Captain Karen
Thankyou so much! I believe you will find happiness too<3
I sure hope so, I'm not feeling so great atm.
Thankyou so much! I believe you will find happiness too<3
IncendiaryLemon I'm so sorry to hear that, do you want to talk about it? (completely up to you)![]()
IncendiaryLemon I'm so sorry that all sounds really difficult. I would perhaps suggest trying to make sure you are taking good care of yourself in other areas that might have a negative effect on sleep? Such as trying to avoid caffeine before bed, have herbal teas at bed time if it helps (such as chamomile), maybe avoid screens close to bed time as well? But I know these things are so much easier said than done. It's good that you care about whether you might hurt someone else but I really feel for you if you feel so aloneDo you have anyone nice to spend Christmas with?
It's ok please don't worry about coming off as obsessive, unrequited love can hit you really hard if the other person ends the friendship, and you need time. I am so so glad you have people you love and who love you so you won't be alone on Christmas, but that doesn't mean you're not allowed to feed sad about not having a romantic partner. I feel like my own head is against me too with my mental health issues, and no explanation I've ever been given for them fully satisfied me. I know they're not any kind of punishment from the universe or a god or w/e, but I don't think I will ever quite understand why my brain is so mean to me. Christmas is a difficult time of year for a lot of people, and it makes me sad to think of that. I really feel for you.
I had that happen a few years back. It was an awful time.I don't even look forward to having days off work any more, because I feel it's just even more time that I'll have to fill just doing utterly meaningless activities to pass the time
Yeh been there and still am right now.. Used to look forward to things.. Now im just lazing about doin meaningless things.. I was away from here a while also... Just get fed up of stuffI had that happen a few years back. It was an awful time.
I know exactly how that is, dude. It's... pretty damn miserable.![]()
Well I've been through a bit of a weird one the last month or so. Met a girl, started as friends, she seemed really nice and we talked a lot on the phone, we couldn't meet due to lockdown. During tier 2 we met outside for a coffee and I thought she was cool and nice and pretty, but I thought she had no interest in me other than a friend. The next day though she started sending me more flirty messages and saying she missed me ect and it seemed she really was into me, so I basically told her indirectly that I liked her and she said she was so happy she couldn't describe. I thought wow my luck has finally come in!!
I thought I might as well strike while the iron is hot, and two days later (we text every day) I sent her a (very) romantic poem. She loves it apparently, and I'm thinking thank you god you didn't forget about ol vashy after all, cloud 9 here I come! The next day we talk on the phone, she tells me she wants my poem inscribed on her gravestone, I think hey that's a little morbid but I'm down for that, very Wuthering Heights, me likey. Not only that, but before we hang up she says "just to check but do you like me?" I say "Yesssss!! I do!!" She says "I like you too" I say "I'm sooo happpyyy thank youu!". I send her that in text too the following morning just in case my jubilation was too subtle. This continues like for a week, clearly romantic, she says things like "I don't want kids" and I reply with things like "me neither, I just like youuuuu so muuuuch!". We meet one more time, seems good. Flirty texts resume that night, seems good. Then she calls me a friend in one of her texts. I say "oh do you not think we could be more than friends one day" she says "I thought you were just my friend, you have totally misunderstood me, I just want to be friends". I'm like "what wait, how could I possibly have misunderstood all of that?" she eventually says she only told me she liked me by "accident" because it "slipped out of her heart" and said I was putting too much pressure on her and she doesn't want a boyfriend right now. She says she'll be more careful about the words she says to me from now.
I understand that and I say, let's just friends then, we don't have to be more. But that night she kind of starts flirting with me again. The next day in a text she asks me to sleep beside her, she says she won't sleep well until I'm sleeping beside her. I'm thinking whoa she's come to her senses and now really realises she likes me for suuuure and I'm like "wow, I need you sleeping next to me too, can't sleep without you" and we call and she says it again on the phone.
But today she sent me a message saying "do you miss me?" and I'm like "soo much, do you miss me?" and she says "I don't want to say because I don't want to confuse you again" and I say "it's ok if you're not sure how you feel yet, but you must be feeling something more than friendship for me, right? You don't have to decide to be my girlfriend yet, but surely all this flirting means something?" she says "wait what flirting, I'm not a flirty person" and I say "so you really like me as more than a friend!" she says "nah" I say "Please please stop flirting with me then, I'm a simple minded fool" she says "maybe we should stop talking if you can't just be friends".
This has been the worst Christmas eve ever and my head aches and heart aches. I can't understand this girl at all. But at the same time, not really detailed in this post, but I do think she's an interesting and nice person, and I would like to stay friends with her. We've told each other a lot.
I genuinely don't know whether the confusion is my fault or hers or probably both our faults. But I just sent her a text saying "look, I've realised that I don't even want to be more than a friend to you now, our personalities seem so different. But please let's stay friends, I won't hope for romance with you ever again".
Did I do the right thing? I'm proper baffled by all this.
I broke up with my boyfriend and already regret it he said let's sleep on it as to whether to get back together he was really nice about it but I'm so worried he won't want to be with me anymore and I realized how afraid I've become of being open and letting people in romantically and tbh I've just gotten so afraid of men in particular that I was worried my bf would become an abuser if I got close to him, I feel bad about thinking that but I just couldn't really help thinking that way for reasons I'm not sure I wanna go into but I honestly think he is a good man and like yeah I'll be ok eventually if it doesn't work out I guess... :/ but it would be so nice if it did and I told him that I love him and I'm sorry that I was so afraid. He hasn't seen that message yet so far as I know.
Thankyou so much for your reply Donut, I appreciate the kindness and care you put into it a lot, and I am so, so happy for you that you've found a lovely awesome boyfriend and you make each other so happy - that is great and I wish the two of you a wonderful life together<3 I ended up realizing that even though I did care about the guy I talked about in my last message, he just isn't right for me - I think it is true that I had become closed off due to fear to an extent, but I'm also just flat out terrible at break ups cuz I always end up feeling worried that I've made the wrong choice. I'm actually "seeing" (as in online only rn bcuz covid) someone new now and the fears are still there to an extent because of the past but I really really like him and I can tell he likes me too even though it hasn't been that long since we started talking, I am also eating a lot better now and that helps (I'm diabetic, and so is he actually which in it's own weird way is nice because he understands what it's like better than a lot of non-diabetic people do). He's about a decade older than me (a bit less than that) and tbh I'm not generally big on dating older men but he's cute and he makes me laugh and he's far more mature than some younger men I've dated have been. He's kind and obviously cares about me. Thanks so much again and I'm sorry you've been through that horrible stuff but so glad there was light at the end of your tunnel
I hope I have something to post in this thread one day but literally nothing so far.![]()
This thread's here if you ever want to air your thoughts/get input/vent some of the pressure any time, Azar.I hope I have something to post in this thread one day but literally nothing so far.![]()