General Games Discussion

Yeah I understand 4's absence, but they could have updated twin snakes or even just given us a download code for MGS1 like they did in Japan. It would also have been nice for Portable ops to have been there too. If you were new to the series, you'd have not a chance at understanding what was going on in the story, with this collection.
vashdaman said:
Yeah I understand 4's absence, but they could have updated twin snakes or even just given us a download code for MGS1 like they did in Japan. It would also have been nice for Portable ops to have been there too. If you were new to the series, you'd have not a chance at understanding what was going on in the story, with this collection.

Well Twin Snakes is owned by Nintendo, I get the feeling that releasing it for another console would involve the same ballyhoo as the original Goldeneye getting a re-release. As for 1... well I don't really have any interest after playing Twin Snakes, I can't see myself going back to the original version. Portable Ops is a shame, but I can live without it, I understand it's not the best liked MGS. It would've been best iMo if they'd done 2 collections though Solid Snake Trilogy (1,2,4) and the Big Boss Trilogy (3,PO,PW) then it would cover all the bases.
Personally I actually prefer the original MGS to TS, I didn't really like the changes they made to cut scenes, and the music was different :(. Despite the badly dated visuals the original is the more pure experience in my opinion. As for the collection, yeah I guess two collection could work, as long as they released the Big Boss one first. The problem I have with this collection is that the choice of games makes the story impossible to understand for someone new to the series.
vashdaman said:
Personally I actually prefer the original MGS to TS, I didn't really like the changes they made to cut scenes, and the music was different :(. Despite the badly dated visuals the original is the more pure experience in my opinion. As for the collection, yeah I guess two collection could work, as long as they released the Big Boss one first. The problem I have with this collection is that the choice of games makes the story impossible to understand for someone new to the series.

Yeah, I think, as someone already said (maybe you), it was just the easiest 3 to HD-ify. Konami is massively effin' lazy. I mean the Essential Collection (MGS1-3) had MGS one still on 2 playstation 1 discs. They didn't even port it, which meant you had to use a PS1 memory card too.

I'll admit that some TTS cutscenes were a bit much, but the only properly egregious one to my mind is the missile kickflip. The rest are extreme, but only to the same level as all subsequent MGSs. Also considering how much people seem to think going back to 2 after 3 is going to be abhorrent on the "what are you playing" thread, surely going back to a game without even 2's enhancements would be even harder.

edit: I should note that your prefering 1 to TTS is not uncommon, it's I who is in the minority lol, I just like it better because it makes for a more cohesive trilogy, plus it means all the games have a subtitle now. That sits well with me :p
MGS1 was actually the last game of the console games that I played, and it was one heck of a challenge after being used to all the developments that were put in from 2 onwards.

The Ocelot fight was one of the toughest parts for me, not being able to shoot in first-person mode was a major shock!
VoxPhantom said:
MGS1 was actually the last game of the console games that I played, and it was one heck of a challenge after being used to all the developments that were put in from 2 onwards.

The Ocelot fight was one of the toughest parts for me, not being able to shoot in first-person mode was a major shock!

Mmm that's one of the downsides to MGSTTS the FPS makes that fight piss easy. Could you run and shoot in MGS1? That's generally how I play that fight in TTS, just stopping and shooting takes too long so I just run after him, which is the right balance of challenge and fun.
Aye, you could run and shoot. It'd be nearly impossible to play without that feature!

I've got TTS, but I have to agree that a lot of the fights seem much easier than in MGS1. I got a little further than the Ocelot battle and got fed up with how easy it felt in comparison to the original.
VoxPhantom said:
Aye, you could run and shoot. It'd be nearly impossible to play without that feature!

I've got TTS, but I have to agree that a lot of the fights seem much easier than in MGS1. I got a little further than the Ocelot battle and got fed up with how easy it felt in comparison to the original.

I suppose it's because of the MGS2 controls. it was a double edged sword, it made the gameplay more relevant but because they didn't update the areas or the room-clearing guys from 2, the difficulty wasn't balanced right.

I just got past The Fear, The End and that boss-of-bosses: THE LADDER.

The fear is friggin EASY if you have the thermal goggles, the biggest danger he poses is that you forget to remove one of his bolts before the end of the battle and risk having it stick out of you for the rest of the game.

The End was easier than I remembered. I'm not sure if I've beaten him once or twice before. I know the first time was a PAIN! I just had no idea what to do and it took me ages. Still not a huge fan of The End but I've got a grudging respect for him now rather than a "Fine let's do this..."
The End is brilliant, I love all the different ways you can beat (or not need to beat) him. Nothing's more satisfying than going into boy-scout mode and tracking him down from miles away.

