Nemphtis said:Lupus Inu said:Can't be too careful considering for the last page or so Wii bashing has been good and proper. ;/Nemphtis said:A shame you didn't notice my sarcasm.Lupus Inu said:Number of sales disagree.
Yes but I'd have to be on some kind of drug to tell you that the Wii isn't a good console. I could tell you that it's not for me, but there's no denying it's the shizzy right now. The Wii has outsold the Xbox 360 even though it had a year head start, the facts are in my face so I can't say **** about the Wii. Oh wait yes I can, the selection of games right now is pathetic, but understandable since the console is still pretty new. Sure I can play Twilight Princess and Corruption, but then what? Nintendo needs to get wise and start getting some real support with third party titles this time. I don't want them making the same mistake they did with the Gamecube.
hmmmmm, the Wii hasn't outsold the 360. At the moment the 360 is still ahead by about 200,000 consoles.