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ayase said:
It's really hard to be a proper bad guy without causing so much mayhem

Well it is called Red Dead Redemption, and John is trying to atone for his previous criminal life. I liked it but it seems for every good deed John Did, there is usually some form of tragedy around the corner for someone anyway.

I just finished Infamous which I kinda dug toward the end, but now I dunno what to play next, I'd have bought DR2 if I hadn't read it's harder than the first, I didn't exactly make progress on that, I kept dying on the first fight against Carlito, would I really want to put myself through that kind of mind break again?
ilmaestro said:
MGS4 definitely one of my favorite modern video games, if you enjoyed the bit you mentioned there, then you should love some of the later parts. :)

I totally agree with this.

So many great moments.
MGS4 is the one reason I would even consider buying a PS3, but it's just not worth it, since it's the only exclusive I'm interested in =/ I've watched all the cutscenes on YT though.

Beat the first day of RE3 so now RE2 time. I think I'll go Leon A Claire B.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
MGS4 is the one reason I would even consider buying a PS3, but it's just not worth it, since it's the only exclusive I'm interested in =/ I've watched all the cutscenes on YT though.

Me too for a while, but then I was also interested in Heavy Rain, once I heard Mass Effect 2 (which co-incidentally the only exclusive I cared about on the 360) was coming to PS3, I finally buckled.

I would also say I'm looking forward to playing Yakuza 3 (but I still have an unopened copy of 2 on the ps2)
Omaru_SD said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
MGS4 is the one reason I would even consider buying a PS3, but it's just not worth it, since it's the only exclusive I'm interested in =/ I've watched all the cutscenes on YT though.

Me too for a while, but then I was also interested in Heavy Rain, once I heard Mass Effect 2 (which co-incidentally the only exclusive I cared about on the 360) was coming to PS3, I finally buckled.

I would also say I'm looking forward to playing Yakuza 3 (but I still have an unopened copy of 2 on the ps2)

3 is still not enough for me and I KNOW I would buy any multiplat title on 360 simply because a) that's what most of my friends have, b) I prefer the controller vastly.

Started RE2 am missing the quick turn IMMENSELY. But I'm playing on super p**** mode with added inf. ammo cheat so it's not that much of a problem (btw I have beaten it properly on normal, I'm just playing for fun now though so I don't want anymore stress than the save system and currently glitchy gamecube is giving me)
Sparrowsabre7 said:
MGS4 is the one reason I would even consider buying a PS3, but it's just not worth it, since it's the only exclusive I'm interested in =/ I've watched all the cutscenes on YT though.
Well it's not like there's much gameplay in a Metal Gear Solid game to begin with...
Sparrowsabre7 said:
See in most cases that would be a cheap shot but when MGS4 is like 10 hours cutscenes and 5 hours gameplay it's a pretty valid comment.

I concur, The MGS series is like Final Fantasy if you removed nearly all of the random battles, get from point X to Point Y, watch a long cutscene, and occasionally spend another 5-10 minutes on a boss.
Omaru_SD said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
See in most cases that would be a cheap shot but when MGS4 is like 10 hours cutscenes and 5 hours gameplay it's a pretty valid comment.

I concur, The MGS series is like Final Fantasy if you removed nearly all of the random battles, get from point X to Point Y, watch a long cutscene, and occasionally spend another 5-10 minutes on a boss.

I dunno about that, like I said the rest of the series is mostly pretty good for cutscenes. Yes some are still longer than they have any right to be, the longest in mgs2 being about 45 minutes, but the rest of the game was a good length too, with MGS4 I just don't think that's the case =/
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Omaru_SD said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
See in most cases that would be a cheap shot but when MGS4 is like 10 hours cutscenes and 5 hours gameplay it's a pretty valid comment.

I concur, The MGS series is like Final Fantasy if you removed nearly all of the random battles, get from point X to Point Y, watch a long cutscene, and occasionally spend another 5-10 minutes on a boss.

I dunno about that, like I said the rest of the series is mostly pretty good for cutscenes. Yes some are still longer than they have any right to be, the longest in mgs2 being about 45 minutes, but the rest of the game was a good length too, with MGS4 I just don't think that's the case =/

Metal Gear Solid 4 is simply "more than a game". It's a very interactive movie. It's an experience. It is in my opinion easily one of the best in series, second to Metal Gear Solid on the PS1. Even then, it nearly tops it at several points.

When you start complaining about the cut scenes, you're complaining about the story of Metal Gear Solid. The cutscenes are there to tell the story, and demonstrate how beautiful the game can look. Simply put, if you're going for gameplay and only gameplay, Metal Gear Solid 4 (nor 2) is for you.

Sorry, i'm just sick of the MGS hate here, just over cut-scenes.
Godot said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Omaru_SD said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
See in most cases that would be a cheap shot but when MGS4 is like 10 hours cutscenes and 5 hours gameplay it's a pretty valid comment.

I concur, The MGS series is like Final Fantasy if you removed nearly all of the random battles, get from point X to Point Y, watch a long cutscene, and occasionally spend another 5-10 minutes on a boss.

