What you guys doing right now.

Arbalest said:
just got back from my first prelim! aaa i didn't like it...evil things they are...specially geography!!..at least i have study leave until my next prelim which is on the 7th..the day before my birthday :?

My prelims are in 3 weeks! Was it scary? Any tips about how to revise?
this is my third ever load of prelims..so i was fine with them....4th year was annoying...5th year more so..6th year..its ok..guess i'm used to t now...erm..revision tips..well it really depends what you are studying..physics...or maths...just work on questions from books or past papers...geography..just read over your notes..memorise a lot of things...erm..and for computing..basically..making your own hand written notes helps. though thats my opinion...you may find it easier using different methods.

On a side note..at the moment..i am just going to switch computers so i can go onto world of warcraft again.
Just now I'm waiting for my cookies to come out the oven and getting ready for the zodiac banquet which is starting in an hour.

I'm Yuki ^_^ and fullmetalsgal is Shigure who will be performing a dance hehe
Tohru-san said:
Just now I'm waiting for my cookies to come out the oven and getting ready for the zodiac banquet which is starting in an hour.

I'm Yuki ^_^ and fullmetalsgal is Shigure who will be performing a dance hehe

OH OH! I WENT TO THAT! I DID DA DANCE! It had the macerana in it!!!
half way through studying for computing tomorrow...taking a break at the moment. just looking through the forums at the moment, and watching whatever is on TV.
ooo...i am now thankful that i got the computing prelim out of the way today now i only have physics to do on wednesday next week...that should be fine...now i am just resting
Im making preperations to lay more concreate for my front drive at the moment, so im digging and shoveling dirt into a Skip, :x I can tell ya that my back is killing me as well 8)