General Politics Thread

Anybody else worried by the uk government using the chemical attack in Salisbury as a way to shut down Russia Today
Ofcom said earlier this week that it could strip RT (Russia Today) of its broadcasting licence if the UK government concluded that Moscow was behind the chemical poisoning of a former spy in Salisbury.
There have been claims that RT acts as a propaganda tool for the Kremlin, although politicians from all of the major UK political parties have appeared on it.
Not only are they unlawfully using the schedule 7 terrorism act of 2000 to stop a bunch of" right wring" youtubers from entering the country, and using the terrorist attacks as an excuse to spy on there own people, but now there this, I swear this country is some kind of Orwellian Dystopia.
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Eh, you'd still be able to watch RT online, if you enjoy Russian propaganda. I do, in moderation, it makes a change from all the anti-Russian propaganda. What a state we're in that we have to discern the truth by making the media biases cancel each other out.

As for the govt. using Nineteen Eighty-Four as an instruction manual, they have been for some time. The ""War on Terror"" sure has provided for a generation's worth of excuses to take people's rights away. I watched a Louis Theroux documentary about life inside a US prison the other day, and it struck me that those prisoners are under less surveillance in their cells than the average British citizen is on a public street.
Ofcom can launch investigations into broadcasters whenever they want, and if they find that RT is in sufficiently severe breach of the Broadcasting Code (be it in their coverage or approach to this attack or anything else) then it is entirely appropriate that they lose their broadcasting licence as a result.

What I don't like is the talk of a fast-track (for which I read "less thorough") investigation, or the thought that Ofcom could be under political pressure to get the outcome from the investigation that the government wants.

What I outright oppose is talk from some corners of shutting down RT purely on the grounds of this attack having happened, and using this as a "retaliatory measure" against Russia. Unless, that is, there is evidence somewhere that RT was in some way culpable for the attacks (which I doubt).
Labour's all women shortlist have got them in a bit of bother, the plan was to allow trans people who identify as women to take part in the all women shortlist, but this hasn't gone down well with some feminist who say
“male-bodied transgenders” are taking other women’s places in politics.
here's a radical idea Labour if your reading this, there's this thing called equality where you treat everybody the same regardless of the colour of there skin and what's between there legs, and if you weren't still living in the sixties and full of neo-Marxist then you'd realize that having an all women's shortlist in the first place is counter productive to the values your supposedly are fighting for.

Moral of the story is whether your a man, women or whatever you like to identify as, you should be allowed become a Labour politician in whatever constituency you want, and shame on Labour for stopping people from doing so.
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Well Count Dankula ( the Scottish guy who trained his pug to Nazi salute for satirical purposes, then upload the hilarious video to youtube, which resulted in not a single person complained about it because it's hilarious) has been found guilty.

Watch out John Cleese, the pc police will be coming for you next .

I don't recall John Cleese repeatedly proclaiming "Gas the Jews" in Fawlty Towers.

The thought occurs the maybe, just possibly that might be the difference.
Well Count Dankula ( the Scottish guy who trained his pug to Nazi salute for satirical purposes, then upload the hilarious video to youtube, which resulted in not a single person complained about it because it's hilarious) has been found guilty.

Watch out John Cleese, the pc police will be coming for you next .

#freedankula just seen some vids on it. I watch mostly the "sceptics" on YT and if dankula can be banged up for "ruining" a pug for his SO for a cheap joke, I'd be watching pretty much nothing on YT before long. political correctness has gone insane, the authorities are giving in to screeching children, I'm just afraid they'll whip up a violent revolution that just destroys everything, and we'll have to pick up the pieces and make sure the next thing we make wouldn't be this SNAFU we got now
I don't recall John Cleese repeatedly proclaiming "Gas the Jews" in Fawlty Towers.

The thought occurs the maybe, just possibly that might be the difference.
Don't mention the war! we won ok!
I don't recall John Cleese repeatedly proclaiming "Gas the Jews" in Fawlty Towers.