I dunno about that, like I said the rest of the series is mostly pretty good for cutscenes. Yes some are still longer than they have any right to be, the longest in mgs2 being about 45 minutes, but the rest of the game was a good length too, with MGS4 I just don't think that's the case =/

Metal Gear Solid 4 is simply "more than a game". It's a very interactive movie. It's an experience. It is in my opinion easily one of the best in series, second to Metal Gear Solid on the PS1. Even then, it nearly tops it at several points.

When you start complaining about the cut scenes, you're complaining about the story of Metal Gear Solid. The cutscenes are there to tell the story, and demonstrate how beautiful the game can look. Simply put, if you're going for gameplay and only gameplay, Metal Gear Solid 4 (nor 2) is for you.

Sorry, i'm just sick of the MGS hate here, just over cut-scenes.

As their console hasn't the power to handle the game, the anti-PS3 crowd had to come up with some other way to jealousybash the game. ^^;
Godot said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Omaru_SD said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
See in most cases that would be a cheap shot but when MGS4 is like 10 hours cutscenes and 5 hours gameplay it's a pretty valid comment.

I concur, The MGS series is like Final Fantasy if you removed nearly all of the random battles, get from point X to Point Y, watch a long cutscene, and occasionally spend another 5-10 minutes on a boss.

I dunno about that, like I said the rest of the series is mostly pretty good for cutscenes. Yes some are still longer than they have any right to be, the longest in mgs2 being about 45 minutes, but the rest of the game was a good length too, with MGS4 I just don't think that's the case =/

Metal Gear Solid 4 is simply "more than a game". It's a very interactive movie. It's an experience. It is in my opinion easily one of the best in series, second to Metal Gear Solid on the PS1. Even then, it nearly tops it at several points.

When you start complaining about the cut scenes, you're complaining about the story of Metal Gear Solid. The cutscenes are there to tell the story, and demonstrate how beautiful the game can look. Simply put, if you're going for gameplay and only gameplay, Metal Gear Solid 4 (nor 2) is for you.

Sorry, i'm just sick of the MGS hate here, just over cut-scenes.

I don't hate MGS at all, it's probably my second favourite game series of Japanese origin (and the average quality per game is better than that of my favourite, Resi) and I do love the cutscenes I was just saying that it's a fair comment to say there's proportionally more than a little too much of it in 4, but it's understandable since it's the final Snake game (ha ha, very funny Kojima =P).

But I agree MGS4 has some of the most powerful cutscenes in a game, though I do think it could've benefitted from more time in the cutting room to make it a tighter narrative but at least they didn't over-rely on lazy codec sequences though. "Quick switch to codecs it's safer" "You mean cheaper to animate?" "SHUT UP RAIDEN!"
Mutsumi said:
As their console hasn't the power to handle the game, the anti-PS3 crowd had to come up with some other way to jealousybash the game. ^^;


I don't hate MGS at all, it's probably my second favourite game series of Japanese origin (and the average quality per game is better than that of my favourite, Resi) and I do love the cutscenes I was just saying that it's a fair comment to say there's proportionally more than a little too much of it in 4, but it's understandable since it's the final Snake game (ha ha, very funny Kojima =P).

But I agree MGS4 has some of the most powerful cutscenes in a game, though I do think it could've benefitted from more time in the cutting room to make it a tighter narrative but at least they didn't over-rely on lazy codec sequences though. "Quick switch to codecs it's safer" "You mean cheaper to animate?" "SHUT UP RAIDEN!"

I guess there's nothing I can really say against that bar, I don't feel they needed to cut anything to improve the narrative. I think it was done perfectly as it was. If I had to 'pick bits to cut', i'd be hard pushed. Sure, once you've played the game once, you wont watch all the cutscenes again, but, that's why you can skip 'em, hah.
Godot said:
Metal Gear Solid 4 is simply "more than a game". It's a very interactive movie.
No wonder you like FF:XIII. Corridors and cutscenes.
Fatal Frame/Project Zero 2; The crimson Butterfly

Scariest thing I've ever played, swear to god. I had the lights off at 11:30-ish and I've never been so reluctant to run down a corridor on a game. I jumped out of my fecking seat during that random part where you're walking past a broken banister, down some stairs, and half way down, some girl suddenly drops down right past you, screams and hits the bottom floor
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Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Fatal Frame/Project Zero 2; The crimson Butterfly

Scariest thing I've ever played, swear to god. I had the lights off at 11:30-ish and I've never been so reluctant to run down a corridor on a game. I jumped out of my fecking seat during that random part where you're walking past a broken banister, down some stairs, and half way down, some girl suddenly drops down right past you, screams and hits the bottom floor

Sounds delicious >=3 Have you ever played Condemned? I think that's my favourite horror game, though I've not played many really and most are borderline action. Admittedly Condemned is too but it's so goddamned freaky I think it's worthy of being called straight horror despite the "action" elements.

ANy other horror recommendations? I'm always hearing good things about silent hill 2
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