What Games Are You Playing?

Deadly Premonition, a technically clunky but brilliantly written Lynchian murder-mystery/adventure/survival horror game. Not since Heavy Rain have I been so gripped by a videogame narrative, and if doesn't fall apart at the end like HR did, it could end up being even better.

It's also batshit insane... look up some videos on Youtube or gaming sites for evidence.
Ah, I totally mean to buy that at some stage. I remember making a couple of posts about it on another forum while it was still called Rainy Woods and it getting about no interest (this was years ago, mind), and then they messed about with so much and it took so long to come out it dropped way down my list.
It's definitely worth checking out. My copy was £17 from Gameplay and I think it's a quid cheaper at Zavvi.

For various reasons I hated it at first, but as the hours pass it sinks its claws ever deeper.
fabricatedlunatic said:
Deadly Premonition, a technically clunky but brilliantly written Lynchian murder-mystery/adventure/survival horror game. Not since Heavy Rain have I been so gripped by a videogame narrative, and if doesn't fall apart at the end like HR did, it could end up being even better.

It's also batshit insane... look up some videos on Youtube or gaming sites for evidence.

Something I was interested in too as I love horror/survival horror games.

I've been playing:

- Last Window (great sequel to Hotel Dusk)
- Red Dead Redemption: Undead Nightmare - there are a lot of zombie things flooding us now but this was a blast to play and they fit in some great things to tie it to the story!
- Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2
FInished Vanquish, fun ride but the second to last boss was both uninventive and frustrating. Now I'm on to playing Worms Open Warfare 2 on DS. Pathologic is too heavy for post-work weekdays =P
fabricatedlunatic said:
Churchy99 said:
- Last Window (great sequel to Hotel Dusk
And that's one I'm interested in playing. Hotel Dusk was great. But I'm holding out for a sub-£20 price; paying any more than that for a DS game doesn't sit too well with me.

If you liked Hotel Dusk, you'll love Last Window. Kyle Hyde rules!
fabricatedlunatic said:
Churchy99 said:
- Last Window (great sequel to Hotel Dusk
And that's one I'm interested in playing. Hotel Dusk was great. But I'm holding out for a sub-£20 price; paying any more than that for a DS game doesn't sit too well with me.

Same here.

I'm also playing Dragon Quest IX

I'm a HUGE fan of the original, so when the mention of this re-imagining came out I chuckled wholeheartedly.

The funny thing is... it's actually pretty damn good.

Taking its cue from the Modern Warfare school of design, we get a spruced up version of the original with a side order of updated plot/technology.

The one thing I hate about FPSs are those that feature constantly re-spawning enemies. This uses a similar feel to Modern Warfare... but does NOT feature endlessly spawning enemies.

It will never do for the industry what the original did, but this is very much a hugely successful updating.

And shooting the guy on the toilet is just as satisfying as it was 13 years ago.

Super Meat Boy

Don't know why the trailer says 'Some of the hardest levels' since some of them are from World 1 :?

Bought the thing when it first came out and have now only started it.

Amazing stuff indeed. Bite sized levels with perfect controls and that 'one more go' factor. Buckets of humour and a crazy splicing of 8/16 bit soundtracks and nifty guitar solos (boss level). It features plenty of tributes both of mainstream and lesser known games and is so knowing that it even manages to parody itself.

And how many games feature the main badguy flipping the bird to the player?

After a poor show for downloadable 2D platformers this year this more than makes up for it. Deserves to become an all time classic.

Also strange to see a Nintendo character playable in a 360 game.
Max Takeshi said:

I'm a HUGE fan of the original, so when the mention of this re-imagining came out I chuckled wholeheartedly.

The funny thing is... it's actually pretty damn good.

Taking its cue from the Modern Warfare school of design, we get a spruced up version of the original with a side order of updated plot/technology.

The one thing I hate about FPSs are those that feature constantly re-spawning enemies. This uses a similar feel to Modern Warfare... but does NOT feature endlessly spawning enemies.

It will never do for the industry what the original did, but this is very much a hugely successful updating.

And shooting the guy on the toilet is just as satisfying as it was 13 years ago.

Super Meat Boy

Don't know why the trailer says 'Some of the hardest levels' since some of them are from World 1 :?

Bought the thing when it first came out and have now only started it.

Amazing stuff indeed. Bite sized levels with perfect controls and that 'one more go' factor. Buckets of humour and a crazy splicing of 8/16 bit soundtracks and nifty guitar solos (boss level). It features plenty of tributes both of mainstream and lesser known games and is so knowing that it even manages to parody itself.

And how many games feature the main badguy flipping the bird to the player?

After a poor show for downloadable 2D platformers this year this more than makes up for it. Deserves to become an all time classic.

Also strange to see a Nintendo character playable in a 360 game.

Saints Row 2 probably does, at least I was able to assign "FAK AWF!" (with accompanying birds) as my main taunt. Which amused me no end =P
Been playing mostly games i have on Steam now i've taken full advantage of it:

Fallout New Vegas - More enjoyable than i actually expected, specially considering this is my first venture into the post-apocalyptic world. I was thrown between this and 3, so i went for this. I'm highly tempted to pick up 3 GotY edition after i've finished with it mind you.

Plants vs Zombies - What can i say. It's been on my list of games to get since it was released, and now i finally have it. Dear god is it good fun. Still got a lot to do as well.