The thought occurs the maybe, just possibly that might be the difference.
My point was they both make offensive jokes. But some context might help you see why this is wrong and worrying

Firstly The Video in question was made for the intent of annoying count dankulas girlfreind, he even put the reason why he made the video in the description to show that it was not made for any anti Semitic or offensive reasons
my girlfriend is annoying about our dog and thinks everything he does is cute, so I'm going to make him do the most horrible thing in the world to show her he's not so cute
fair enough he didn't have to use "gas the jews" as the trigger word to get the dog to nazi salute but it ads to the joke and makes the dog seem more horrible.

Secondly he's not been charged for anti Semitic hate crime, he's being charged under the 2004 communication act of being Grossly offensive ( I should also point out over 3 million people watched the video and not a single one found it offensive or complained )

Thirdly leaders off the Jewish community came out in defence of him and said they didn't find the video offensive. The person who brought this case against him was not a member of the public but the "Scottish police hate crime representative" whatever the **** that is, probably some sad sjw who sits in front of a computer all day looking for mean things on the internet.

Moral of the story is a man has been charged for being Grossly offensive and could be sent to prison for a joke that nobody found offensive or complained about. This is not acceptable in a liberal democracy and is in violation of the principles of free speech and liberty in this country.
Moral of the story is a man has been charged for being Grossly offensive and could be sent to prison for a joke that nobody found offensive or complained about. This is not acceptable in a liberal democracy and is in violation of the principles of free speech and liberty in this count
Fidel Castro would be rolling in his grave for not thinking about it first. Years ago it would still be funny, and no one would be charged for such a subjective crime which as you said, didn't actually offend anyone. It's just thin skinned authorities thinking it's offensive
I know I sound old but what happened to the time where you couldn't charge someone unless you've been robbed or murdered?
Fidel Castro would be rolling in his grave for not thinking about it first. Years ago it would still be funny, and no one would be charged for such a subjective crime which as you said, didn't actually offend anyone. It's just thin skinned authorities thinking it's offensive
I know I sound old but what happened to the time where you couldn't charge someone unless you've been robbed or murdered?
It's all about the votes mate. This and previous governments are pandering to certain communities giving them and their beliefs/cultural practices protective status, so when election day comes they'll remember who brought in the hate speech/crime laws that let them continue to act like petulant children. And our politicians are lazy it's much easier to put the critic in prison then it is to tackle the thing he's criticizing, Why stop large scale grooming of vulnerable girls when you can just ignore and blame the girls, who needs to tackle the rise in stabbings and acid attacks griping london when there's people saying mean things about politicians online.

In short if tackling a problem is going to cause you a lot of trouble just take something you don't like and pretend it's a big problem for everybody, that way you can pretend your tackling a problem.
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While I don't personally think it should be illegal, I'm not convinced that it really warrants defending either. I'm more inclined to take the view that people should consider what consequences their actions are going to have before they do something, and whether the offence is within the realms of incitement/hatred laws or not (I struggle to see it being deemed "grossly offensive" the way it has without the "gas the Jews" comments) I think posting a video in which you say those words, joke or otherwise, in a country where we do have those laws is probably not the smartest idea in the world or the most considerate.

I also feel like shock humour has lost most of its value in an age where just about every taboo has been broken. It doesn't really amuse me or shock me, it just makes me cringe slightly and think "Hmm, I don't think I'd say that even as a joke because I know there are still holocaust survivors and their families around". I don't think we need a law to prevent people doing it, but I'd kinda hope most people would just not do stuff like that out of common decency.

just take something you don't like and pretend it's a big problem for everybody
I feel like this is applicable to people jumping to the guy's defence as well. I mean this is not a particularly big issue for anyone who doesn't ever intend to make comments relating to real world genocide motivated by racial hatred in the context of a comedy YouTube video. Which again, I'd think is most people.
Your missing the point. The whole point of free speech is being able to offend somone. And lets not forget he wasn't found guilty of any Anti-Semitic hate crime, he was found guilty of being “grossly offensive”. In a free country it should never be a crime to be offensive, even grossly offensive. We must vigorously oppose the criminalisation of offensive speech, ideas or jokes.

