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Sparrowsabre7 said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Fatal Frame/Project Zero 2; The crimson Butterfly

Scariest thing I've ever played, swear to god. I had the lights off at 11:30-ish and I've never been so reluctant to run down a corridor on a game. I jumped out of my fecking seat during that random part where you're walking past a broken banister, down some stairs, and half way down, some girl suddenly drops down right past you, screams and hits the bottom floor

Sounds delicious >=3 Have you ever played Condemned? I think that's my favourite horror game, though I've not played many really and most are borderline action. Admittedly Condemned is too but it's so goddamned freaky I think it's worthy of being called straight horror despite the "action" elements.

ANy other horror recommendations? I'm always hearing good things about silent hill 2

The Fatal Frame series in general is pretty scary. You should play Fatal Frame 3, it also is pretty damned freaky.

Condemned comes across as more psychological horror, but yeah, it is nice too. I don't know much for the second one though.

Ah, if you PC game. Go get Amnesia: Dark Decent, that game is looks to be quite the good horror game. Literally jam-packed full of eerie atmosphere and such. Think of it this way, your only defense from the horrors than are in it, is run away.
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Sparrowsabre7 said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Fatal Frame/Project Zero 2; The crimson Butterfly

Scariest thing I've ever played, swear to god. I had the lights off at 11:30-ish and I've never been so reluctant to run down a corridor on a game. I jumped out of my fecking seat during that random part where you're walking past a broken banister, down some stairs, and half way down, some girl suddenly drops down right past you, screams and hits the bottom floor

Sounds delicious >=3 Have you ever played Condemned? I think that's my favourite horror game, though I've not played many really and most are borderline action. Admittedly Condemned is too but it's so goddamned freaky I think it's worthy of being called straight horror despite the "action" elements.

ANy other horror recommendations? I'm always hearing good things about silent hill 2

Spot on with both Project Zero and Condemned (both brilliant horror games). Yes Silent Hill 2 is damn awesome BUT don't look at anything story based on the internet or you will get one of the worst spoilers you could possibly receive!

As for me I'm playing Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night again.
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Churchy99 said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Fatal Frame/Project Zero 2; The crimson Butterfly

Scariest thing I've ever played, swear to god. I had the lights off at 11:30-ish and I've never been so reluctant to run down a corridor on a game. I jumped out of my fecking seat during that random part where you're walking past a broken banister, down some stairs, and half way down, some girl suddenly drops down right past you, screams and hits the bottom floor

Sounds delicious >=3 Have you ever played Condemned? I think that's my favourite horror game, though I've not played many really and most are borderline action. Admittedly Condemned is too but it's so goddamned freaky I think it's worthy of being called straight horror despite the "action" elements.

ANy other horror recommendations? I'm always hearing good things about silent hill 2

Spot on with both Project Zero and Condemned (both brilliant horror games). Yes Silent Hill 2 is damn awesome BUT don't look at anything story based on the internet or you will get one of the worst spoilers you could possibly receive!

As for me I'm playing Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night again.

Don't worry, I learned that lesson long ago =P And I've completely forgotten anything mentioned in the Zero Punctuation reviews.
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Arbalest said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Fatal Frame/Project Zero 2; The crimson Butterfly

Scariest thing I've ever played, swear to god. I had the lights off at 11:30-ish and I've never been so reluctant to run down a corridor on a game. I jumped out of my fecking seat during that random part where you're walking past a broken banister, down some stairs, and half way down, some girl suddenly drops down right past you, screams and hits the bottom floor

Sounds delicious >=3 Have you ever played Condemned? I think that's my favourite horror game, though I've not played many really and most are borderline action. Admittedly Condemned is too but it's so goddamned freaky I think it's worthy of being called straight horror despite the "action" elements.

ANy other horror recommendations? I'm always hearing good things about silent hill 2

The Fatal Frame series in general is pretty scary. You should play Fatal Frame 3, it also is pretty damned freaky.

Condemned comes across as more psychological horror, but yeah, it is nice too. I don't know much for the second one though.

Ah, if you PC game. Go get Amnesia: Dark Decent, that game is looks to be quite the good horror game. Literally jam-packed full of eerie atmosphere and such. Think of it this way, your only defense from the horrors than are in it, is run away.

I don't, my laptop is the epitome of fail-putering when it comes to gaming. Which is a shame as I do like the sound of Dark Descent and also some indie game that Anthony Burch liked...argh I forget the name it was to do with colour and had like an angel on the front... FFFFFFFFF

Condemned 2, from what I played in the demo, is a poor cousin. The demo at least didn't toy with your imagination so much and there's not so much "OH MY JUMPING JESUS WHAT WAS THAT NOISE!?"

It's a shame the xbox port of SH2 won't work on 360. I literally have my GC and PS2 games fit exactly in a nice niche in my cupboard and if I get any more they won't all fit >.<

And irritatingly Fatal Frame 2 works on 360 but not 1. Damn backwards compatibility fail.

