The General Conversation Area

Can't wait for the weekend as well. I've took a offer for London restaurant week and I'm going to dine at a restaurant at Sanderson's hotel for little more than I usually spend at Nandos ! Win!!! =D

I've seen a few pics the place looks a bit intimidating =P
Arbalest said:
Mornin' people. I can only hope, but do any of you here know how to work with a program called Matlab? I'm having a bit of a problem with it, primarily because we weren't given an explanation on how to solve a particular bit. Was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea or whatever. Probably a long shot, but hey.

How're we all doin' anywho?

morning Manga, Chaos and Arby.

Not really, i know its a real pain to fix if it becomes tutor at college knows about it.

If you want i'll ask him about it when were in town tonight.

i'm off to lunch...will talk more later!
hey guys.

Arby - I've used Matlab a good ten eyars ago. Ask away, not sure I would be of mych help though (might need to install one here... )
Hah, i was able to get one of the many problems solved, but i have a few else to deal with. We where given a sample bit of coding to work with, of which he left some gaps for which we have to fill in. Now thats fine, bar the fact he just randomly introduced a new variable i can't see a use for. Its annoying. I'd send you the stuff i have on it chaos, but if you don't have access to Matlab at present, its probably not worth it.

@Tach: Thanks, but this needs to get done by 5pm, so i'm on a bit of a tight schedule with it =/ One i'm slowly losing my patience with. If i can't solve this bit by quarter past 3, i'm gonna give up and go home. It is 10% worth of the module, but seriously, he didn't give us enough help at all on the matter.
Afternoon all.

I'm a little annoyed. Telltale Games promised a free DVD of the Monkey Island episodes with an exclusive sleeve to those who pre-ordered (ie: payed for in advance) all five episodes. Now I find they want $16.95 for postage.

F*ck off Telltale. There's no way in hell it costs that much to send a DVD from the US. Just a good way of making sure hardly anyone takes them up on their 'free DVD' offer.
Zin5ki said:
Ah, Wrexham. The largest town in North Wales, as paltry a claim to fame as that may be.

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>

Ahem.. I went to the south part of that country, fun driving around in an 88' Volvo Estate
I here the Welsh have Rarebits
i have a nice clean pc atlast

remember the strange "virus" i had? well it came back, so got annoyed and reformatted

soon as i start up my clean pc.............. it returned

turned out it was my usb headset all along
Ryo Chan said:
i have a nice clean pc atlast

remember the strange "virus" i had? well it came back, so got annoyed and reformatted

soon as i start up my clean pc.............. it returned

turned out it was my usb headset all along

my friend had the same problem.

The only difference was that there was a Barry Manilow LP in the D: drive
Barry Malilow? It seems I have yet to gain adequate conception of the sheer breadth of your tastes.

Why, I half expect you to admit to liking both shredded and shredless marmalade next...
Zeouterlimits said:
Booking the last bits for Society IFI trip (travel).
Man, it has been harder to organise this for 12 people than the trip to Eirtakon which was 30 people.
God damn Rugby / St. Patricks weekend.
All hostels / hotels booked? Might be worth letting the IFI organizers know of your pain...