The General Conversation Area

Girlfriend coming over later to watch some Shinkai, all the socialising I need.
Got our "Best New Society" & "Best Society Person of the Year" (moi) Hustings (Presentation and then voted on by the rest of the Clubs & Societies of the University) on Tuesday.
We (Anime & Manga Soc) really deserve to win, hope our presentation is good enough, getting nervous.... :?
fabricatedlunatic said:
This unseasonably pleasant weather makes me feel like I should be doing something other than wasting my time with anime and video games. I think it's about time I got myself outside and become one with nature.




/switches on PS3

Don't let the weather trick you, it's as sunny as hell (literally) over here, but it's freezing. I hope to god it gets much warmer before the London anime expo
Yeah, it was sunny, but cold as hell yesterday and today.
I've spent most of my weekend at the couch watching anime and playing a bit of Bayonetta. It was a great weekend altogether =)

BTW, see you at the expo.
I know that feeling, Mangaman. I had mine a month ago, and I went out the house looking all "Russian" with the furry hat and big coat. XD

Anyways, Afternoon all! How's everyone? I'm good, as I slept in very late. :lol:
Tachi- said:
chaos said:
It's in May.

Ahh, plenty of time to save a couple of hundred quid for it then :D
do we know who's going to be there yet?

*goes to check their website*
They usually start announcing guests in April.
I don't expect much to be honest, unless Andrew and Jerome bring another director from Japan when they come back...
Tachi- said:
I am....just finding time to do things aswell as send Voddas an essay :p
You weren't kidding. O_O lol

Morning people. Hows everyone on this 2nd week of March? I'm freaking tired today but I'm on a caffine high at the moment so I could crash at some point. =P
I'm doing all right, stunned by your statement, I suddenly came to the realization that the first trimester or 2010 is almost gone. Geez, this beggining of the year has really flown away and I haven't done anything with it!!! =S

Oh, and it's little over an year since I've took over here.
Has it really been over a year since Paul passed on the chalice?! That's crazy. Doesn't seem that long ago at all.

HAPPY BELATED MODDAY CHAOS!! *pulls a party popper*

Thanks for the PSN invite also. :thumb:
A year already huh, then it can't be far off until i hit a year and a half as a fully fledged mod. damn, nearly forgot about that too, hah.

Bah, i should really get studying. I think i may have a mid-term tomorrow, but i don't know =/
We didn't have so many frequent posters this time last year either. AUKN has definateky got a lil bulkier in places. Though we have gained, we have also lost.

*plays trumpets while photo's of past member's avatars role into a furness*
There has been a fair few old members return though every now and then. So it isn't like they disappear completely, they do make themselves known again after some time. If only we could get them to stick about for longer though...that would be pretty good.