The General Conversation Area

Tachi- said:
chaos said:
hey tachi - I'm going to Japan in August, let's go to tokyo!!!

Give me pricings and i'll defo consider it.
720 for the tickets, as for acommodation I'll try to couch surf in tokyo and kyoto. I'm also visiting my sister in Hamamatsu and I'll be heading to Okinawa as well, where I also have some distant cousins living there.

Failing Couch surfing and family in Okinawa, I've found hostels from 15 quid a night.
doesn't sound that bad y'know.

I'll have to see though....i have 2 holidays to pay for already this year and already been on one :p
Fair enough.....tonight i'm either watching the new alice in wonderland....or bowling and getting drunk, hopefully a mate will be able to come out afterwards and well go to town.
Today people are really winding me all i want is to go to town and have fun, listen to music, drink and wind down.
Tachi- said:
lol fair enough :)
One thing i found out about the expo....most are okay.....then there's a few weirdo's that you should keep atleast 6foot away from at all times.

now, enough about chaos ;) (only joking chaos lol)
Come on! You never complained whily I was handling your stuff...*

BlackWolf said:
of course it would be quite a while before any talk of promotion turns up, i need to wow them first and show them what i can do.
good things come for those who wait. Better things come for those who fight for them ;)
When do you start Black?

Tachi- said:
Fair enough.....tonight i'm either watching the new alice in wonderland....or bowling and getting drunk, hopefully a mate will be able to come out afterwards and well go to town.
Oh, I really want to see this one as well. Always loved the Books to bits, even those previous movies were fun. And now, a new movie with Tim Burton directing? If it lives to my expectations, I'll love it.

* that Kakashi figure was nice
@Chaos still waiting for the start date, hope to get it within the week, although they could be picky and make me wait till my police check comes back, although i don't see why i needed it since i'm not exactly dealing head on with the clients.

Ah the new Alice film, I correctly guessed three things when I heard that Tim Burton was doing it :p First being that Jonny Depp was in it (his best friend), that Helena Bolena Carter was in it (His wife) and that Danny Elfman would be handling the music (Another close friend)
chaos said:
Tachi- said:
lol fair enough :)
One thing i found out about the expo....most are okay.....then there's a few weirdo's that you should keep atleast 6foot away from at all times.

now, enough about chaos ;) (only joking chaos lol)
Come on! You never complained whily I was handling your stuff...*

:lol: Yeah i suppose :p You where a good guide and a fun guy. pretty much what i expected of you.....maybe alittle smaller than i thought you'd be (i thought you where about my height)

chaos said:
Tachi- said:
Fair enough.....tonight i'm either watching the new alice in wonderland....or bowling and getting drunk, hopefully a mate will be able to come out afterwards and well go to town.
Oh, I really want to see this one as well. Always loved the Books to bits, even those previous movies were fun. And now, a new movie with Tim Burton directing? If it lives to my expectations, I'll love it.

* that Kakashi figure was nice

It took us long enough to find him! worst bit was....i left, thinking "i've spent all my money" i found £20 in my back pocket when i got home *facepalm* Its a good place to spend a serious amount of money. I still can't understand why Hopeful monster was happy to pay so much for one of the banners :S

From what i've seen, the cast is very impressive. The cheshire cat - voiced by stephen fry :thumb:
Don't get me wrong i like the cast, it should be a pretty good film, but Tim Burton needs to start branching out a bit more...

Plus don't diss Hopeful's banner, i was drooling over it! As a piece of Merchandise from his favourite show it was a good move on his part. Fact he got it signed as well, the lucky bugger.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
I see the Cheshire cat's been mentioned! I'm going to see Alice In Wonderland tomorrow (3D), should be fun!

He's my favourite character.
tempted to go watch it tonight.....its either that or bowling and drinking. what've people's thoughts?
Tachi- said:
I've come to a verdict......i'm doing em all....should she say she can't fund it all, i'll make the difference.
Here, here!!! It's the man's job to secure any needed funds on a night out. ;)

I'm just gonna get my UBW saga to a point where I'll be happy and done with a major scene... Then complete it another time. ;)
I'm not out tonight myself, I just like to take it easy and save some pennies, since it'll be fore myself.