The General Conversation Area

Arbalest said:
Normal? He must surely be talking a different language there. I know not of that. Last i checked, we where all strange or weird. I'd imagine that sounds closer to the truth ;p

Hmm, Me brother apparently has just got confirmation that FFXIII has been dispatched, so he could recieve it by tomorrow or saturday..that's kinda freaky.

Where from? Could it be the guide instead? Play sent me an email that the guide book has been posted, which means that i kind of have a spoiler for the game before its actually released. :eek:
I obtained waffles from Tesco today. Ice cream was my original object of desire, but I eventually willed otherwise whilst perusing the shelves.

Can't go wrong with hot chocolate and pizza for breakfast :thumb:

I got a free-ish pizza lastnight!! Went to the Gym, then to pizza hut, asked for garlic bread and then an individual pizza. aswell as a beer. They took ages cooking the pizza....and when it arrived on the table, it was a medium. The guy said that they'd ran out of individual bases so we've got a medium instead. They charged us for the individual pizza price :D

On the way home my best girl - friend Jess, called me to say she was in Bingo and had just won some money so were going out for a drink over the weekend.

Got home and ended up being on the phone for about an hour, Then called the Gf and had a chat about her day and booking a holiday abroad over the weekend. Started watching a random program about funny/rude adverts that never made it onto tv's, was crying because i was laughing so hard at an advert for ceiling boards in the east; 2 geko's run towards each other in a dark place, love in their eyes, smiles on their little faces. they hug each other....and a crack forms below their feet, one geko falls and holds onto the others "hand".....but with no thumbs, they cannot one geko falls to its death, right on a chess board surrounded by 3 Filipino men. They look up and see the other geko still hung over the crack crying...they shout out "noooo. don't do it!!!". the Geko jumps to its death, hitting the chessboard and with his dying breath, reaching towards his lover.......then out of nowhere one of the 3 guys jumps up and starts shouting and beating up a fat guy and shouting about he should have installed *suchandsuch* brand of roofing. The voice over cuts in saying "New roofing from *suchandsuch*, strong roofing that lasts."

Possibly the funniest thing i've seen in a while.
Chaz said:
Hi all. Freedom of Friday's, eh? Gonna hang with some mates afterwords?

I'm not sure...might go see that new alice in wonderland film with jess, my gf is working tonight and all day tomorrow and sunday so i'll probably spend saturday night with her.

Got any plans yourself?
You don't have to tell me twice! *slaps his thigh, laughs and spits in a bucket*

My evening went well I guess. After work we went to see my Nephew for half an hour. Then we went and did some recycling before getting some ingredients for tea from Wal-Mart. Got home and got sorted to chill out. I made beef and black bean noodles. Twas Niice!

After tea and the pots, we played Heavey Rain for a couple of hours (awesome game) before we settled down and watched Fringe. After that Sarah crashed and I ended up on the PC playing COD4 untill 3.00am.

Good night. ^__^

edit: Morning Chaz. I'm off out with some mates for a drink tonight. Looking forward to a good lads night.
I'm losing my patience with these damn halls. Someone broke the lock on one of our toilet/shower rooms, so now it can't be locked. The thing is if I report it, I'm suspicious they'll try to charge me as well as the rest of the guys in my flat or whoever broke it. F*cking drunk pricks.
Voddas: Kool, kool. Make sure you go out to bring the place down for me. ;)

Tachi: Yeah, that sounds best, since it's giving her a "break" within the weekend crush. Hope you enjoy it and let me know how it turns out. :)

Max: Damn.... Makes me glad that I live privately rather than shared accomodation. (Remembers sleepless nights in London.)
Good morning guys, how is everyone today?

@Max i've heard similar stories from the halls at Teeside uni, although one of theirs was that it was the lock on their room that was broken by some druken idiots who as it turned out didn't even go the to the uni.
I feel for you Maxon. I haven't had to go threw the whole student hall scenerio but I have stayed as a guest on many occasions and I know what goes on. I had to pay £200 in expenses once because we had a water fight using the room bins. I claimed self defense. ¬_¬

and Chaz, I'll try my damndest! :p

edit: Morning Black. ^^
Yeah, i was talking to kayls (Gf) lastnight about going abroad somewhere in june, somewhere warm would be i guess well be sat down with my laptop and a calculator tomorrow evening.

Just text Jess (girl - friend) regarding maybe going cinema tonight....waiting to see what she says.
Hi Black, sorry about that mate. when i started writing that message, the last post way Chaz' one. If i'd had know, i'd have said hello :)

What've you been upto?
Not too much tach, been bored stupid waiting for all the paper work to be filled in so i can finally start work, that £1000 (appox) per month wage is sorely needed. Wedding details are starting to trickle through though, we've set a date (this could change though depending on venue) and are looking at honeymoon ideas