Awwww Little Big Planet.......can't wait!
Ahem i mean Final Fantasy Final Fantasy Final Fantasy.
Although i wouldn't be so sure, Killzone 2 i'm not the least bit interested in and although we've all seen amazing videos a lot of people are sceptical over the flop that was Killzone. Its just a incredbily shiny Halo imo (I liked Halo 2 but Halo 3 judging from the reviews brings nothing new, all that hype for "more shiny" *yawn*) and the market is SO oversaturated with FPS at the mo i wouldnt be surprised to see some sort of backlash.
LIttle Big Planet however.....though i've heard that some people dismiss it as a non-game, not shiny/enough explosions and so forth.But yeah that could be a contendor,
Although i think you're confusing audiences - in general the only people who have a PS3 are the hardcore market at the moment, if you're a casual gamer chances are you have a Wii NOT a PS3. The PS3 is reserved for Sony Fanboys or established gamers who are willing to fork the huge price tag thus these are the people who would would have heard and played FF7 over say the housewife who just liked playing tennis on the Wii.
little big planet rules!