I'll tell you a story I just rememberd that I think is relevant and somthing you'll find humorous. A couple years ago some German comedian made an offensive joke live on air about the Turkish president having sex with a horse, and Erdogan being the big egotistical twat he is asked the German government to imprison the man. The German government told Erdogan to go **** himself is what I'd like to say is what happened but they actually brought a case against the man. But a brave few stud up for the man, one was the dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen who made joke saying erdogan still owed him money for a blow job he gave him in a sauna, another was a British journalist who held a competition with a prize of £1000 to see who could come up with the best insulting poem about Erdogan, and the winner of that competition was now foreign Secretary Borison Johnson who wrote a poem that implied Erdogan had sex with a goat.

There was a young fellow from Ankara
Who was a terrific wankerer
Till he sowed his wild oats
With the help of a goat
But he didn’t even stop to thankera.
Do London folk really think the rest of the country will suddenly see the error of their ways, and stop believing in democracy if they put a few posters up?



London folk 1 - How can we get the non-london skum to change there mind about brexit?
London folk 2 - I know we'll put up a poster of food that shows a really good burger and a **** burger and the **** burger will represents brexit, that way there tiny non-london minds will be able to comprehend the wise words of us enlightened London folk.
London folk 1 - Oh no I've been stabbed
London folk 2 - I'd help you but I've just been acid attacked
London folk 1 - stay calm knife and acid attacks are just part and parcel of living in a big city
London folk 2 - your right, and besides how can we expect the police to protect us when there busy stopping people from saying mean things about politicians on the internet
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really? when I see the rubbish burger I see how much the EU takes out of Britain. also I don't like eating a rabbit hutch on top of my burger. if they think services were struggling before mass migration due to people not taking service jobs, they're idiots. 90% of those immigrants aren't taking service jobs and are in fact using the services more that British families
Your missing the point. The whole point of free speech is being able to offend somone. And lets not forget he wasn't found guilty of any Anti-Semitic hate crime, he was found guilty of being “grossly offensive”. In a free country it should never be a crime to be offensive, even grossly offensive. We must vigorously oppose the criminalisation of offensive speech, ideas or jokes.

I'll tell you a story I just rememberd that I think is relevant and somthing you'll find humorous. A couple years ago some German comedian made an offensive joke live on air about the Turkish president having sex with a horse, and Erdogan being the big egotistical twat he is asked the German government to imprison the man. The German government told Erdogan to go **** himself is what I'd like to say is what happened but they actually brought a case against the man. But a brave few stud up for the man, one was the dutch comedian Hans Teeuwen who made joke saying erdogan still owed him money for a blow job he gave him in a sauna, another was a British journalist who held a competition with a prize of £1000 to see who could come up with the best insulting poem about Erdogan, and the winner of that competition was now foreign Secretary Borison Johnson who wrote a poem that implied Erdogan had sex with a goat.
Again, this is my personal opinion and no something I believe is in any way worthy of legislation, but I'd probably draw a distinction between jokes about victims of terrible acts and jokes about people who commit them. Erdogan, as far as I know, has not been subjected to sexual assault by a goat (and if he'd been the aggressor in such a situation he'd be the one breaking animal cruelty laws) so I think anyone reading such comments is probably aware those are jokes and insults but without basis in reality.

I don't think it's right for the state to get involved and I don't think these laws need to exist (especially in the case of laws that seek to "protect" people like authoritarian Presidents who are already powerful enough to have people locked up on their orders) but I'm not really inclined to defend actions which my own personal morality says are ill-judged at best and potentially quite hurtful to people who really have suffered from terrible crimes commited against them. That's why I personally wouldn't joke about things like the holocaust or rape and murder. I feel other people should be free to do so, but I'm clearly not their intended audience.


