What you guys doing right now.

At the moment i am currently wondering why i got a shock from unplugging the xbox 360..and erm..well..checking the forums really..there isn't much to do at this time of night usually for me
Got woken up by my dear mother this morning, its not too hot at the moment but its supposed to get up to something like 36 degrees today or something i dunno, anyways, slowly getting over this pain, and things that have happened in this last week or so, but greeving more wont replace my door, or replace the skin on my knuckle or replace the feelings and promises, broken, if only someone could rid me of all this...

This message isnt supposed to make anyone feel bad, so before anyone says it, its not
It's so hot! I went outside for about...10 seconds and I couldn't take it. I need my cold!!!
So, hot, watching xxxHOLIC ending and generally just trying to do very little activity
Getting extemely p****ed off at the little black thunder bugs, I had millions all over my bed and on my window this morning due to my window being open all night, hovered them up and finally sat down then saw 2 creeping across my monitor screen, only to find they were inside the monitor!

Luckily they have decide to come out of my monitor instead of dying in the middle of my screen.
Finally starting to cheer up a little, but the wether is stopping me completly along with something else, once thats all sorted I should be fine, well if it gets cold quite quickly
currently eating lunch and checking around the forums. May head off and go onto a game in a few minutes to which one though to go on i don't know as yet.
Finished polishing my guitar this morning after restringing it, now its all shiny and it has nice new shiny strings on it, now just sitting here, was listening to music but turned it off, no body is online, so i have nothing to do or nobody to talk to...where is everybody?
i am talking to 2 people online and afterwards gonna go get something for dinner..also happy that i finally got A- rank on DOA 4 online
Awake at this time of day..as usual..trying to find something to keep me occupied..which seems to be very little at the moment.