What you guys doing right now.

Well...i'm on the computer upstairs at the moment...Mum and my brother have been home since yesterday so the only hop ei have of getting online is on the computer here. :? , ah well i'll cope :lol:
I'm stuck in class at the moment..Computing revising Computer Networking :? why did i come in today? its the last day before the easter hols :lol: At leeast i have 2 free periods next
Not much, really. Just enjoying what free time I have on the computers in school. Which does not include doing school work. >_>

Once again, I have my MP3 player, which is playing Goover by HaMC. <3
I just caught Regice, Registeel and Regirock on Pokemon Sapphire...then came first in the Blue Cup on Pokemon Dash...now I'm...cooking a pizza. 8)
Currently in an Internet cafe in Gran Canaria, missing all you lot, my girlfriend especially, and going for a dip in the pool in a minute as it´s 30 degrees here!
Back home for the Easter holidays and cursing my old workplace for not giving me my job back!!! :evil: Don't they understand they're only in business still because of me!?!

And also counting down to hear the Reading line up (although I probably forget to tune in...) then buy my ticket! Yessss! 8 hours to go!!!
Easter break started for us on Friday last week..so now enjoying 2 whole weeks of relaxation hopefully..like today i have decided to leave studying till tomorrow and just watch anime and play games.
Recovering from the downer of yesterday... Haven't got a Reading ticket yet... :cry: And I was trying all the time between 7.15 and 9 when it sold out. I'm was not pleased... But hey, my nephew's gonna be round soonish and I haven't seen him in AGES! Awwww
Feeling much, much hunger, need some breakfast, but i think i ate the last of anything decent yesterday

Edit: Also dehydrating since our tap water brown again
Charter_Mage said:
Feeling much, much hunger, need some breakfast, but i think i ate the last of anything decent yesterday

Edit: Also dehydrating since our tap water brown again

Thats harsh.
Have still not found missing item. But have compensated it by wearing my cat around my neck. She's gotten a tad fat since last time though so I have some serious neck ache going on.