What you guys doing right now.

At the moment, I'm sat at my desk at work with nothing to do and a half-hour till quitting time.
As soon as I get home I've got two new books of Oh My Goddess waiting for me!
Just got in, chatting on msn anf trying to find an FMA wallpaper i like, waiting for FMA to load before toddling off to finish my history essay T_T
Fullmetalsgal said:
Does anyone know where to get good FMA picz?

For the last time, please please please stick to the topic, tell us what your up to or stop posting. I'm in school, with Fei and Jess bored out of my brains
I was hungry so I decided to make some toasted rolls for myself but I forgot about them. About 20 minutes ago I smelt buring. I went through to the kitchen and the rolls were black and smoke was everywhere!

I spent 10 minutes opening doors and windows when my sister came home and told me you could smell the burning from the top of the road!

I then gathered the burnt rolls (which were black all over) and went outside to put them in the bin but instead I was chased outside for 10 minutes by my little sister and her friend in the snow, in my pjs and dressing gown because they wanted to get me into trouble by showing my mum the burnt rolls when she got home :(

I am now trying to warm up!
Right now I am wishing a certain person would get out of the bath/stop watching anime/finish eating dinner etc so she could come and talk to me because I have to go to church in a couple of hours and won't get another opportunity to come online... :(

Oh and I'm also editing some music. Classical music for a dance lesson. A good bit of Hans Zimmer <--the bloke is a genius :wink:
i'm just home from school..eating my usual toast as i do...and planning to do some revision for geography..which really isn't my favourite thing but it must be done
I'm currently having an essay crisis on what to write about: I've been doing the reading on one film, but decided today that I want to do another (argh! It's due in on Thursday)... It's a long shot, but does anyone know any good readings on Rebel Without a Cause??? lol

Also my eyes hurt from doing too many internet quiz thingys in a row...
i'm just stretching my legs and arms at the moment..something i haven't really done much of over the past few weeks...and listening to music..also wondering why is it that when i finally decide to go on the computer early for once noone is online? :lol: