UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

I personally think yellow subtitles are awful and the idea of including them for "nostalgia" is a pretty stupid reason to me. Making a set worse for some faux nostalgia is pretty annoying actually, but I guess that's my opinion because I dislike yellow subs, guess it won't matter to people who don't care....

Seems RS are letting folks exchange the DVDs of Turn A for the Blu-rays.

Must be nice, wonder if we'll even get Turn A at this point. >_>
I am also in the camp who are against yellow subtitles because frankly they're often just ugly and difficult to read (although I don't own the set in question and do believe they're probably okay apart from the colour).

It's not a killer for me if I ever was going to buy the set, but like others have said I don't think nostalgia is a good reason for yellow subtitles to exist. ^^;
Personally I have little nostalgia for the 90s so the effect was somewhat lost on me. Seems like a poor reason to use a subtitle colour that the majority of anime and foreign film distributors have, for good reason, left in the past, but oh well.

I just wish you'd had the same nostalgia kick for your DVD release - which has white subtitles - so that I might have known what to expect.

I will literally never make everyone happy anyway :). For what it's worth, we do normally go with white though so you don't have to worry about it often!
I personally think yellow subtitles are awful and the idea of including them for "nostalgia" is a pretty stupid reason to me. Making a set worse for some faux nostalgia is pretty annoying actually, but I guess that's my opinion because I dislike yellow subs, guess it won't matter to people who don't care....

I feel a bit bad piling on Andrew here, but I agree. Yellow subs are more intrusive and more likely to clash with the cinematography. I feel as nostalgic for them as I do for 56k dial-up and Michael Barrymore :D
Grrr, no Escaflowne for me today :mad:
Got an email confirming shipment an hour or so ago though.

I did also just receive another email (Stop filling my inbox! :p) confirming we'll receive an update next week on the shipping date for the FMA Ultimate Edition.
I got a similar email from Zavvi. They say FMA UE will be out on the 14th November, with the personalised certificate following two weeks later.

Weirdly I wouldn't mind another 2 week delay so that it lines up with my next pay day!
I got a similar email from Zavvi. They say FMA UE will be out on the 14th November, with the personalised certificate following two weeks later.

Weirdly I wouldn't mind another 2 week delay so that it lines up with my next pay day!

I thought the reason behind the initial delay was because they wanted to get the certificates out with the set at the same time. If they're sending them out two weeks later, why wasn't the set just released on the 31st of October as planned?
I thought the reason behind the initial delay was because they wanted to get the certificates out with the set at the same time. If they're sending them out two weeks later, why wasn't the set just released on the 31st of October as planned?

I really try not to be cynical, but I'd assume because the 31st October lies right in the middle of that period of time the AL webshop doesn't fulfill orders because of MCM.
I will literally never make everyone happy anyway :). For what it's worth, we do normally go with white though so you don't have to worry about it often!
I honestly don't care what the subtitles look like so long as I can read them and I really don't understand what's wrong with yellow subs at all.
I thought the reason behind the initial delay was because they wanted to get the certificates out with the set at the same time. If they're sending them out two weeks later, why wasn't the set just released on the 31st of October as planned?
The full email for context:
Thank you for pre-ordering Fullmetal Alchemist - Ultimate Edition.

I would just like to inform you that the release date has been pushed back to the 14/11/2016 due to a slight delay with the stock. You will receive a confirmation email as soon as the item is sent.

In regards to your personalised scroll, please be advised that this will not be dispatched upon release on the box, this will be with you up to 2 weeks later.

I apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

If there is anything else that we can do, then please do not hesitate to get in touch and a member of our team will be happy to help.

Kind regards, Customer Service Team

I'd guess there must have been a minor issue with the delivery of the stock of the UE itself as well. Maybe they need to sort out the logistics of shipping such a bulky set?

Looking again, it does say 'up to 2 weeks', so it could just be a couple of days for the certificates.
I thought the reason behind the initial delay was because they wanted to get the certificates out with the set at the same time. If they're sending them out two weeks later, why wasn't the set just released on the 31st of October as planned?

Several reasons:

1) Because while Zavvi has to send their own out they're doing it separately (because of data protection) - ours are getting worked into the box so it's part of the whole release - we felt that provides a more comprehensive release and it reduces the amount of risk of damage to the certificates, things going missing in postage etc.

2) Because we got some changes in address last minute or details for the certificates and they all have to be done together :).

I really try not to be cynical, but I'd assume because the 31st October lies right in the middle of that period of time the AL webshop doesn't fulfill orders because of MCM.

While this is true for a normal show, these are being fulfilled by Sony DADC directly and shipped via courier to ensure minimal transport to the end customer thus ensuring best rate of protection on stock too :).

Hope this helps!

If Zavvi were going to be sending out the certificates separately anyway then I have to say I am very disappointed about the delay because I could have had my set this week if there truly wasn't any problems with the stock beyond the fact certificates hadn't been done in time. I don't really see the point in having delayed the Zavvi stock at all at this point. :/

All these last minute delays are really not helping with budget balancing either. ^^;