The Final Fantasy Debate

The ending in FFXII was a complete "meh" as well. Everyone goes back to living the way they did, completely unchanged by the experience.
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Lupus Inu said:
I think we can all agree it was better than AC though, OOOOH.

Oh no he didn'!

Anyone got any news of XIII? I saw a small tidbit which hinted at a small pre-release or something like GT5 Prologue. ... ii-at-tgs/

It could be a soundtrack but square have been rather trigger happy with the releases at the mo so i wouldnt be surprised to see some sort of pre/post release.
WHAT!? Another spin-off. -_-

Oh well, and IV has a Japanese release date, December 20th, IIRC, gonna buy it as soon as it gets American release. <3
Lupus Inu said:
The exact same thing happens in Lord of the Rings, unchanged way of living. =/

I meant emotionally, not just their houses and routine. A lot of the characters were changed by the experience. Anyway, since when did I say I adored the ending of LOTR? =/ The characters in FFXII remained as wooden as they were at the start. Vaan especially, was like "Oh yeah, I went on an adventure, but now I'm back and stuff." That annoyed me. Compared to Cloud and Squall's angst-filled trips, Zidane's heroic return in the last cutscene, and Tidus fading away, you can see how weak Vaan's ending was.
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I dont consider Vaan to be the main character - as Lupus said Ashe is really the only character that bears a slight resemblance to a protagonist - not that it particularly matters anyway as she remains just as unchanged and i found her too annoying to bond with her story in the slightest.

I think the main problem (aside from the story...and the combat....and the levelling system...oh dear) Ok ONE of the main problems i found with 12 was the weapon situation - you can clearly distinguish between the characters in previous FFs from their weapons - Cloud's huge buster swords, Squall's gunblades, Barret's gunarms - every character had their own distinctive style and it reinforced their characters, it gave them a personality.

Because you could swap and change and give each character whatever you wanted nothing seemed concrete. On my first attempt i still kept people to specific classes of weapons but it just wasnt the same, there was no justification for x weapon other than "because he looks like a gun person"
By the time I'd got 3/4 through the game, everyone's spher- eh, license board was pretty much full. making all my characters equally able to do anything.
MTW said:
Guess what!

Final fantasy 7 has a new spin of game endless crisis:ff VII

Rejoice :roll:

Do you mean before crisis:FFVII for the mobile where you play as Reno and such or yet another game in the series? since thats been mentioned for a couple years.
Arbalest said:
MTW said:
Guess what!

Final fantasy 7 has a new spin of game endless crisis:ff VII

Rejoice :roll:

Do you mean before crisis:FFVII for the mobile where you play as Reno and such or yet another game in the series? since thats been mentioned for a couple years.

Nope new game everyone thought it was gonna be the ff7 remake but nope.
Own game news released at tgs

Edit:i'm trying to find the source but it's just coming up with rumours will keep posted on it.
As far as google tells me, it's just all rumours so far. A PS3 FFVII game is very likely, but I think it's far from confirmed.

I may be wrong.
I would have thought that they would release a FF7 remake if PS3 sales still havent picked up after the big releases of MGS and FFXIII, it is Sony's trump card after all.

I dont think its in the works right now though as Square actually replied to a fan petition saying "we're not doing it right now as the original team is spread out doing our other projects - once they're done who knows?"
Liquid Skin said:
I would have thought that they would release a FF7 remake if PS3 sales still havent picked up after the big releases of MGS and FFXIII, it is Sony's trump card after all.

I dont think its in the works right now though as Square actually replied to a fan petition saying "we're not doing it right now as the original team is spread out doing our other projects - once they're done who knows?"

A trump card would be a game that a large chunk of the market would be interested in. Although the RPG market is large in Japan, the majority of console gamers in the west wouldn't be too interested in Final Fantasy VII. Now don't get me wrong, it will sell well even in the west but I wouldn't consider Final Fantasy VII to be Sony's trump card.
Well it would be their last resort, Square are undoubtedly dragging their heels about a remake but I think you underestimate the pull of FF7. Everyone who even considers themselves a RPG gamer has played FF7 and love it or hate it its an immensely popular game - i cant imagine a remake of any other RPG getting even half the sales 7 will if/when there is a remake.
Aside from another award winning series like MGS i cant imagine anything selling more - or at least getting more hype either, its the game that constantly hits every "Top 10 games of all time" spot.

But yeah i agree that it isn't exactly their trump sell-all card in the west - MGS4 is the real money maker for that. Console kids want shooters not RPGs these days. :(
I don't know, I gather FF is more popular in America than most non-Americans thinks. And it's pretty popular over here, too. FFXII got to the #1 spot when it was released, didn't it?
Casual gamers make up most of the market, and there aren't many casual gamers out there who play RPGs. Final Fantasy is a successful franchise and gets insane sales in Japan, with good sales in the west also. However, although I am repeating myself it is not Sony's trump card because it doesn't cater to most gamers in the way an action game would. I think if anything was to be Sony's trump card right now, it would be Little Big Planet or Killzone 2.
Awwww Little Big Planet.......can't wait!

Ahem i mean Final Fantasy Final Fantasy Final Fantasy.

Although i wouldn't be so sure, Killzone 2 i'm not the least bit interested in and although we've all seen amazing videos a lot of people are sceptical over the flop that was Killzone. Its just a incredbily shiny Halo imo (I liked Halo 2 but Halo 3 judging from the reviews brings nothing new, all that hype for "more shiny" *yawn*) and the market is SO oversaturated with FPS at the mo i wouldnt be surprised to see some sort of backlash.

LIttle Big Planet however.....though i've heard that some people dismiss it as a non-game, not shiny/enough explosions and so forth.But yeah that could be a contendor,

Although i think you're confusing audiences - in general the only people who have a PS3 are the hardcore market at the moment, if you're a casual gamer chances are you have a Wii NOT a PS3. The PS3 is reserved for Sony Fanboys or established gamers who are willing to fork the huge price tag thus these are the people who would would have heard and played FF7 over say the housewife who just liked playing tennis on the Wii.

little big planet rules!