Gaming Arrival Thread

Necromancer said:
The first PAL released Square game for PS2, The Bouncer is full screen, no borders, no 60hz option just like DQ. I think every other one of their releases has the borders :S, I wonder why they stopped doing good conversions after The Bouncer?

I'm not trying to argue but 50hz always has borders - even very slight ones. Little borders are always better than huge FFX slow down borders however. :wink: Project Zero 3 also has huge borders and I nearly died until I could set the option to 60hz.
I only noticed black borders when I got a bigger TV screen and a US PS2. It makes all the difference when you can play Final Fantasy VIII with a full screen..even the game is faster as PAL 50Hz causes 17% slowdown. If only the PS2 was like the Xbox which has PAL 60Hz - the best of both worlds. :D
Two games popped through the letterbox today.

The Sword of Etheria (PS2) - A.K.A. OZ in Japan. It is not released in the US so you can read them whining on gamefaqs. :wink: It probably plays something like Dynasty Warriors/Devil May Cry and seems to have decent marks all around. It has a rather nice front cover. :D

Click here to see it

Mega Man Anniversary Collection (US PS2) - I can't believe Capcom won't release this here. 10 classic megaman games with bonus extras. I should get the Mega Man X Collection at some point as well!
Weed vaporizer
I guess I get too much games sometimes..

Earlier I got:

Shadow of Memories (Xbox) - PS2 or Xbox? I think Xbox!

Trapt (PS2) - Haven't played this, but you play as Queen Allura who likes killing off enemies with creative traps. Ah.. nothing better than a sadistic game! :D
Drug Test Kit
Moar games!111one

Shadow Hearts 3: From The New World (US PS2) - I wonder if this will get released here? I'm looking forward to playing it but there's hardly any female characters! *gasp*

Devil Kings (UK PS2) - Take Samurai Warriors and change all the names of the characters to some cheesy 'super hero' style names. Nobunaga='Devil King' Noh/Kichou='Lady Butterfly' and Kuniochi='Venus' with other stupid names like 'Q-Ball' and 'Red Minotaur'.

Quantum Redshift (UK Xbox) - Finally got this from eBay and the disk needs a good clean! :?
Locked Funds Insurance Forums
Well I'm still pleased for getting a mint copy of RE:CV for £3.70, though that's probably just me being cheesy.

I've got the sequel to brave fencer musashi on order from Play, they have it for about a tenner, but they were out of stock so I'm worried I've missed the boat.

Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne/Lucifer's Call arrived a few weeks back. It's a surprisingly adult RPG with a great atmosphere - unfortunately the game mechanics are extremely flawed and I'm getting shot of it :(

Neptune, is Devil Kings any good? I've been chasing cheap promos of it on ebay and eyeing it up at my local gamestore, but it got pretty average reviews and I'm worried it'll be inferior to Dynasty Warriors 5.
Gallus Glee said:
Neptune, is Devil Kings any good? I've been chasing cheap promos of it on ebay and eyeing it up at my local gamestore, but it got pretty average reviews and I'm worried it'll be inferior to Dynasty Warriors 5.

Well, I had a quick go of Devil Kings with Lady Butterfly just to see how much it's like Dynasty Warriors. The game plays like a more mainstream version of DW (if that's possible!) with a bit of Devil May Cry Flare. Capcom ripped everything off the DW series - except with even fancier graphics, moves and character designs. It's a Fantasy version of Samurai Warriors with OTT everything.
It doesn't seem to have the depth of the DW series but it's more akin to a younger brother. I'm enjoying it so far, ignore the mediocre reviews because Dynasty Warriors never gets anything better than that! :D

I also got a new game today. Aura Battler Dunbine for the PS1 arrived on my doorstep and it includes both openings and ending from the series. The game plays like a poorer version of Super Robot Wars but I'm not too bothered. :)
After it seemingly being deleted for years, turned up Skies of Arcadia on the Cube which arrived this week.
Now I have that, Fire Emblem and Baten Kaitos sitting unopened and they will probaby stay that way until I get my Wii. The curse of Bargain Hunting for games is that I own too many to play, and yet I still pre-ordered a black DS Lite...
Finally I've got something to post, today I had a SPLURGE of gaming (all for the PS2) from my local blockbuster:

Xenosaga ep 2
GTA: San Andreas

From Tesco I also got:

Gadget & The Gadgetinis

The three Blockbuster games are second hand and cost a mere £5 each on blockies' ongoing five items for £25 offer. Inspector gadget cost £7 new, I got it since IS roxxorz.

A little out of place, but can I point out to everyone that your local Blockbuster may well be awash with games you want that work out at a fiver each. Whilst there today I got a stack of DVDs too, including one called Casshern which looks like an Asian Matrix, the Devils Rejects, Guy X (the one with the guy who joins the army and gets posted to Alaska), Cry Wolf and some others.

Blockbuster also has an offer on (not sure for how long) which involves trading items in and getting stickers to fill a card. Every item you trade in you get a sticker. Trade in six items (half a card full) and you get a free rental. Trade in a further six items (filling the card up) and you get £10 creditted to your blocky account. Obviously, that's on top of whatever you'd get for the trade-ins.

I've been using that for the past few weeks to get rid of absolute tripe from my old man's DVD collection (and mine), resulting in over £100 in total due to the £10 bonusses and the amount of items I've traded in. I suggest anyone interested digs up all the rubbish budget DVDs they can scrape together and joins blockbuster now - you don't have to use the credit now so you can wait till they've got stuff you want.

Also, some anime is now in-store to rent which means it may up available to buy, I've seen Steam Boy and that.. that one which Tartan have released (Sky Blue, that's it) in the store.

Sorry for rabbitting on but I'm quite pleased with today, had £50 on the account and I've ended up with £XXX worth of gear just when I've run out of stuff to watch and play.
The two 505 Gamestreet games I ordered from Play arrived this morning, they're for the PS2:

Zombie Attack
Michigan: Report From Hell

I'll be adding some info to my extremely rubbish 505 topic when I've played them both. Zombie Attack, at £10 and a quirky title, is exactlty the kinda thing I'd like others to know about if it's any good.

The problem with a lot of titles from 505 is that they don't get reviewed online since they're Euro-centric :S Makes it a sod to get some idea of their quality before buying. Anyway, time for some pants-tastic monstie-baiting. :D
Gallus Glee said:
The two 505 Gamestreet games I ordered from Play arrived this morning, they're for the PS2:

Zombie Attack
Michigan: Report From Hell

I'll be adding some info to my extremely rubbish 505 topic when I've played them both. Zombie Attack, at ??10 and a quirky title, is exactlty the kinda thing I'd like others to know about if it's any good.

Can't wait for an impression on both games. But I can't see how a cowgboy-bikini-sword-wielding woman killing zombies won't be entertaining! :wink:
On another note, I was browsing through the games section on 4chan and someone had put up scans to some 'cheapo' games: one of them was called Zombie Attack which seemed to look like the sequel to Zombie Zone. Is that the one you got? I don't know whether it's true or not, 4chan users like to photoshop too much - as I haven't seen it around.

Back to topic!
I finally got my hands on Star Trek Elite Force 2 (PC) - merely because it's Voyager. Shame it's a FPS, but I'll live somehow!
Also got Star Wolves (PC) in's 3 for ??10 sale. Have no clue what it is, but other people seemed to be buying it Go with the flow I say!
Sonic Adventure DX (PC) was a bargain on eBay. My favourite Sonic game where I can raise chao and actually enjoy the levels (unlike Sonic Heroes!).
Finally.. Dance Ejay 5 arrived as well! (PC again) where I can create my own cheap trance music. I already had this before but somehow lost the disks.

I'm buying no more PC games for a while! :D
I got:
The Movies: Stunts & Effects Expansion pack (CD-Wow gave me the Australian version and they use 'bricks' instead of proper DVD cases to hold one CD/DVD in. lol)

That's all I got over the past 1 or 2 weeks. Amazing! :wink:
Gm Foods
I got new games, although not 'new' games since they are both for the PS1 :wink:

Koudelka - The prequel to Shadow Hearts. It's a cross between Resident Evil and a RPG. Yay for Americans putting on fake accents - set in Wales no less.

Fear Effect - Because I like dying.. lots.
Help in love
Picked up five PS2 games from blockbuster for £25:

Hitman - Contracts
Sly Cooper 3
Another One - Which I can't remember XD

They're probably going to get a quick go then be traded in - I only got them because they looked the most tradeworthy and I had credit to use up.
Necromancer said:
Street Fighter Alpha Anthology and Drakengard 2 arrived today :D

Two games I want on the cheap :D

I only got one game recently and that is Metal Saga for the PS2. US release only so far - old skool open ended gameplay with tanks and anime styled characters. :wink:
All in one