Speaking of anti-Semitism (imagined or otherwise), I see the papers are going all out against Corbyn again for defending a mural which the press have claimed is "anti-Semitic" and are sticking to that line even though it was very obviously a reference to NWO conspiracy theories (which are anti-elites in general and nothing to do with race or religion) and the artist themselves has denied it was anti-Semitic. Makes you realize just how much the press really do control the narrative in this country when they can literally make something up and repeat it until it's taken as fact. I want to believe in a free press but they're making it very difficult when they pull nonsense like this.
Jeremy Corbyn's rabid supporters are apparently taking part in a (I **** you not) Anti Anti-Semitic rally, in which they protest against people protesting against anti-Semitism. I mean God forbid if someone says something negative about there lord and saviour
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Jeremy Corbyn's rabid supporters are apparently taking part in a (I **** you not) Anti Anti-Semitic rally, in which they protest against people protesting against anti-Semitism. I mean God forbid if someone says something negative about there lord and saviour
No double standards in British politics I see, under hate crime laws he shouldn't be seeing the light of day right now
The thing wasn't anti-semitic. I said I don't always agree with Corbyn, and this is a perfect situation to demonstrate it - I don't think he should have apologised or kowtowed to the lying press, and if anyone is drawing attention to the fact he hasn't in fact done anything anti-semitic, that can only be a good thing since the press and elements of the parliamentary Labour Party have essentially colluded to smear him.

Can we swap Luciana Berger for Gerald Kaufman please? Take that statement however you'd like.
Jeremy Corbyn's rabid supporters are apparently taking part in a (I **** you not) Anti Anti-Semitic rally, in which they protest against people protesting against anti-Semitism.
That's not what's happening at all Ken and you know it. It is in fact a protest led by Jewish socialists against flimsy accusations of anti-semitism being used for political purposes (like when people equate Jews with Zionism and criticism of the State of Isreal with anti-semitism, despite a lot of Jews not actually being Zionists). Which is exactly what's been happening.

And do people really believe someone who has been fighting against discrimination for pretty much his entire political career is a secret Nazi? Sounds pretty implausible, doesn’t it? Would it not be safer to assume that these allegations are in fact bull**** cooked up by Labour MPs who dislike him enough to dig through his facebook comments from six years ago specifically looking for things to smear him with, and in the process damaging their own party by giving ammunition to the Tories and the Tory press? This is the last damn straw for me, anything I can do to make sure these people have to face a reselection fight I will be doing. If they don’t like it they can get the Hell out of my party. They won’t be missed.
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is in fact a protest led by Jewish socialists against flimsy accusations of anti-semitism being used for political purposes
Of course it's being used for political purposes ( kinda like when Corbyn Politicized Philip Davies comment about feminist eating cake and demanded that Theresa May sack him for said comment, but it's okay when he uses political correctness to attack his opponents but when it happens to him his followers lose there **** and throw there toys out the pram like rebid children ) but that doesn't excuse it because it is happening and Corbyn's actions are contributing towards the rise of anti-semitism in this country. When the leader of labour is a member of not one but three secret anti-Semitic groups on his personal social media account, and uses a campaign against islamaphobia (which he himself launched) to give anti-Semitic extremist speakers a platform in our schools and universities
The launch organisers were Muslim Engagement and Development (Mend), a lobbying organisation whose senior figures included a campaigner who supported killing British soldiers and whose activists have made statements regarded as anti-Jewish.
The campaign gave mainstream respectability to “individuals with a high-profile extremist history”, according to the Henry Jackson Society think tank in a new report Profiting from Prejudice: How Mend’s ‘IAM’ Campaign Legitimised Extremism.
then don't be ******* surprised if anti-Semitic groups and individuals feel emboldened to act upon there anti-Semitic thoughts, which is exactly what has been happening and what they were protesting against yesterday, the anti-Semitic mural ( yes it was anti-Semitic because it depicted Jewish bankers as the enemies of the working class and I think they look an awfully lot like the Rothschild family ) was just the last straw for these people who are facing harassment on a daily basis. And lets not forget about him calling members of Hamas and Hezbollah his friends.

A two-month inquiry into anti-Semitism within the Labour Party has ruled that members should avoid making "Hitler, Nazi or Holocaust" comparisons when talking about the Israel-Palestine conflict, but said there should be no lifetime bans for those making anti-Semitic remarks. two-month inquiry into anti-Semitism within the Labour Party has ruled that members should avoid making "Hitler, Nazi or Holocaust" comparisons when talking about the Israel-Palestine conflict, but said there should be no lifetime bans for those making anti-Semitic remarks.
That sentences alone proves that the protesters concerns are well founded and not just a politicised attack on Corbyn by Labour mps who don't like him.
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