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Just had an email from my team figures regarding annual leave %'s :) Turns out that by the end of next week i'll have 3.5 days annual leave to take off :D

Guess i'll have a nice long weekend at the end of the month :thumb:
If i can take off the 29th, 30th, 31st and the 1st.....i'll have a whole week off at the end of the month....and in total i'll have a full 10 days off but only actually take 3 days annual leave.....I'm a genius :twisted:
Tachi- said:
Just had an email from my team figures regarding annual leave %'s :) Turns out that by the end of next week i'll have 3.5 days annual leave to take off :D

Guess i'll have a nice long weekend at the end of the month :thumb:
If i can take off the 29th, 30th, 31st and the 1st.....i'll have a whole week off at the end of the month....and in total i'll have a full 10 days off but only actually take 3 days annual leave.....I'm a genius

To quote Princess Leia

You have your moments. Not many of them, but you do have them.
Voddas said:
Who on here owns their own house (just out of interest)? You don't have to say of course.

I own my house back in Brazil and I've already fully repaid it.
I can't get a mortgage here without a ridiculous amount of deposit, as I'm here on a working Visa.
Morning. First day this year I've actually broken a sweat walking to work in a coat.

That's some very nice sunshine - long may it continue. :)
Sh!ts hit the fan,

I'm changing mine has taken without a proper consultation or anything.....things are now about to get crazy...without following the correct guidelines i'm expecting peoples heads to start rolling.

Have such a buzz today.....its hectic, and i'm listening to dragonforce for abit...crazy people shouldn't be able to play that quick!
chaos said:
I hear they can't really play that quick live
Anyway, are you reeally changing jobs?

Yeah, there's a merger between 2 trusts.....its not a merger...its a take over. South essex are basically keeping all their jobs and everyone in the trust i work for is losing their jobs and either being made redundant or being made to move their jobs (because someone in essex will get interview needed or anything, they didn't even keep to protocol WRT my job, they just sent an email saying that i'm losing 50% of my job to them)

So as i oversee BLPT, part of HPFT and the whole of the admin sector....
i'm going to now mostly oversee HPFT and the whole of the admin sector.
being moved upstairs to the same floor as directors and associate directors and put in an office....

Fear not...i'm really considering taking this to the news papers. its not public knowledge that thousands will be made redundant come april 1st.
Sorry to hear about the merger Tachi.

While I agree that you should take it to the papers, I wouldn't expect much to come of it - just ask all those Cadbury workers who were told their jobs would be safe after the take over by Kraft.
This sucks... In my office there was a guy who has been dimissed this week and another girl is leaving us. The climate in my office is not the best as well... :/
Morning all.... oh wait, it's afternoon now. I've been busting my balls all morning and there looks to be more on the horizon.

O.T. It's strange you should say that chaos. I too have just had a guy be let go and one of the lasses is leaving? Must be the time of year, either that or we've been sat next to each other this whole time without realising.

*slowly turns his head to the man next to him giving him the eye*
chaos said:
This sucks... In my office there was a guy who has been dimissed this week and another girl is leaving us. The climate in my office is not the best as well... :/

Send me an application form and i'll be there on monday.

/ only half joking.

I've got alot of contacts through the years i've worked here....I've already got my job overseeing Hertfordshire. for the moment they can't get rid of my current job anyway, they need me to hand over and teach the person that will take over from me what to hell i'll do a good job of that though (why should i?)

i'll find another job, no worries
so i just found out i have a payment on a late payment on my argos card

because i never payed £2 last month, i'm being charged £14 this month, even though the item is payed off in time

needless to say when i get to work on Monday, i shall be asking my store manager to make a formal complaint, as we as staff are false advertising to our customers about not having to pay for 59 days.

terrible training imho
mangaman74 said:
chaos said:
yeah, a bit busy. We had a fire drill and now my legs are kiilling me :S

Been in the current office for nearly a year and we still havn't had a fire drill yet.
my company take these seriously. We have two a year. really annoying in a day like today :S
morning all/any

Been worked really hard today....thankfully its the weekend in almost 5hours time!!!!

Can't go wrong with a nice weekend :)
Mornin' people. I can only hope, but do any of you here know how to work with a program called Matlab? I'm having a bit of a problem with it, primarily because we weren't given an explanation on how to solve a particular bit. Was just wondering if anyone could give me an idea or whatever. Probably a long shot, but hey.

How're we all doin' anywho?