Well if they're not related do you recommend one over the other? I don't want to read too much on Wikipedia for spoiler reasons

edit: I guess that solves that problem, both versions of FF1 are not available from lovefilm at the moment =P

Editedit: Anyone play the 2008 Alone in the Dark? I know it has a bad rep but I actually feel it's underrated. It had a lot of good ideas and it certainly brought a real survival aspect with you having to scavenge for weapons and enemies being unkillable unless you hit a specific weakspot (revealed by closing your eyes no less). I mean with an aerosol flamthrower it was easy, but 90% of the aerosols were health sprays so it came down to whether you wanted to kill the bad guy or keep up your health) though sadly the characters were all rubbish and the ending would've been massively moving had we actually cared about Ed's 'relationship' with Sarah. Still it was a fun experience.
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I'll also jump on the praise wagon for Project Zero II. A truly terrifying experience, and that's not just the backtracking :(

I’ve had it for eons, but I have only just started playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. Good game, but Mark Hamill takes it onto another level altogether.
Max Takeshi said:
I'll also jump on the praise wagon for Project Zero II. A truly terrifying experience, and that's not just the backtracking :(

I’ve had it for eons, but I have only just started playing Batman: Arkham Asylum. Good game, but Mark Hamill takes it onto another level altogether.

ONLY JUST ST- *quells fanboy rage* =P It's probably my 3rd favourite game evar. And yeh Mark Hamill is brilliant. Though you will want to punch him if you try for the combat challenge achievements after 50 "Who will win!? The hardened killers? The merciless murderers?" *shudder* still it's doable.

Good to hear more good thngs about Project Zero ( though I think Fatal Frame sounds better, even if PZ is closer to the original japanese title of Zero)

I've just finished LeonA now onto ClaireB though my GC keeps getting "an error has a occured" fine for games with autosave. With classic resi NOT COOL. Might have to buy a new un =/
Project Zero 2.....well it's the least connected of the three, but it still has some connections to 3. The ones that really have a full connection though are 1 and 3, since one of the playable characters in 3(you get 3) is from the first, so yeah, play the first, then the third. I'd still recommend completing the 3rd to before it, but there we go. I'd love to see the reactions people give as the continue on 3, and see what appears in the house.

On topic wise: I've been playing Hydrophobia on XBLA. Now i had expected a lot of good things about this, and i'm not quite sure it matches up. The idea was to introduce the most realistic water engine to date...and i guess it does that, but there is a fair few problems with it. The story is fine enough, and controls aren't too bad, but damn, the amount of graphical errors and bugs which fly through it is a bit mad. You grab yourself the gun in the game(LP4 i think) and the minute you do, it looks likes the gun is 3 feet away from the hand that is supposed to hold it. then when she lifts it, it flies off the screen, what?

I'd say it could be a lot better if some of the small mechanics where tweaked and other areas of the game a bit more refined, but it's a little disappointing at the moment. I also was under the impression it was set to be a bit of a horror game, no sense of that whatsoever.
Metal Gear Solid 4
I'm currently half way through Act 4 just beaten Crying Wolf, and it's fun going through Shadow Moses again :D
Advance Wars: Dark Conflict and the orignal Final Fantasy
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Metal Gear Solid 4
I'm currently half way through Act 4 just beaten Crying Wolf, and it's fun going through Shadow Moses again :D
Advance Wars: Dark Conflict and the orignal Final Fantasy

How is dark conflict? I've only really played 1 and Dual Strike.
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Sonic 4 Episode 1 - I expect this game will make everyone curious as to "Is it sonic again" Well, Yes, it certainly feels like it is. I've only done 2/4 zones so far, but it feels like the sonic games of old. The special stages are quite like the ones from Sonic one, but are still a little different too. I doubt it'd take long to actually complete it, but it's one of those games i'd see myself replaying easily enough.
Finished RE2. I think it's cemented the idea that, were it remade, it'd be my favourite classic RE. I think REmake just edges it out though, JUST. I do like the dual character stories but I think a remake could properly streamline it into a single experience switching between characters.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Metal Gear Solid 4
I'm currently half way through Act 4 just beaten Crying Wolf, and it's fun going through Shadow Moses again :D
Advance Wars: Dark Conflict and the orignal Final Fantasy

How is dark conflict? I've only really played 1 and Dual Strike.

Dark Conflict is quite good so far, there are a few new units and the storyline is really interesting so far.

Thanks maestro and I have just completed MGS4 earlier and the ending was brilliant ^_^
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@Sparrow: Basically what Mono said, new units and an interesting and darker story are a couple of things that Dark Conflict have. It's a different world/universe so don't expect any of the classic COs(no sami made me =/) But yeah, it's nice. and the final battle is hard, has to be said.
Thanks maestro and I have just completed MGS4 earlier and the ending was brilliant ^_^

It's good isn't it? (cwutididthar)

And that's cool, I have to say I never really got too attached to the COs so I wouldn't really miss them (though some of them had badass music, Drake's and Grit's were pretty sweet.)
The thing I remember most about MGS4's ending was that it was about one and a half hours long.

And that's too long.

Still, it's better than Shinobi's on the Master System...


Beat RE3. Definitely my least favourite Resi, playing it again merely confirmed that. Before I thought it was just too hard (I played it on hard first time since there was no normal) but on easy it was no more fun. You just got more ammo which didn't really help, and an infinite ink ribbon which did.

Sigh. Ah well, on to my second least favourite game now (CVX)
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Sigh. Ah well, on to my second least favourite game now (CVX)

Man... It's better than 3 and 5 and I thought Alexia was very cute before the whole mutation thing.

Tell me, can you take out the Tyrant with just a few grenade acid rounds because I ended up emptying every clip for every weapon into that sod and was left with a knife and a wrecked Claire Redfield.

Anyway, I'm playing Dead or Alive 4. After awesome Silent Hill 2 I need a bit of a virtual sugar-rush.