The General Conversation Area

Day two of the move.....we have no connection to the network...... Seems i'll be out tonight....and i was hoping to save the pennies.
Zeouterlimits said:
chaos said:
Oops typo, I've meant XIII

I completed chapter two Sunday. I know I'm slow...
It takes a few hours to get going, in Chapter 8 myself.

St. Patricks Day, wonder what the afternoon holds..
Done with chapter 3 yesterday. I'm really enjoying it, although it's mainly a cliche on top of another so far. It might have a replay, but not the hundreds of hours spent on VII or X-2 ...

Tachi- said:
Day two of the move.....we have no connection to the network...... Seems i'll be out tonight....and i was hoping to save the pennies.
How can you post if you don't have connection to the network? Anyway, news on your job? will you be keeping it?
chaos said:
Done with chapter 3 yesterday. I'm really enjoying it, although it's mainly a cliche on top of another so far. It might have a replay, but not the hundreds of hours spent on VII or X-2 ...

I'm on chapter 6 (i think maybe 7) and the game doesn't change from the beginning pretty much at all. It's getting a little repetitive although i am still enjoying it. But it will most certainly not have the replay value of those 2.
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
Day two of the move.....we have no connection to the network...... Seems i'll be out tonight....and i was hoping to save the pennies.
How can you post if you don't have connection to the network? Anyway, news on your job? will you be keeping it?

I've been talking with an old technician friend. she sorted out my network....but out of the whole office, managed to lose the port my number was assigned my work number is still in use, but they can't track it down in the comm's room.

As for my job, yes i'm keeping it, losing some of my workload though.
oh and someone who ran out of annual leave but wanted more time off has gone to the doctor and got herself signed off work for the next 3 weeks......which funnily enough covers the week i'd booked off for annual leave!!!! I've been told im going to lose that week off now due to lack of staff....tried to check the trusts guideline....they've denied access to the trust site.

right and another member of staff have been left in an office to work....were both fuming about losing ourr annual leave because of somebody else.
If annual leave has been agreed before, you should be able to get them to pay for whatever you had booked for you and whoever was going with you, no? And you should be able to get it later, no?

Anyway, less workload is good (sometimes).
chaos said:
If annual leave has been agreed before, you should be able to get them to pay for whatever you had booked for you and whoever was going with you, no?

No, they wouldn't pay for anything. They're cancelling it and expecting me to sit quietly.....thats not going to happen.

chaos said:
And you should be able to get it later, no?
Anyway, less workload is good (sometimes).

I can have it later....but i booked it specifically for that week because of the 2 bank holidays surrounding that weekend meant i'd be taking 10 days off when only claiming for 4. So i'm sticking to my guns that i'm not losing that week because somebody else had run out of annual leave so was so inconsiderate and selfish that she went and got herself signed off work for 3 weeks on stress.

We all have stress, and now even more stress because were losing our time off that was previously booked.
I should go get myself signed off for 3 weeks on the grounds that i'm stressed, well see what comes of that...considering they can't have double standards about sickness.
mangaman74 said:
Why not just have 4 days sick leave?

Because sadly enough my mum is the manager of a service.....i (eventually) come under her if i don't turn in for work and claim i'm ill, she'd know i'd taken the day off but claimed sick and i'll end up with all sorts of headache at home regarding it.

I've just spoken to her.....i've defo lost my week....their paying it to me automatically and i'll be able to take (they where trying to say 2 days.....i corrected em that its a week off) a week out of work next month providing there's enough people in the office.....

i took that week because 1 its a long bank holiday weekend - i had plans.
2 it co exists with my GF's time out of college.
3 i had plans to maybe go away for a few days
4 i need the break, too much stress on atm.

So right now i'm very pissed off
Godot said:
Otaku-san said:
memorium said:
gotcha, it won't happen again

You have been R'd

anyhow i didn't know Godot had as many posts as he did. I guess having a avatar of an old fart throwing popcorn makes him stick out more

They're seeds, not popcorn -.-

Seeds of popcorn then whatever.

Zinki branded me with good news from Sentai, so my brain is content.
I mean the possibility that Clannad would be dubbed was pretty low since ADV's downfall, which was a shame cause I could well have suggested a few actors for the lead *cough*Brandon Potter*cough*.
The only downturn is that they want Steven Foster to direct again, I'm unsure whether he's got better, but I'll just mention "Ghost Stories" and leave it at that
Otaku-san said:
Zinki branded me with good news from Sentai, so my brain is content.
I mean the possibility that Clannad would be dubbed was pretty low since ADV's downfall, which was a shame cause I could well have suggested a few actors for the lead *cough*Brandon Potter*cough*.

They had best not dub Clannad. RUINERSZS.
@ Tachi - :/ I see what you mean. Yeah, it messes up with all your plans. Luckily, you didn't booked tickets or accomodation which would have been a real pain then.

@Otaku - Mmm, I'm still to watch Kanon myself, but Air left me pretty depressed.