What you guys doing right now.

Today I dismantled an optical drive to remove shards of my disc therefrom. The catastrophic rupturing of the latter whilst operational was not expected, to put things lightly.
Just in work, reading through the forums and working. Only a 4 day week for me so i'm looking forward to the nice long weekend, still between myself with if i should get a coach upto northampton or just drive but then where do i park up? the Uni would charge me £1000 to have a parking permit for the year but i don't have that spare cash and tbh i'm up there two weekends a month.... so not even a productive way to spend a grand.

Meant to be having a meeting with HR at 10 and tbh its just a waste of my time, i'd rather just continue working instead of her wasting my time.

Taking on a larger part of the Training department, expecting a payrise soon and if i'm lucky i'll even get posted closer to luton so travel times are shortened.
I'm actually sat at my desk in work posting this...instead of working... =D I'm waiting until 6 when I can leave and go see my friends I have staying over from Paris and Croatia, hopefully watch some anime or cruise to the pub.
Kyaku said:
What was it you had in your drive?
My coveted disc, of course. The item in question was, in virtue of the severe penetrating scratches it had suffered many years ago, admittedly unreadable by all other devices. As a result of its climactic demise, it is now unreadable by all.

All is not lost, however. 134Mb of precious data were retrieved prior to its destruction. Because its contents consisted of rom sets, however, one might say that the rest was 'MAMEd'.
Well, i've just got into the office after having a 20mile drive to Harperbury Hospital, had my meeting/job interview for a job down there and seems like everything is going in the right direction.

If i get the job i'll have alot less to deal with and roughly a £1200 payrise with an added fringe benefit of £1500 because i'll be within the M25.

Had to drive upto stevenage from there and just arrived at work roughly 15mins ago. Can't complain really... 4 day week and so far i've only done 1 day of work haha

This afternoon is to be used up trying to sort out mileage, talking to the possible new boss and sending over a portfolio of work that i've done over the past few months.

Used up almost a quarter of my tank on the journey though... 40miles before midday! then 13 to get home at half 4 :p
Zin5ki said:
All is not lost, however. 134Mb of precious data were retrieved prior to its destruction. Because its contents consisted of rom sets, however, one might say that the rest was 'MAMEd'.

If this binary source included a Duck Hunt ROM, then probably you have to blame your mr.hydeous personality for this fatality.

Sat doing someone elses job today as the rest of the department is in training.

To some this up, this is ********.

Im expected to see to things on my side whilst doing the bookings and the other person who is meant to be helping me is sat there eating none stop and doing sweet f*** all.

every chance i get to try and to my own job she moans that i should be doing the bookings, get off your lazy fat arse and do something then.

Really looking forward to tonight, when im on a coach up to northampton and can escape this dumb arse department for atleast 3 days.
Loosing eBay auctions. It's being a real bitch tonight, every time I try to do anything like bid or pay it's throwing errors up at me...

Ah well. I'll console myself (as I always do when I lose auctions) with the knowledge that at least my bidding cost my opponent money they otherwise wouldn't have had to spend.
Always set obscure amounts, i'm the guy who would typically put a highest reserved bid as 57p rather than 50p. Just to throw others off. Tends to work well for me lol.

OT; Just in work, really can't be bothered today (being a monday and everything) that 3 day weekend flew by too quick! Though i did manage to scout a few places close to the Uni that i'll be able to park up in a few weeks that will save me having to endure coach journeys with foreign people talking different languages down the phone louder than my ipod. And no more taxi money from the town centre to my house lol.

Bought myself a new sat nav this weekend too... very pleased with it :)
Currently watching 'Night At The Museum' on E4+1 while downloading tracks on Napster *

* I had 24 free track codes from when I got some Becks beer - the codes were due to expire 23.59 on 29/02/12 but when I went to use them at 22.00 on 29/02/12 it said they had expired. I contacted Becks and they have issued me with fresh codes which I am currently using.

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