What Games Are You Playing?

Godot said:
Fallout New Vegas

Loving it so far - I totally don't "get" Caravan though. I'm so **** at that lol.

Looked at it for a couple of seconds, had a KotOR flash back and just thought "I'm going to avoid another silly forced in-game card game"
Aogu said:
Godot said:
Fallout New Vegas

Loving it so far - I totally don't "get" Caravan though. I'm so **** at that lol.

Looked at it for a couple of seconds, had a KotOR flash back and just thought "I'm going to avoid another silly forced in-game card game"

lol, yeah. I'm sure there'll be some guide to winning online at some point anyway. I'm not far in, but I know there's Blackjack in there too. That should be good.
Godot said:
lol, yeah. I'm sure there'll be some guide to winning online at some point anyway. I'm not far in, but I know there's Blackjack in there too. That should be good.

Ehh I won't bother with it, but if there is poker Ill play a spot of that.
memorium said:
Scott Pilgrim the game

possibly one of the best games i've played this year

Yeah the game seems to very accesible compared to the movie which has a very nichéstatus, I've goten up to the twins robot guardian. But I only play sporadically, every couple of days.
Aogu said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Pathologic still had a huge "woah" moment though which is detailed in an LJ blog post http://sparrowsabre7.livejournal.com/83170.html


S*** happened, blew my mind

Wow I've really got to play that game now...

It's definitely worth checking out as long as you're prepared to deal with all the eccentricities of it, like the iffy translation in parts (it's never unreadable just wonky grammar in places) and the fact that the whole game is pretty much DESIGNED to be draining and a bit of a slog. Also the combat is finicky as hell so it's generally best to avoid it, but again that kind of adds to the realism. In real life you wouldn't go an start a fight with a robber in the hopes they might have some cash on them.

Read a few reviews to make sure and as long as you're prepared for it to be tough it should work out ok. Also. Ule no. 1 for ice pick lodge games, keep your saves. I'm generally someone who likes to have one and only one save file, but it's definitely worth keeping a few in case you mess up by accident or you didn't buy enough food on the first day and now it's 10x the price.
I got mine second hand on Amazon. But yeah it's not widely available =P Their second game the Void is easier to find and is equally unique in its own way but I've not played enough of it yet to give a full judgment. Cheapest used is £10 I guess I was lucky and nabbed the even cheaper £5 one =P

I don't think you're gonna find it new, it's an obscure game and 5 years old now so I think ebay or amazon.co.uk is your best bet
Akiha said:
Jayme said:
Plants vs. Zombies. Took me long enough, but bloody brilliant it is.

I keep on looking at that game thinking I should get it.
Just completed it here, I think. Grinding all that gold is not fun, but it's definately necesary. Goddam that minigame with the pogosticks, and survival: fog (hard).