Nation Red - So yeah, i got this based on a video preview. It's your basic you against hordes of zombies, but damn is it nice. Awesome soundtrack and the perks system adds that extra bit to the game. I can see this being my go-to game now when i have to de-stress.
Quantum of Solace

It's not half bad. I like the addition of cover and takedown mechanics. mizes things up a bit. Sadly it can make it difficult to play as an FPS =P since everyone runs into cover and you kind of think "Why not cut out the middle man?" which of course they do with Blood Stone, which I would also like to get my hands on for a rent soon.

I just watched Craig's Bond movies recently, can you tell? :p

Also a bit odd that it should be called Quantum of Solace when 10 of the 15 levels are from Casino Royale. I get that games that missed the previous film usually add them in to fill up the game like At World's End amongst others I can't think of right now, but when it's the majority of the game you wonder why it's even called Quantum of Solace and not some original title. Ah well.
Arbalest said:
Been playing mostly games i have on Steam now i've taken full advantage of it:

Fallout New Vegas - More enjoyable than i actually expected, specially considering this is my first venture into the post-apocalyptic world. I was thrown between this and 3, so i went for this. I'm highly tempted to pick up 3 GotY edition after i've finished with it mind you.

It'a great, i've beaten it and 3 is actually better imo so you should definitely pick it up.

Currently re-playing Majora's Mask for lulz
Kirrimir said:
Arbalest said:
Been playing mostly games i have on Steam now i've taken full advantage of it:

Fallout New Vegas - More enjoyable than i actually expected, specially considering this is my first venture into the post-apocalyptic world. I was thrown between this and 3, so i went for this. I'm highly tempted to pick up 3 GotY edition after i've finished with it mind you.

It'a great, i've beaten it and 3 is actually better imo so you should definitely pick it up.

Currently re-playing Majora's Mask for lulz

It's weird how MM is one of the daker Zeldas and yet is prime "dicking around" real estate. Just the sheer amount of wacky masks gives infinite possibilities. (I always thought the Bremen mask was lulz)
Arbalest said:
Fallout New Vegas - More enjoyable than i actually expected, specially considering this is my first venture into the post-apocalyptic world. I was thrown between this and 3, so i went for this. I'm highly tempted to pick up 3 GotY edition after i've finished with it mind you.
I'm as in love with New Vegas as I was with F3. I'm liking the disguises. And the NCR's death squad really is rubbish (for all their threatening behaviour) though it didn't help them that I was near six friendly Great Khans when they attacked me. Although I am occasionally disappointed with the lack of complexity of some of the tasks. A prime example being the 'One For My Baby' quest:

You can have Boone snipe the real culprit (kinda good) or lure an innocent into the killzone for the lulz (bad). However, you can't do the proper bad-guy thing and blackmail the culprit into giving you all the money they got from the sale of Boone's wife, on the condition that you then have an innocent's brain decorate the desert in their place. I've probably not played it enough yet, but there doesn't seem to be as much scope to play as clever evil as there was in F3.
naruto storm 2. loving its fights, not so loving the camera....getin used to it.....and online i keep getting everyone down to an inch of health before they kill me.

i use neji....they are all using naruto as the hokage and toad sage/4 tales naruto. gits
So I finished Pathologic

So it finally happened. Pathologic has beaten me. On the penultimate day too.

I'd struggled for so long to try and save the inhabitants of the town and now I found that I was too exhuasted and disgusted with the townsfolk to care.

It was just something simple that triggered this change, I got my items, ALL of them, taken by a rogue army soldier during one of the day quests and I had several rare vaccines for the disease that had ravaged the town which I knew I would need on the final day.

I tried in vain to find the soldier again but he wasn't anywhere. This simple act of taking away my possessions broke me. I realised that I didn't care anymore, I just wanted my ordeal to end. I found myself becoming bitter towards the townsfolk, realising them all, even my handful of friends, were liars, madmen, murderers or tyrants all. Corrupt and savage. The one solace in this cruel town was the Polyhedron. A mind bending structure that is simple impossible and rumoured to live in dream space, and inhabited by children.

When it came to the final decision about the town, I had the option of destroying the Polyhedron and saving the town (having read an in depth review I knew this was the 'correct' choice, which coincided with my mandate to save the town and the polyhedron being considered the source of the infection) or destroy the town, sparing the Polyhedron. Such was my newfound disgust at the townsfolk that I decided the sanest choice would be to raze the town. The one true peaceful world free of strife and disease was in the dream world of the Polyhedron. If that mean foregoing my mission and destroying the whole village, so be it. The truth is, I feel I would've made this decision had I not been driven by despair, the town was decaying before the disease even arrived. If peace and prosperity could only exist in this dreamspace, then perhaps reality was not so great after all.

To paraphrase Sarah Connor; In an insane world, it was the sanest choice

Tl;dr. Game broke me, was awesome.
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fabricatedlunatic said:
Deadly Premonition, a technically clunky but brilliantly written Lynchian murder-mystery/adventure/survival horror game.

Picked it up and have played a little bit, its everything I wished Alan Wake was except in the graphics department. Driving is a little tedious but makes up for it with some completely funny monologues/conversations. If there are other games as surreal as this I'd like to know some recommendations, aside from the obvious narrative, Max Payne.

Somehow despite my age I've never seen Twin Peaks, I'm on something of a Kyle MacLachlan obsession at the moment so it's definitely now on my to watch list, namely because of this game.