What you guys doing right now.

Idk 'sposed to be revising but done it allo evening and real cant be arsed to do anymore, exams tomorrow morning >.> Might go and watch something in a bit.
XxFrozen-NekoxX said:
Idk 'sposed to be revising but done it allo evening and real cant be arsed to do anymore, exams tomorrow morning >.> Might go and watch something in a bit.

oh no no no! You must study alot! If you dont, then you wicsh you had! What exam?
Fullmetalsgal said:
XxFrozen-NekoxX said:
Idk 'sposed to be revising but done it allo evening and real cant be arsed to do anymore, exams tomorrow morning >.> Might go and watch something in a bit.

oh no no no! You must study alot! If you dont, then you wicsh you had! What exam?

Two hour Chemistry and Physics paper, i've done enough for too night i cant be botherd to anymore =\
neptune2venus said:
Melainy said:
Necromancer said:
I'm currently getting annoyed at MSN kicking me off and not letting me back on

That's happening to me too! Curse you MSN! :evil:

Me Three! MSN is just a window extra for me to stare at. Currently, I'm working on my master plan of a story which involves lots of angst FTW!

I am too in the process of throttling msn. Maybe if we all squeeze hard enough...
MSN broke up for me about an hour ago. the last hour has involved a lot of yelling, thumoping, and keyboards gewtting thrown out of the window.

however now MSN is working fine again and I can continue to stare at the pages of Ebay while I contemplate the validity of my existance.
i'm just relaxing for another couple of minutes, looking through the forums and then i am going to work through some of the past papers i got on sunday :?
Again waiting for FMA to load, whilst wrighting up more coursework T_T four bits at once just isent fair :'(
But hopefully might get my hands on Howls moving castle soon!
Fullmetalsgal said:
XxFrozen-NekoxX said:
Scanning the forums while waiting for FMA to load, then have to go work on some course work T_T


Seriously, stick.to.topic!!!!! >_<

I'm currently waiting for my parents to get home so I can ask them something, and also eating chocolate cake with chocolate custard to see if it will make my cold go away ^^
Mini-Mariah said:
Seriously, stick.to.topic!!!!! >_<

I'm currently waiting for my parents to get home so I can ask them something, and also eating chocolate cake with chocolate custard to see if it will make my cold go away ^^

I've never tried that as a cure for the cold, not a fan of custard though :lol: .
Currently tackling with a giant stone in my eye (maybe a slight exageration, it's probably just a medium size stone, lol), why do bad things always happen to this eye, not that i want things to happen to the other eye though either