The General Conversation Area

mangaman74 said:
ayase said:
Can today end and it be April? Or can I at least get amnesia so it seems like that's what's happened?

To quote from Ferris Bueller...

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.

And with that said, we should be more optimistic and stop wishing time away, instead we should wish for more in.....wishin we had all the values of an adult....but the free time and carefreeness of school children.

I can't see much wrong with that.
Ryo Chan said:
did it ever occur the reason you went out of business is cause you didn't want anyone to know your shop name ;)
You misinterpreted me. I tried to clear it up but I knew someone would get the wrong end of the stick. :p The point is: online persona | real life

There's no reason my real life self couldn't reveal the name and promote the shop, which indeed I did. My online self chooses not to for reasons of keeping the two separate - I don't wish them to merge yet for various reasons. That's why I don't have a Facebook or anything under my real name. 'ayase' is free to say and do anything without it interfering with the real life me (in other words, the online me is in fact the real me and the real life one is the phoney who interacts with the outside world) ;)

One day I'll be comfortable being entirely myself IRL as well, at that point there may well become no discernible difference between the two.

@stuart - Any marketplace seller with any sense would add up the real cost of the item including postage and then subtract amazon's mandatory £2.75 postage charge to find the right list price.
Morning All/Any

It's wednesday once again, time to start that gradual descent to the weekend.
From playing Ace Attorney, I have an almost uncontrollable urge to slam my hands on my desk, point at people in the office and shout “OBJECTION” whenever they talk to me.

Very nice day today (weather wise). Way too nice to be here stuck in this office. I should be out there, walking.... home, to play on my PS3. XD

It would appear that spring is finally upon us. The frost is clearing and I swatted my first house fly of the year this morning. Now all we need is a temperature rise so I can get my shorts and t-shirt look on the go. Bring on the sun.

edit: Mornin Tach. *greets*
ayase said:
There's no reason my real life self couldn't reveal the name and promote the shop, which indeed I did. My online self chooses not to for reasons of keeping the two separate - I don't wish them to merge yet for various reasons. That's why I don't have a Facebook or anything under my real name

I still know your name ;D

Mornin Manga,

How was your evening?

Oh Hey will, Do you ever sleep? i think you left the chat about the same time i did...what reason must you have for waking up before 2pm? lol

Realised i've left my fone at home today....i feel lost :(
Morning Manga and Wisp (who has an evil air around them today).

Everyone's feeling good I hopes? Well... except Tachi and his muscle problems.

*turns to Tachi* Don't worry, it happens to a lot of men. ;)
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
ayase said:
There's no reason my real life self couldn't reveal the name and promote the shop, which indeed I did. My online self chooses not to for reasons of keeping the two separate - I don't wish them to merge yet for various reasons. That's why I don't have a Facebook or anything under my real name

I still know your name ;D

I've got his name, mobile and address... now, I only need his credit card details...
Voddas said:
Morning Manga and Wisp (who has an evil air around them today).

Everyone's feeling good I hopes? Well... except Tachi and his muscle problems.

*turns to Tachi* Don't worry, it happens to a lot of men. ;)

haha, i'm actually feeling much better today, i think that long sleep did me alot of good. hopefully i'll be fighting fit again by tomorrow. Not that i have anything special planned tomorrow, but i would like to get back to the gym. If i'm paying £30 for something, i want to use it as much as i can.

I'm not as bothered about my fone being at home as i'd thought, but its about to die....and i won't have enough time when i get in to charge it and have enough charge to last me until 12. (thats roughly what time i'll be heading home FYI)
Haha, I'm going to a friend's early afternoon, so I needed to be up reasonably early to get a shower and whatnot. Even still, I don't usually sleep in past 11am if I can help it

G'morning! It's actually very warm n' sunny today (though that may be because the sunlights beaming directly through my window
hey all

well seeing my old banger is having to make the trip to Wrexham on Saturday, i thought it best to get some breakdown cover atlast

£69 later and i'm not an official member of the RAC
Glad to hear the muscles are healing Tach. My backs better than it was yesterday *flash back to old man conversation yesterday*
Yep, I'm definately feeling fitter today. Not that I'll be doing much more than sitting and typing. ¬_¬

Soo... how much is FFXIII going for at the moment then?

Morning Ryo! I'm a fellow RAC member. *shakes hand*
Voddas said:
Glad to hear the muscles are healing Tach. My backs better than it was yesterday *flash back to old man conversation yesterday*
Yep, I'm definately feeling fitter today. Not that I'll be doing much more than sitting and typing. ¬_¬

Soo... how much is FFXIII going for at the moment then?

Morning Ryo! I'm a fellow RAC member. *shakes hand*

trade in Mass effect 1 and 2 other xbox games and u can get it for £8 ;)
lol If I had the meteria I would. But alas, I'll have to wait till after my holidays before I think about a purchase. ¬_¬

Off to lunch now.... sooo hungryyyy. *vacates*
Oh, not moving town / job - just moving flats.
I like the amount I pay for rent and the space I've got with that. I don't like the location and the commute time from there.

It would be great if I could move my whole building a town closer to where I work...
I know what you mean chaos. It's all about location, I love my house but it's way too close to chav central. If only I could move it... either that or swapp it or a bigger better one.... wait... I can do that!

Who on here owns their own house (just out of interest)? You don't have to say of course. I was just wondering how people were handling the change in the financial climate. I was one of the looking ones who bought just at the right time (not planned).

??? ^____^