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Outlaw Star - Episodes 19 - 26 [Final] Blu-ray

I thought Outlaw Star was a very entertaining show, it had a decent story and I loved the way it looked.

Knight's & Magic - Episode 12

Armoured Trooper Votoms (rewatch) Episodes 39-52 (Final)

Calling it a mecha show is to do it a disservice, it's a show with mecha in it but that's really not what it's about at all.

I wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment, just as Patlabor TV is a slice of life show with mecha in it, VOTOMS is a drama/thriller with mecha in it.

I can believe it - tried to track down the old ammo tin set at one point. Something about 'hens teeth' comes to mind...

One of the prize possessions of my anime collection:

Sword Art Online II complete
2 good arcs and 1 filler. The first 'Death Gun' had an intriguing plot with a
similar threat to life as the first arc of the first season, until they revealed that only a select few were actually in trouble. The OP also hinted at the identity of Death Gun, which was unfortunate
'Excaliber' was an action packed filler of everyone on a quest.
'Mother's Rosario' A surprisingly deep and emotional arc for an action show.
Tatami Galaxy - Complete

Wasn't expecting such an emotional final episode. Ozu is so adorable! And loved the twist with the ED. Really liked this.

Looking forward to watching Kaiba and Kemonomusume eventually.

A Centaur's Life
(Japanese audio) - Episodes 7-8

This show is really good. Not your usual monster girl series.
Ranma 1/2 OVAs 3-11 *OVA 2 is Christmas themed so I skipped it. I'll save it for then I guess (These were all quite enjoyable, though I once again find myself feeling sorry for Ranma (he's almost always getting screwed over by everything and everyone, poor guy). I always preferred the stories in which Ranma wasn't the victim of misunderstanding.

Viz Media did a great job remastering the OVAs once again and the plots were varied, much like the series. Shame the newer OVA wasn't included though-makes me want to see a reboot of sorts.) 3.5/5

Samurai 7
episodes 1-6
Ep 23 of Rage of Bahamut: Virgin Soul I was so happy when Allesand was killed but then they had to kill Kaiser at the end. I have a funny feeling El/Mugaru is going to come back
Eps 10 & 11 of Shoukoku no Altair
My First Girlfriend is a Gal, Episode 8

Actually laughed quite loud at a couple of the lines this episode.

Netsuzou Trap -NTR-, Episodes 8 - 10

Pretty much had my fill of the series at this point. Just a couple more to go now though.

Tsuredure Children, Episode 8

Loved the way the main dude came into his own after all he'd been through! So good.

Hana and Alice

So, this was a slice of life in the truest sense of the word I feel; in the end, a movie about nothing much at all. And daily life, and spontaneous, interpersonal connections. And teenager love. Really like the segment with the old man, it was sweet.

It's a cute film, I enjoyed the writing and the OST, and loved the backgrounds and general animations.

Well worth it!
Heavy Object-Episodes 17-19

New Game Season 2-Episode 12 (Complete)

Brilliant finale and an excellent second season all around. Here's hoping for a third.

My Love Story-Episode 16

Poor Saijou! I really hope she manages to find love, she seems so sweet.