The General Conversation Area

At the moment she has her heart set on a cruise, the only part about it that is troubling me is the price of it, Cruises aren't generally cheap, other ideas include the usual like spain.
Yeah, Cruises are definetly not cheap and you'd have to spend a lorra money to go all inclusive. Spain's always a good shout. We're looking at Venice fro the first part and then maybe Spain after. Always wanted to go to Venice. =P

Edit: Morning Manga. ^^
BlackWolf said:
Not too much tach, been bored stupid waiting for all the paper work to be filled in so i can finally start work, that £1000 (appox) per month wage is sorely needed. Wedding details are starting to trickle through though, we've set a date (this could change though depending on venue) and are looking at honeymoon ideas

See, what did i say? It'll all work out in the end :) you waited ages for a job. Approx grand a month is better than nothing and for a first(?) job, it's fairly good money too.
Good to hear the marriage is still being sorted.....Depending when it is. i might have to come up and take advantage of the free bar ;)

Voddas has no choice....i WILL be there, if only for the party afterwards :p

Morning Manga
Voddas said:
Here's an incentive then Tachi... get your driving test passed and you can Drive up for the Night do. ^___^

How did i know you'd say that lol.
I'll get straight on it... Are any of you guys on about going to the london expo this year at all (either one)
Too far and too expensive for me. I could get there but then I'd have no money to spend on the Expo. I will one day I hope. I'm quite happy with my PC conventions for now. *geeky smile*
I would love to go to the expo but alas money is the problem :p Not only do i have to save up for my own wedding but we've got to save up to get down to wales for my sisters wedding

@Tach on paper its 15,000 a year, its the best job i never applied for! As for the wedding date i'm sure you will have passed your driving test by 2012 :p
lol fair enough :)
One thing i found out about the expo....most are okay.....then there's a few weirdo's that you should keep atleast 6foot away from at all times.

now, enough about chaos ;) (only joking chaos lol)
BURN!! :lol:

That's a good rate to be going in at Black. Does the buisness your joining have a pssoble ladder you could climb? Or are they keeping you in a cage?
Nice. I'm actually just teatering on a rung right now. I could move up but the extra responsibilty doesn't match the wage increase. It would be a lot more work for a litle extra cash. I've been like this for about a year now. ¬_¬
of course it would be quite a while before any talk of promotion turns up, i need to wow them first and show them what i can do. Now i think i shall listen to some Offspring, but which album...decisions decisions.
Man, I haven't listened to any Offspring in ages! Americana always gets me in high spirits. Might have to crack that out to listen to in my car, as that's where most of my CD listening too's goes on.
Problem is i've got all the albums to choose from, My all time fav albums are Smash, Ixnay on the Hombre and more recently Rise and Fall, Rage and Grace. There's quite a few good songs on that one, may just go to youtube and pick and mix the songs.
To be honest, surely any of the Albums would be good. They all pritty much give you the Offspring energy you seem to require. Pick and Mix will do the job and all like.

The Kids Aren't All Right was the first ever CD single I ever bought. Followed closely by Eiffel 65. lol