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Sparrowsabre7 said:
Gonna do a big replay of Resi 0-5 and watch the Umbrella cutscenes and degeneration in the right places. Iss gon' be tight y'all! =P

That's a really good idea!

Anyway what am I playing?:

- Castlevania SOTN (XBLA)
- Doom (XBLA)
- Advance Wars: Dual Strike

And as of tomorrow:
Dead Rising 2!

I can hardly wait!
I'm still playing Halo: Reach, and probably will be for ages to come, but i got me PSP a few days back and i've been playing KH: BBS since then. Very good at the moment, and there is a fight in particular i'm reminded of from KH2: FM+ which was the hardest fight in it, and it just seems to explain why the fight is available. Only working on Terras Mode at the moment though, going to Vens after, then Aqua.
Finished Dead Rising 2 the other day, getting a lot of replay value out of it, need to save all survivors, unlock all costumes and generally mess around until I'm done with it.

Good game, but I still think the first is better in terms of story, the second one turns into Prototype near the end, it's really irritating. I also had a feeling the final boss would be Akon, there's also such a TWEEST that I never saw coming near the end so it just about balances itself out.

Chuck Greene is a slightly better main than Frank West, but Frank has way better dialogue. They had to squeeze the covered wars line it, it was really awkward.
DR2 is better because the survivors are no longer walking zombie fodder--this time around they actually follow you AND can fight back if necessary. I can't tell you how much I appreciate this very simple change in their behaviour.

Also, it seems like there's more time to complete missions. In the original I couldn't save everyone Otis messaged me about, whereas in this game I've had no trouble on that count. Not yet, anyway.

Story? I can't recall much of the original's plot, and this one is a load of self consciously barmy nonsense. Suffice it to say, the story is very low on the list of reasons I play Dead Rising.
Churchy99 said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
Gonna do a big replay of Resi 0-5 and watch the Umbrella cutscenes and degeneration in the right places. Iss gon' be tight y'all! =P

That's a really good idea!

Anyway what am I playing?:

- Castlevania SOTN (XBLA)
- Doom (XBLA)
- Advance Wars: Dual Strike

And as of tomorrow:
Dead Rising 2!

I can hardly wait!

Yeah =3 I'm notsure why I felt like it XP it's not like there's another RE game coming soon (that's usually why I revisit movies/ games) just felt like doing the whole darn thing in order. Bit of a set back when my RE0 disc needed professional cleaning though >.<

I'm still on the fence about DR2. It seems improved with awesome combo weapons (and a lightsaber that doesn't require 7 day survivor...) but I don't know if it's different enough to warrant a buy new. I don't really play 1 all that often atm.
Dead Rising 2 is definitely more of the same, right down to the shopping mall setting, but with improvements across the board. It's the game the original should have been. The only thing I'm not sure about is that the environment lacks variety considering how big it is.

If you have doubts I'd wait a couple of months for a price cut.
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I'm still on the fence about DR2. It seems improved with awesome combo weapons (and a lightsaber that doesn't require 7 day survivor...) but I don't know if it's different enough to warrant a buy new. I don't really play 1 all that often atm.
Beam sword is five day, Arthur's boxers are seven day, you can them both in DR2 by default.

You can get Shaun's costume from Shaun of the Dead with 1,000 melee kills in DR2, the indie kids will surely be happy.
Mutsumi said:
Ooooo, how might others also acquire a code for this? :O That game looks good.
I was given one so I could review it. ^^; So far, it seems like it would be worth the 1200 points in isolation, but whether it would actually be worth spending your time on over other, better games is a harder question.
ilmaestro said:
Mutsumi said:
Ooooo, how might others also acquire a code for this? :O That game looks good.
I was given one so I could review it. ^^; So far, it seems like it would be worth the 1200 points in isolation, but whether it would actually be worth spending your time on over other, better games is a harder question.

As a reviewer, one might say you pay for your code in words rather than money. ^_^

Might give it a shot sometime. At the moment though, I'm installing every game I can onto my new 500gb PS3. :D
Lupus said:
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I'm still on the fence about DR2. It seems improved with awesome combo weapons (and a lightsaber that doesn't require 7 day survivor...) but I don't know if it's different enough to warrant a buy new. I don't really play 1 all that often atm.
Beam sword is five day, Arthur's boxers are seven day, you can them both in DR2 by default.

You can get Shaun's costume from Shaun of the Dead with 1,000 melee kills in DR2, the indie kids will surely be happy.

Either way a long ****in' ass time =P so I've never bothered. And ShaunOTD costume is win, but only if you can use a cricket bat, otherwise I am disappoint.

Finished RE0 and watching playthroughs of UBC Beginnings and Nightmare. Now onto REmake =3

I also finished Lunar Knights. I suck at that game. Hard. And Aaron is rubbish.
beat REmake (though that derp barry got grabbed as i was about to fire and I didn't wanna risk him getting blowed up, but instead he got skewered ¬__¬.

Now onto RE3 part 1
Been plugging away on RDR this weekend, nothing else to do in the rain when the trains to better places have been disrupted. It's really hard to be a proper bad guy without causing so much mayhem you get killed every five minutes (kinda like Baldur's Gate in that respect). Besides, they force you to do good deeds on the missions, which kinda sucks. It's also a lot harder to drive stagecoaches / throw people off cliffs than it should be (without getting killed yourself). And as for the ladies of the night whose services you can't employ... What's that all about?

I suppose to be fair it is GTA in the wild west, rather than Fallout 3. Which (if any developer is listening) would just be stupendously awesome. But then Fallout 3's world *is* like a post-apocalyptic wild west anyway (still have my fingers crossed the world will end up like that during my lifetime. Bring it on, Armageddon).

Next up, have just spent the day downloading Mass Effect (purchased it ages ago on Steam when it was £3 for one night only, or something) in preparation for ME2 coming to PS3. Never imagined I'd be playing that until I'd saved for a new PC (i.e. never) but oh, do want.
I think their reasoning behind a lot of that is that John is a "good guy". He has a family and cares about people. It's hard to be a complete dick when you have that going for you. Especially wit' the whores. If you had more of a blank canvas of a player (thinking GTA3 here) it might be easier.
I loved Dead Rising 2 and I thought it was a brilliant game. One of my favourites this year so far.

Now I'm playing my way through Hydrophobia which is pretty damn good so far!
Metal Gear Solid 4

So far it has been really good and I'm really enjoying it. it was great seeing Meryl again =D
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MGS4 definitely one of my favorite modern video games, if you enjoyed the bit you mentioned there, then you should love some of the later parts. :)