Rate the last anime you watched out of 10


Got a copy at the expo on Saturday. The animation is top notch. It was always fluent and colourful! The action was spectacular! Explosions, missiles, energy blasts, it was all over the place. Although it wasnt perfect. The story was pretty naff, the characters werent all that great and had little development and the ending was BS!

Overall, it isnt the best anime film ive seen, but it is a really fun and worth checking out. Just leave your brain outside before watching it.

Why do think the ending was BS? I thought it was about as good an ending to the film as was possible. Seriously, how would you end it better?

But then I thought Redline all round was near perfect for the type of movie it was.

All three stories in this film have their merits. "Magnetic Rose" had a great story line and at times I was spooked by it. "Stink Bomb" was amusing and I thought the story could be extended, and the aggresive style of the animation in "Cannon Fodder" suited the story. However, out of the three, probably "Magnetic Rose" was the best.

Score: 7 /10

i find this anime beautiful in its animation and the effects aren't bad either. the story is isn't half bad and characters are ok.

its about a girl who used to be a dancer following the footsteps of her dead mother but shes has a slip up and quites and after finding the rideback club she gets interested and wants to ride them..............

the story and plot 8.5/10
characters 8/10
animation 9.5/10

it gets really interesting has the story progresses so id give this anime a watch.

ilmaestro said:
teonzo said:
Voices of a Distant Star

my only complaint is that it's too short.
In this case, I greatly look forward to your review of The Place Promised in Our Early Days, when you get around to it. :)

Truly beautiful art at times, especially in the surroundings and environment, although the character designs/detail by contrast let it down if you see a HD version.
Still a stunning beautiful watch though, and worth as much a watch for the eye candy as anything else.
samurai harem

before you get your hopes up no its not a ecchi anime.

its about a kid who leaves his mountain home and his father to farther train him self to be a stronger samurai and he gets to live with 4 sister.

its a romantic comedy which is very enjoyable

ilmaestro said:
In this case, I greatly look forward to your review of The Place Promised in Our Early Days, when you get around to it. :)

I see you appreciated that my review was as long as the show, hehehehe.
I planned to watch The Place Promised in Our Early Days today, with 5 Centimeters per Second, but did not find the time. Hope to do so tomorrow or Friday.

Rideback - 7/10

AF was right: the second half of Rideback is a lot better than the first. Still, I can't help but feel that a couple more episodes would have greatly benefited the story, as the background is never explained all that well and a subplot involving several characters is undercooked to say the least. Only lead character Rin really stood out amongst the cast. I'm not quite sure what the series was trying to say but it seems to be a critique of military-style governments, and the way the GGP use terrorism as a pretext to erode civil liberties has modern-day parallels. Unfortunately there's also the usual "there's a light in your heart" guff that was the basis for the deus ex machina I just knew was coming.

But aside from some iffy CGI integration the series looks great, especially the backgrounds, and it was reasonably entertaining after the first few episodes.
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suzuka didn't like it 1/10

dance in the vampire bund

i found this anime very enjoyable.
violence, ecchi. fighting, blood.....................man it was a blast.

sister princess

now this anime series is interesting its about a boy who fails his tokyo university exam due to a computer error and is forced to go to another school on an island call promise island and when he gets there he finds out he has 12 sisters and hes troubles begin from there but begins to love living with them.

there are a few things that aren't explained

1 are they related by there father or mother or did the parents split them all up ( its not explained well )

2 he doesn't ask how there related and just gose all right ( you'd ask how there related )

3 the way a few of the sisters act you would of thought they was in love with him ( hilbillys wet dream )

i think this animes very sweet and makes me want more sisters
story n plot 7
characters 8
animation 7.5

this anime has healing qualitys and i like it

8 /10
The Place Promised in Our Early Days

The art is still great, and the character design is much better than on "Voices...", visually it's pure joy. About the story, it's good but I don't think it's great. I had a sense of deja-vu during all the movie, and the second half was a bit dilated (did you mean this, Maestro?). These are minor complaints, obviously. It's a really good work which shines if compared to the whole anime world, but relatively speaking it's the Shinkai's work I liked less (of the 3 I watched).

Score: 8 / 10

5 Centimeters per Second

This is simply great! Superb art and animation, engaging story, can't complain on anything here. The first part and the ending (particularly the ending) gave me a similar vibe to Only Yeasterday, which is a great plus on my book since that's my favourite Ghibli. I don't like to give much 10s, so I give this a 9, but for sure it's one of the best anime movies I've seen, and I need to get the blu-ray version (if there is one with English subtitles) to rewatch it with full honors.

Score: 9 / 10

Urusei Yatsura 4: Lum the Forever - 6/10 (rewatch)

Kazuo Yamazaki doing an Oshii... or trying. And failing.

By the time this film opened in cinemas the TV series was a few weeks away from going off air, and Yamazaki, like Oshii before him, had literally been living in the animation studio for two years. The result is a confusing mess of a film in which Tomobiki (the town where UY is set) gains its own consciousness and tries to purge Lum from itself. Or something like that. It's full of seemingly random imagery and makes little sense.

According to what I've read about the film, the message Yamazaki was trying to convey to the most obsessed fans was that Urusei Yatsura is just a cartoon, and that their beloved Lum is just a cartoon character, and now that it's over they should try living in the real world instead of a fantasy one. I feel like changing my avatar...

But the film is worth watching for the visuals alone, especially for those who love cel-painted animation and 80s anime. I don't think it gets much better than this.
Negima! as the first show in my 'Supernatural Season'.

Mixed feelings; the sudden shift to a darker tone at the end of the series was unexpected, but the shift itself seemed to be resolved too quickly, along with the 'reveal' at the end.

I kinda feel like they'd have done a better job if they'd not squashed this segment into the last 4 episodes, and instead paced it out over half the series, certainly the plotline they decided to use to finish off the series (as the manga was ongoing) could have worked IF it had been given more time to develop.

In this sense, I think pacing and development time were the real issues. Rather than having 22 episodes doing random stuff with some small plot arcs, followed by a more serious one at the end, they would have been better served dumping one or two of those arcs and spending more time on thier own ending, if it'd had say 8 episodes rather than 4, it could have actually been a relatively decent ending, although hindsight is a wonderful thing.

In terms of rating, I'd probably give it 6.5-7/10.
It was light, mildly amusing and the characters aren't unlikeable, but the pacing was off and one or two subplots really could have been nixed in terms of building in better overall plot development which the series didn't seem to be able to pace very well; and the shift to the darker subplot would have worked better with a longer run time to develop it better, as well as make the change in 'feel' less jarring.

The characters were somewhat stereotypical themselves, but they were good enough to do what needed to be done, although it must be said the Nodoka/Evangeline combo probably stole the show from most of other characters beyond Asuna/Negi.

A guy I chat with on another forum mentioned he prefers and sees Shaft's reinterpretation as darker overall, so perhaps they will deal with the flaw I see in the 'feel' of the series. Adding a slightly darker edge throughout would probably make similar ideas work fine, but it seems a little jarring to go from light, bubbly school humour, to errr bad things, in a short space of time.

Still I probably seem more critical than I actually feel. The first version of Negima! actually isn't terrible. It's an enjoyable, if forgettable, light supernatural series.

Bleach Series 6
Much better than the Bount arc. The Arrancar characters seem pretty interesting, so it will be fun seeing more of them in Season 7. This season also had loads of great fight scenes. The animation was great aswell. The only problem i had was the story involving Rangiku at the end. Seemed quite half arsed. Dunno if it was filler or not, it was pretty bad.

Overall a great season.
