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Genkina Hito said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Sigh. Ah well, on to my second least favourite game now (CVX)

Man... It's better than 3 and 5 and I thought Alexia was very cute before the whole mutation thing.

Tell me, can you take out the Tyrant with just a few grenade acid rounds because I ended up emptying every clip for every weapon into that sod and was left with a knife and a wrecked Claire Redfield.

Anyway, I'm playing Dead or Alive 4. After awesome Silent Hill 2 I need a bit of a virtual sugar-rush.

I liked 5. I know it's an unpopular opinion but it's my second favourite after 4 just because the gameplay is so much fun and I really like the first two Wesker fights. It's not perfect by any means and it does have a lot of pain in the ass moments and lacks any really tense/ creepy moments which 4 retained (and frankly I think it retained them more so than CVX which I don't find creepy at all, I think it's the lighting, it's all too bright) but I have more fun playing it than classic resi. Plus I think CVX's story is kind of daft. I know people think 4's is bad for being unconnected, but it was thematically similar at least I felt, the whole schizo crossdresser thing was just so wtf. I'm over it now but it's still bananas.

I think if the save system wasn't so annoying I'd enjoy classic REs more, but then even with the infinite ink ribbon I didn't enjoy RE3 so who knows. I'm not saying they're not fun to play, I just enjoy the new style games a great, great deal more.

I'll let you know about the tyrant but last time I played I'm pretty sure he royally raped me too.
I dislike CV(X), mainly for the fact that it got such rave reviews and it felt just like all the others. It was one of the first games I got for my Dreamcast and to this day I remember being utterly crushed by how generic and dull it all felt.


Played through The Darkside Chronicles last year and the CV sections were excellent. Took out all the guff and changed the whole story into a twisted game created by Alfred. The whole mutated Steve thing was soooooooooooooooooooo much improved... and bloody hard!
You know actually replaying it now I'm actually kinda enjoying it. I still think the story is pretty weak but for some reason I'm enjoying it more than some of the others. It's actually a lot more actiony than some of the other classic ones in some respects. Which means 3 is the only game I actually dislike now. I really liked nemesis as a character and concept but the rest of the game was rubbish and the knock down when Nemmy hit you was just unfair. You'd spend years getting up and probably get picked up before you could and the dodging, while neat idea, was often usually just more irritating in many cases.
I sort of agree with the game growing on you, though.

I did hate it on the Dreamcast, but I then got CVX on the Gamecube ('cause I'm mad buying the same game twice like that) and actually enjoyed it a lot more. I remember thinking that there was some decent level design in the fact that it kept backtracking down to a minimum giving you plenty of shortcuts... (going through that watery passage on Rockfort... was that one?), it's been awhile.
Kingdom Hearts 2- I saw this in CEX the other day, I had to buy it :D
Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep- yeah still, I've been busy with UCAS to play it :(
Digital: A love story

Its a semi-interactive novel/game, but its really awesome and really well written. Free to play as well.
Genkina Hito said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Sigh. Ah well, on to my second least favourite game now (CVX)

Man... It's better than 3 and 5 and I thought Alexia was very cute before the whole mutation thing.

Tell me, can you take out the Tyrant with just a few grenade acid rounds because I ended up emptying every clip for every weapon into that sod and was left with a knife and a wrecked Claire Redfield.

Anyway, I'm playing Dead or Alive 4. After awesome Silent Hill 2 I need a bit of a virtual sugar-rush.

I'd forgotten how much I hated bandersnatches and that tyrant. He is a massive **** it's just the worst fight in resi, he's harder than the final boss.

I used exactly 18 flame arrows, 7 grenade rounds and 6 flame rounds. Basically all I had for those ammo types and used both the FAS I had. Ammo is ok in this game, but health is in poor poor supply. I finished the fight on danger, I'm still not sure what the criteria is, that he be near the back of the plane, that you damage him a certain amount, there's no helpful hint at all like the bastard crouching or falling for a moment or whatever. Ugh. Plane fights suck, the agent fight in Enter the Matrix was rubbish too.
Beaten it, so finally I'm on to RE4. Been a while since I've played it, I'm really looking forward to revisiting it. After I've watched the Operation Javier and Umbrella's End cutscenes anyways =P
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Genkina Hito said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Tell me, can you take out the Tyrant with just a few grenade acid rounds because I ended up emptying every clip for every weapon into that sod and was left with a knife and a wrecked Claire Redfield.

I'd forgotten how much I hated bandersnatches and that tyrant. He is a massive **** it's just the worst fight in resi, he's harder than the final boss.

I used exactly 18 flame arrows, 7 grenade rounds and 6 flame rounds. Basically all I had for those ammo types and used both the FAS I had. Ammo is ok in this game, but health is in poor poor supply. I finished the fight on danger, I'm still not sure what the criteria is, that he be near the back of the plane, that you damage him a certain amount, there's no helpful hint at all like the bastard crouching or falling for a moment or whatever. Ugh. Plane fights suck, the agent fight in Enter the Matrix was rubbish too.

Oh yeah, that sounds familiar. After that fight I was limping around the arctic facility terrified of getting killed before getting to a save room and having to do the entire fight again. "Oh God, a MOTH!" :eek:

Anyway, I'm playing Outrun 2
Now I've pulled my PS3 out of a very long hibernation, I think I'll be playing some more Heavy Rain, only completed it about 3 times so far :roll:
Rakuen said:
Now I've pulled my PS3 out of a very long hibernation, I think I'll be playing some more Heavy Rain, only completed it about 3 times so far :roll:

Have you managed to get different endings every time? ;p

I'm dying to bust it out again, I just worry i'll end up doing the same things ;p
Just bought Broken Sword Director's cut, I hope to have it, and 2 finished in time for the english release of the fan-made Broken Sword 2.5.

Does anyone know if Broken Sword 3 will run in XP, I only have a ps2 copy.
Omaru_SD said:
Just bought Broken Sword Director's cut, I hope to have it, and 2 finished in time for the english release of the fan-made Broken Sword 2.5.

Does anyone know if Broken Sword 3 will run in XP, I only have a ps2 copy.

Probably. I'm still running XP and had no problems with running games. The new Fallout is XP compatible too, so i can't imagine the full switch being anytime soon :)
Last chapter of RE4, ammo is scarcer than I remember (playing on normal) also bought Sleep is Death. Anyone heard of it? Player vs Controller game, it's concept is great but I'm struggling with the interface atm.
Deciding.... buy a new laptop....which i really need.

Or buy Naruto Shippuden storm 2

(yes i'm THAT strapped for cash, the difference really does lie in the balance of a ps3 game)

Currently "playing" mini ninja's on my old laptop.... it'd be more fun if my speed was any good, atm i'm playing the damn thing in screenshots (one leg moves, then the whole screen moves slightly and then the other leg magically appears and the first one is now on the floor).

Not one for pc gaming as it is, but i need the new laptop for other things anyway so its a bargain.... been meaning to buy it for a while now.