General Politics Thread


A lack of disrespect? Dare I ask what Mr. Smith thinks Starmer should have done to the portrait of Thatcher? I have a few ideas. Seriously though, since when have politicians been expected to venerate their political opponents? What next, “Farage accused of lack of respect for Lenin?”
Absolutely sick of hearing about this winter fuel allowance lark, even sicker to see that most of the people against means testing it are those I would normally consider myself politically aligned with. If I were Starmer, I would stand up and publicly say: "Why are you ostensibly 'left-wing' MPs complaining about the Labour Party not giving free money to people who already have enough money? Why are you okay with giving £300 of taxpayers' money to millionaires just because they're old?" I would probably add an emphatic "F*ck THAT" but I'm not suggesting he does, though I would be overjoyed it he did.

For reference, even a pensioner on the lowest state pension is eligible for pension credit which means they receive at the very least £120 more every damn week than a basic Universal Credit claimant below pension age. If people on UC are expected to make ends meet on £100 a week then pensioners damn well can on £220. AND they can still get housing and disability benefits on top of that if they need them. Forget all this talk of young people being wastrels who don't know how to budget, what the hell are old people spending all their money on that they're living in poverty on damn near a grand a month?