What you guys doing right now.

I'm at school having a very interesting conversation with a year 8 who is convinced that I am confused about my sexuality...how strange. I wanna go home and talk to my love! Lol! Ive realised that this topic is swinging round to boyfriends.
i'll swing it back...at the moment i am just relaxing now i am at home, and i am just about to put on some music and get some toast before working on my maths work
Fullmetalsgal said:
I'm am too young for a boyfriend. But My dream one would have longe blonde hair, gold eyes, kinda on the short side, and have a cool red jacket. And limbs like steel!!!!

Erm, Ed fangirl much??? o.o

I am currently listening to music, thinking about a certain someone and typing, thats about it really :p
I am also part of that conversation...quite interesting really. I am supposed to be preparing for an art exam on thursday but i was lead astray! :shock: naughty me!
*Looks at most of the posts above her - ignores the love ones*

Much better. :wink: This topic needs to be pulled out of that mushy gutter!

Anyway, I'm just browsing the intrawebz and listening to some trance euphoricness! Probably need to burn a CD as I have 12mb remaining on my hard drive. Oh noes!
Walmart Gift Cards
I'm juggling three MSN conversations and about to Google search images of pandas (because I forget which bits are black and which are white)... Reason being so that I can doodle them better in class, hehe. Ahem.
neptune2venus said:
*Looks at most of the posts above her - ignores the love ones*

Much better. :wink: This topic needs to be pulled out of that mushy gutter!

Lol! Sorry for all the mush I'll stop now. Currently where I seem to be mst days. On MSN, planing to get homework done but not actually do any And trying to think about doing revision
stuck at home because of a damn bug thats going about here :? , so i'm talking to a friend on MSN and i am going to work on some school work as well later. ooo its snowing here again also.
I'm enjoying having electricity again! Woo hoo! We went without for about 6 hours this morning and ended up sitting in the kitchen, extension lead through the window to 'borrow' our neighbours power for a couple of heaters, playing cards and pictonary... Do we know how to party or what?!

Since the power's been back, I haven't seen any of my housemates for longer than five minutes at a time! Lol
i'm here at home enjoying the peace and quiet that seems to be here at the moment....and decided to leave the studying for the night...i need a break
i'm tired at the moment..i had to carry a tree down to the dump this morning, studied a bit this afternoon and now attempting to relax now :?
What am I doing right now...? You know, now that you mention it I'm not too sure...

Watching the Commonwealth games (did you know that apparently the Isle of Man is a separtley competing nation?!?! And they've won 3 bronze medals: that's like, one per household over there! Crazy, crazy times)
i was aware of that :p , and scotland are doing well in the commonwealth at the moment as well. erm..at the moment i am just taking a break from metroid Prime..22% to go until i have 100%, so i think i will try to get everything later on.