What you guys doing right now.

Strawberry said:
I got about 3mins until my university lecture, so I am quickly surfing through this forum and making quick posts until the time exactly hits 2pm

Lol, living on the edge eh? Nice work! I'm doing what I do everyday... trying to take over the world. Narf
i'm kind of just relaxing now, my results for my prelims where bad...so i'm gonna ignore them for now and do whatever it is i do on a day like this
Just got in from my first day back to school...yes it is still a hell hole. had to do a bleep test! Just listening to calm music and talking to soem people on msn
i've got a computing task to do for a week tuesday and so i have to find stuff to use for it, i can only do any work in school but research can be done here i think. Oh and talking to 2 people on MSN right now