The Ladder, eh? I remember the first time I went up it, acapella version of 'Snake Eater' sent shivers down my spine.

Making it through a playthrough of Snake Eater undetected is one of my proudest gaming achievements. Stealth camo is a load of fun to play with! :lol:
Mmm, the sheer number of options available to you for the whole game is astounding really. I've been playing with all the methods I've never really tried before e.g. blowing up store houses, throwing snakes/spiders at people, using the maintenance uniform instead of sneaking in the Shagohod's hangar.

I also fought Volgin and had fun because I was using CQC tactics. I always found Volgin a really annoying boss before but this time he was a lot of fun. (I still think he's a terrible character though, scenery-chewing villain on the scale of Liquid but without any real character beyond "sadistic pervert with lightning powers"

The Shagohod was piss easy, I manned the AA gun turret and emptied into Volgin until he died. It was kinda sad in a way... I still hate the escort EVA section, but I'm just coming up to the Boss now.
Aye, Snake Eater is pretty awesome in how much replayability it offers. Even trying to get as many different radio conversations with Sigint and Para-Medic can be a whole lot of fun.

I'm gonna cave in and purchase the HD collection sooner rather than later!
VoxPhantom said:
Aye, Snake Eater is pretty awesome in how much replayability it offers. Even trying to get as many different radio conversations with Sigint and Para-Medic can be a whole lot of fun.

I'm gonna cave in and purchase the HD collection sooner rather than later!

Yeah, I actually got the croc cap this time hehe. "Don't you think it looks ridiculous? Aren't you going to ask me what the hell I'm thinking?"
I just watched that 3 minute live action mini movie for True Crime Hong Kong or whatever. Seriously what is going on with video game advertising these days? I thought I was just watching a relatively crap movie, and even now I have no idea whether I actually want to play the game or not, as I didn't even see any fair representation of it.

True Crime LA was quite fun back in the day,though,in a really crappy 'buy the scratched up disk from your mate for a bent out of shape sovereign ring' kind of way.
vashdaman said:
I just watched that 3 minute live action mini movie for True Crime Hong Kong or whatever. Seriously what is going on with video game advertising these days? I thought I was just watching a relatively crap movie, and even now I have no idea whether I actually want to play the game or not, as I didn't even see any fair representation of it.

True Crime LA was quite fun back in the day,though,in a really crappy 'buy the scratched up disk from your mate for a bent out of shape sovereign ring' kind of way.

I saw that too. Sleeping Dogs. I really don't get live-action VG ads. It's even less representative than all-cutscene ads...
Friggin anus-butts! I like Peace Walker a lot but FFFFFFFFFFFF SO MANY BOSS BATTLES AND ALL OF THEM MECHS! It's really annoying, I feel like they have too much health too, some of the battles feel like a war of tedious attritition, you hide from their obvious and telegraphed attacks for what seems like hours, pop out empty your entire cache of weapons, call for supplies, repeat about 10 times... Argh. It's really frustrating me, I just wanna get to the sneakin' dammit!

Pfffff, sorry had to vent. Some of the battles are good and the way you have to be strategic in the AI battles is cool, even though some of them are right bastards, but the regular tanks and choppers are just annoying.

edit: Topic for discussion -

In stealth games, do you guys approve or disapprove of the ability in some recent stealth-em-ups to brute force your way through a level e.g. Splinter Cell Conviction, Peace Walker, MGS4 (I'm guessing judging from gameplay I've seen). Do you think it detracts from the stealth and promotes laziness, or that it merely offers a viable alternative to completing a level and gives you a fair chance if you get spotted?

Personally I feel the latter. It's all well and good having a stealth game that rewards good sneaking, but if the punishment for failing is too harsh, or even the dreaded insta-mission-fail, it can becoming both tedious and frustrating; frustedious if you will.

While I much prefer to play through a level as stealthily as possible, if I mess up, I find it quite thrilling to engage in a shootout, lob a smoke grenade then hide and wait for things to quiet down. IN earlier Metal Gears and Splinter Cells, you either run and hide or you died if you got spotted. You could try fighting sure, but 9 times out of 10 you'd lose or end up with your life hanging by a thread and ammo thin on the ground.
very unhappy bunny with this new from Namco Bandai UK's twitter



Seriously thought I really hope as some one else said on another forum that we don't want it to be released but end up like Tales of the Abyss with its stupid release a then make it impossible to get hold off
Well last i checked, we have subtitles and the japanese audio. Though yeah, the fact that we have to wait for full localisation is bit of a pain. Will look forward to it at least, or import from the US, who get it in Q4 this year.