Friggin anus-butts! I like Peace Walker a lot but FFFFFFFFFFFF SO MANY BOSS BATTLES AND ALL OF THEM MECHS! It's really annoying, I feel like they have too much health too, some of the battles feel like a war of tedious attritition, you hide from their obvious and telegraphed attacks for what seems like hours, pop out empty your entire cache of weapons, call for supplies, repeat about 10 times... Argh. It's really frustrating me, I just wanna get to the sneakin' dammit!
Pfffff, sorry had to vent. Some of the battles are good and the way you have to be strategic in the AI battles is cool, even though some of them are right bastards, but the regular tanks and choppers are just annoying.
edit: Topic for discussion -
In stealth games, do you guys approve or disapprove of the ability in some recent stealth-em-ups to brute force your way through a level e.g. Splinter Cell Conviction, Peace Walker, MGS4 (I'm guessing judging from gameplay I've seen). Do you think it detracts from the stealth and promotes laziness, or that it merely offers a viable alternative to completing a level and gives you a fair chance if you get spotted?
Personally I feel the latter. It's all well and good having a stealth game that rewards good sneaking, but if the punishment for failing is too harsh, or even the dreaded insta-mission-fail, it can becoming both tedious and frustrating; frustedious if you will.
While I much prefer to play through a level as stealthily as possible, if I mess up, I find it quite thrilling to engage in a shootout, lob a smoke grenade then hide and wait for things to quiet down. IN earlier Metal Gears and Splinter Cells, you either run and hide or you died if you got spotted. You could try fighting sure, but 9 times out of 10 you'd lose or end up with your life hanging by a thread and ammo thin on the ground.