The Final Fantasy Debate

Chrono Demon said:
only one lovely addition to the FF7 AC, Kadaj.

Mmmm me loves Kadaj :D

This debate really has run its course, can we move onto something else now? Like the possibility of remakes or sequels, or even FFXIII even though we wont see a thing for at least a year and a half.
Fine, fine.

VI needs to be remade, srsly, and they should use the Black Mages version of Dancing Mad for the final boss, now THAT would be amazing.
BlackWolf said:
Speaking of remakes, did anyone play the III remake on DS?

I got about halfway and then found the game immensely boring - the amount of random encounters and a lack of any way to reduce/wipe out that amount ruined that game for me.
It's decent for what it is, but I wasn't gripped. Anyway, assuming they remake III-VI, I'd much rather play the original 2D games than the remakes in poor DS 3D. Same goes for the DQ remakes (which are essentially the same idea as the FF remakes) - let me play the originals! There needs to be more 2D games anyway - the only thing getting in the way of me being extremely hyped about Phantom Hourglass is the chunky 3D graphics. It coiuld have easily been done in 2D (minus the sailing), and I think the game could be much prettier in 2D, such as in The Minish Cap.

Okay, there's the core for a new debate. Now can we forget AC? =P
CitizenGeek said:
Chrono Demon said:
Bottom Line, I don't like FF7: AC now, its just... overrated. So grow up, CG now


/wipes tear of laughter

YOU were the person who had FFVII AC listed as one of your favorite animes (even I don't consider it to be anywhere near one of the best animes ever) and now, after all the FFVII bashing, you decide to jump on the bandwagon and say you don't like AC because it's "overrated"? And then you tell me to grow up? O, hilarity, thy name is Chrono Demon!

Ever heard of change ?

And when you watch more anime, and play a lot of other (best, but underrated RPG), you tend to look back at FF7 and think whats so great about it. The original is, the spin off need to die.

Back on topic, I don't know what to talk about O_O
Cloud...I don't like pretty much everything about VIII (I just couldn't get into it!), and Squall in particular got on my nerves.

I just think Cloud has a more interesting background, and just looks cooler really.

I'm also a Tidus fan. 8)
Espy said:
I liked Tidus. I wouldn't call myself a fan, but he was a likeable character. He had more likeability than Vaan at any rate >_>

Thats not saying much, a pebble has more likeability than Vaan, and at least has some semblance of a back story or character development.
Like... I'm going to argue that Vaan pretty much isn't the main character, but the secondary main character who you use to watch the story through his eyes and Ashe is the main character, like Seras Victoria in the Gonzo Hellsing anime.
Oh yeah i agree and that wasn't a bad choice by Square. I just felt no empathy towards any of the characters in XII, they were all soulless vessels of destruction as far as i was concerned. Only Balthier was half memorable in that cast,
It seemed that Square had run out of ideas for characters and so instead of copying previous characers - creating a Vincent esque character, a Yuffie esque one etc etc they just decided to make....non-characters?
It seemed to me that the characters in FFXII were just a way to show the boring political plot to the player. I actually laughed when Vaan was introduced - such a cliched "I'm the spunky young teenager who is going to get caught up in an adventure!" And that was before I realised his voice was terrible and he had only a shadow of a backstory, whch wasn't gripping at all.

It looks like we've FINALLY moved on from the AC debate. let the FFXII bashing begin! XD
Like everyone says the problem was is the lack of characters background...story.
I know it got amazing reviews but the story it wasn't there i can play final fantasy for 8 hours at a time mainly because of the story the dialog which is why i love ff6 so much so many characters and most of them are explained to a certain degree :D
Only baltheir and ashe got explained in ff12 somewhat...(and man was i pissed when i found out the summons were just airships).
Great game play but thats not why i play them games.
But i suppose it has to keep going forwards or they will be left out.
Plus the License board is a lot lot worse than the Sphere Grid... And the characters has to be the worse... with a really bad plot >.>

Seriously, Square Enix has gone really worse since the day Enix came into the name. We need to convert people to SMT fans ^^
I completely agree MTW. Playing the Devil's Advocate i suppose you can say that Square at least tried to mix up the generic FF formula to bring in more fans, they brought in an entirely new battle system (mainly to bring in the MMO crowd by the looks of it) and the plot was unlike any of the FFs i've played at least. Instead of the lone megalomaniac seeking world domination it was a load of political maneuvering which then revealed a lone megalomaniac seeking world domination.......:?

I'm gonna attempt another game at some point, i hate the damn thing but it feels so wrong to have an uncompleted FF hanging around.