What you guys doing right now.

Tohru-san said:
a D.N.Angel music video

Ooh be sure to post it when it's done! :wink:

At the moment I'm in a pleasant daze after being accepted for my first choice uni, but am also ready to collapse onto the "z" key any minute...
Melainy said:
[At the moment I'm in a pleasant daze after being accepted for my first choice uni

Congrats! ^_^ I'm currently putting off packing for Sunday, when I'm off to the Berlin film festival for a week! Wooo! So after tomorrow, I won't be around for a lil'. (ah, I'll pack tomorrow: the IT crowd's on in 10 mins, then there's BOUND to be something else to distract me after that! ;-) )
Currently chatting to my valentine :wink: , loathing Mai Otome and planning on re-reading FAKE because I love it so.....

So, yes, I'm as bored as the rest of you :D
Hey all! I'm back from Berlin!!! (if you even noticed I was gone...) I'm still buzzing from a great film festival (there's more to new films than remakes and rip offs!!! Woo hoo! Faith in films restored!) but at the same time cursing EasyJet for delaying my flight my 2 hours then taking us to the wrong damn airport... (We were supposed to get back at a reasonable 1.15, but it was 5.30 in the end! :evil: )

So that's what I've been doing :)

Oh yeah... I MET MICHEL GONDRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Listening to track 8 - Heal from Ico - Melody in the Mist on repeat while drinking a bottle of whisky and waiting for ep 8 of Animal Yokocho to finish DLing :D, good to see it's not been dropped by the group who sub it.