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True, true. I'd assume their just moving on.... untill they realize they miss it too much. =P

*grooooan* Caffine wearing off. I'm gonna go grab a coffee pick me up.

*wobbles off*
I Think Kurogane must have moved back to his home planet. Haven'y seen the guy in ages.

Just picked up an ace attorney game for £12.99 in GAME :) not a bad price and i get to venture into the world of anime based courtroom antics without having to pay a crazy amount (£24.99) for the current game.

oh and by the sounds of it....i've torn muscles in three places, my left shoulder, neck and shoulderblade area's......."what a wonderful world"
@Tach: Which one did you get? Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, Justice for all, Trials and Tribulations? Or was it Apollo or Miles?
Nope still waiting, everyone says the police check will hold it up -_- I want to start working now! The money would be very handy, i mean i have to pay to get down to my sisters wedding in july
BlackWolf said:
Nope still waiting, everyone says the police check will hold it up -_- I want to start working now! The money would be very handy, i mean i have to pay to get down to my sisters wedding in july
Police check shouldn't take too long mate (depending on your convictions). Longest one I waited for was three weeks, shortest was four days. Maybe their taking their time because they think your a Russian Spy, here to steal our plans and designs?! BLACK??!! I thought I knew you. DX
Why would i work with the Russians? all that talk of comradship, its a buzz kill ;) Maybe its all the secret plans i've hacked recently to build my own mecha army.

Seriously there's no convictions at all, I don't have a police record.
chaos said:
How can one find out if they ahve a record?

A, Fill out a CRB form.
B, contact the police and ask them to check your records.
C, i'm pretty sure you can contact the criminal records bureau.
Nope, more stupid than that. ...I will explain...

I was at a film themed fancy dress party years ago and I went as Neo from the Matrix (duh). Anyway, I had Black hair at the time, long sweeping leather jacket, the works. If you didn't know I was Neo you would have assumed I was Goth.... not only that, but a Goth with a GUN! I had a toy gun to complete the costume and some woman had seen me and thought it was real. I got arrested by the armed response unit in the town centre (yep ARMED RESPONSE). I had guns pointed at me and everything. Spent the night in the cell and they took my DNA, Picture, Prints etc.

Next day they said they had to charge me so they gave me the lowest one they had.... this being drunk and disorderly. I was NOT impressed. I have since learnt how to laugh about it like.

Oh yeah, I nearly forgot. They had a recorded intereview with me the next morning in a room with a mirrored window. The guy pulled out my toy gun (which was in an evidance bag with the letter A stuck on it) and he asked me to say what it was allowed for the recording. "A Toy Gun" It was madness.
Tachi- said:
chaos said:
How can one find out if they ahve a record?

A, Fill out a CRB form.
B, contact the police and ask them to check your records.
C, i'm pretty sure you can contact the criminal records bureau.
You can do all of the above however you get charged to do so. ¬_¬
Wow that sucks, all that for a toy gun, although that is precisely the reason the old Transformers Megatron toy isn't reproduced now, incase people thought they were actually real. I swear though people are getting stupider with these things.
Tell me about it. It was a joke from start to finsh. They even stripped me too so I couldn't hang myself??? I was freezing in there. DX

Anyway, on that note I'm gonna head off. Catch you all later.

Ciao for now. *exits*
I'd have called for a lawyer straight away, and then sued the police force for wrongful arrest.

And i'd have fought their "drunk and disorderly" charges too, asked em to provide proof of such things. Its stupid that people are charged for things just so they don't get sued for wrongful arrest.

I got questioned and had my details taken by a policeman after i walked to a party when i was 16 and on the way i stopped to checkhow many people where outside, couldn't see walked round the corner to my friends house and see if he was coming to the party - he was ill. So when i walked back towards the party hall....he stopped me, asked what i was doing, why i'd looked at the hall then walked off, and why i'd returned.

It was stupid, he didn't arrest me, but he took my details down and said that if i'm seen acting "dodgy" again he'll have to take further action.

Although when sam got mugged (They stole his fone, some beer cans and money) , and i chased them down an alleyway at 11oclock, tracked down which house they where in and had evidence (beer cans that they'd stolen where smashed on the floor outside their house, freshly opened aswell) Called the police.....they didn't even bother to turn up.
Tachi- said:
I'd have called for a lawyer straight away, and then sued the police force for wrongful arrest.

And i'd have fought their "drunk and disorderly" charges too, asked em to provide proof of such things.
You'd have got some 'strictly off the record' truncheon-love I think Tach. ;)

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