What you guys doing right now.

Now this looks like fun, on the go personal commentary.

I am sitting here waiting for my mate to reply to my holler on msm, listening to a completely random selection of music from my big folder full o' super robot wars albums and lamenting how hard it is to meet people in Londons daily grind.

Sadly, that's an average evening in, I should put something interesting on.
Sitting at the computer listening to some old 8O's tunes lol! Talking on msn, contemplating my day spent mostly thrwing a basketball against a wall in frustration.
Finaly have the net back!! Yay!! Yay!! Yay!! * coughs * Just scnning the net and spell checking some course work, chatting on MSN. Will probs watch some animw later :)
Just finished Onimusha Dawn of Dreams so now taking a break from it....talking to a couple of people on MSN and may go to get a drink or something from the shop just down the road in a few minutes.
Debating if I'm ready for more cheese of the '92 anime GPX Cyber Forumla Double One, it's a fun OVA but man it's more than a lil' Edam!
Whoever sang that closing song (English btw) is trying so hard to sound like Joe Cocker it's gotta hurt :)
Almost falling asleep in front of my comp. Yesterday has taken all the energy out of me. However I don't give a damn. Enjoyed myself imensly. At the moment am listening to Beauty is Within us. Such a prettyful song, yet slightly depressing. Talking on msn, While trying to remember the chords I learnt on guitar...failing
i am now using this oppurtunity to talk on MSN and look around the internet as i have been able to gain accessto my brothers computer while he has a go on Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends...also thinking on getting some revision done in the near future
Just woke up, and stummbled downstiars to find the dog missing and house empty T_T So after trecking around for the dog and finding it in the nabours garden, grabbed my laptop checked emails, and scanning forums >.> May go get some breakfast in a min @_@
Mmm I can taste my breakfast still! I had cake...lol! I'm terrible.
I think I deserve the treat, my throat feel awful and I can't stop coughing. I also threw away a good day out with my friends...to do Coursework. Why is being responisible so crap.
Not much at the moment...i've been able to get on the computer as mum has just gone to bed and my step-dad just rushed out to see his brother and his wife as their house was broken into and robbed i think :? so i got the house to myself until he gets back :?
Sitting in front of my comp wearing the skirt I can finaly wear cause I bought some tights...don't say I could have worn them without. It's to bloody cold.
Feeling headachey again. And also very alone...no one's here they've all gone out and left me to my own devises for a whole day...there will be mayhem...
I'm here..in this dark room just browsing the internet and noone is talking on MSN :? , listening to music and going to start some computing revision soon enough...
Thinking over the terrifying night Ive just had and being thankful for the person who kept me sane all the way through.
I'm tired. I need to sleep and cuddle my cat Pippin to make the nightmares go away.
Scanning the forums while munching on a bowl of Crunchie nut clusters :) yumm. Just got up ^.^;; Going to watch some anime in abit, then i have a stack of art course work todo T_T