What you guys doing right now.

Failing to find a free tool that will lower the volume of a single mp3 (how hard can it be?) so I can use if for a ringtone without giving everyone within half a mile a heart attack.

Any ideas?
ayase said:
Failing to find a free tool that will lower the volume of a single mp3 (how hard can it be?) so I can use if for a ringtone without giving everyone within half a mile a heart attack.

Any ideas?
MP3Gain. Can easily be altered to lower volume too.

Also, could you elabourate a bit more on~
ayase said:
The amount of stuff I disabled (after having to use the 'net to find out what all the things running in the background actually were) was huge - as was the improvement in performance once it was all gone.
I'm interested in finding out what sort of crap Vista's running that I can disable.
Cheers Maltos :thumb: I now have the greatest ringtone ever:

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/nKhS4xveeLU&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/nKhS4xveeLU&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

Will try to find a link to a site that tells you what all the processes are and what they do... (and how you rid yourself of them) bear in mind I'm pretty reckless in disabling stuff like system restore though. :lol:

Edit: here's a basic, fairly simple guide and a much more in-depth one
Fire Wars as a ringtone? Holy crap that's amazing, I may have to do it myself!

Anyway, stuck at home, recovering from the weekend and trying to finish some English coursework that's in for tomorrow. And I have a brand new copy of Persona 4 and a barely-played Saints Row 2 right next to me, begging to be played :'(.
Just got back from Uni about half an hour ago, all my exams are over! So i can finally relax properly. 3 weeks of holidays, now i just have to make it through Christmas, hah. Anywho at the moment just relaxing and watching some TV.
Arbalest said:
Just got back from Uni about half an hour ago, all my exams are over! So i can finally relax properly. 3 weeks of holidays, now i just have to make it through Christmas, hah. Anywho at the moment just relaxing and watching some TV.

Congrats man. I say you should have a nice early night sleep tonight, and lay in longer than you should tommoro ;)

You deserve it man, srsly.
Arbalest said:
Just got back from Uni about half an hour ago, all my exams are over! So i can finally relax properly. 3 weeks of holidays, now i just have to make it through Christmas, hah. Anywho at the moment just relaxing and watching some TV.

Congrats, the three week christmas break was one of the perks of uni mind. Made up for the lack of October Half-Term :lol:
I was without the internet in my apartment in Dublin for the week >:/ So now that I'm home, I'm catching up on all the news around the world. I'm horribly disappointed that Obama has chosen Rev. Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at his inauguration :/