pc :D

unfortunatly, u don't realise how many programs you install on a pc to enjoy it till you restart

First couple of days of having my new iMac was spent putting on software then running updates and then searching for freeware (by freeware I don't mean knock offs) to do stuff I could not be bothered to buy software for.
ayase said:
Ryo Chan said:
chilling out on my new pc :D

unfortunatly, u don't realise how many programs you install on a pc to enjoy it till you restart
Since the advent of Vista I'm more amazed at the number of things you have to remove or disable in order to enjoy it...

Actually, i've had vista for a year and a half, when i started getting stuff to watch it i didn't need to uninstall anything =p Vista isn't half as bad as people make out =p
I'll admit each new version of Windows is two steps forward, but still one step back. It's overcomplication, putting in tons of features that most people don't need or want (and in a majority of cases, even know they have). The amount of stuff I disabled (after having to use the 'net to find out what all the things running in the background actually were) was huge - as was the improvement in performance once it was all gone.