What you guys doing right now.

Sat in work listening to the radio and having a laugh.

"the worst weather in 30 years and due to be the worst weather in a hundred years, gatwick, luton and heathrow are all closed, there's cars abandoned and hundreds of school closures, the gritters report that were running out of salt and the government may have to import from other countries to keep main roads working. Sales reports have recently shown a mass increase in tinned food and cat litter"

I'm waiting for the hysterical "were all going to die!!!!"

Just opened my payslip.
I got a tax rebate of £25.....and didn't get paid my proper amount. me and kayleigh haven't been paid :(
cock up in higher management!
I think I'll start hoarding tonight, the survivalist in me gets quite excited about the prospect of societal collapse no matter how slim the chances. Now then, where do I get a shotgun licence...

If the next time you see me I'm sat in the ruins of a local church atop a throne made from the skulls of my vanquished enemies, wearing a fur coat and the contents of the local jewellers, surrounded by my combined personal bodyguard and harem (about... seven should do I think) at least know that I'm happy.
A hoard of zombies wouldn't go a miss. instead of being scared i'd like to push chavs forward as a first line of defence. as soon as their eaten and turned into the living dead i'll have more than enough justifiable reason to run up and smash their heads in with a cricket bat and air pistol.
Watching the wank roll in about Jared Padalecki's engagement. Wowie, some people sure are nuts.
Hah, Sam and Ruby. Never knew about that. I wonder if it'll last.

Also, I'm still rewatching The OC. I didn't want to frakking rewatch the entire series, only the Chrismukkah one (on Christmas eve), but I somehow have - mid S2 currently. Not paying a lot of attention with it, though. Mainly watching it for the awesome Seth/Summer and Seth/Ryan stuff.
Suppressing my urge to throw my router out of the window. I have to hold my laptop within about 40cm of it or it won't connect. F*cking c*ck-s*cking god-damned piece of sh*t.
Erm... Not sure... I may play some more Blood Bowl, but otherwise, I'm just on the PC with a cowboy hat over my earphones...
How?! Get a hat that's 3xlarger than it should be. XD
Repeatedly looking at my computer clock at work. Sure bad sign of a long day ahead. Also singing the same line from a Roy Orbison song I heard this morning over and over. It's starting to annoy me.

"I drove all niiiight, to get to you! Is that all right?" *sigh*
Voddas said:
"I drove all niiiight, to get to you! Is that all right?" *sigh*
My friend has four diff versions of this song and always listen them back to back :S it's trully annoying. I don't mind listening to it once in a while. It's a good song, but too much of it and it gets to your nerves.

I like the "You got it" one though.
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:
Does it involve:

- Pokemon Nope
- Eating food twice your body weight in size Nope
- putting yourself in inhumane positions in order to fit through
moving wall Nope
- Gackt Nope
- Gambling Not in a proper gambling sense, but like by taking a gamble and trying to answer a question

The show is called マジカル頭脳パワー Majikaru zunou pawaa = Majical brain power, it started in like 1992 and ended sometime just after 2000.
This guy has tons of eps: http://www.youtube.com/user/NOON0052
chaos said:
Voddas said:
"I drove all niiiight, to get to you! Is that all right?" *sigh*
My friend has four diff versions of this song and always listen them back to back :S it's trully annoying. I don't mind listening to it once in a while. It's a good song, but too much of it and it gets to your nerves.
Cyndi Lauper's version FTW.
Voddas said:
chaos said:
I like the "You got it" one though.
Who doesn't. ;)
I don't think Aion does...

ayase said:
chaos said:
Voddas said:
"I drove all niiiight, to get to you! Is that all right?" *sigh*
My friend has four diff versions of this song and always listen them back to back :S it's trully annoying. I don't mind listening to it once in a while. It's a good song, but too much of it and it gets to your nerves.
Cyndi Lauper's version FTW.
Ditto. But the "re-mixed" Roy Orbison version is also very good.
Talking to my best friend, who is currently studying Aerospace Engineering over in San José. I'm missing her like crazy and I may be a little teary eyed right now :3
Watching the Apple keynote presentation. Even as a mac whore with an iMac, macbook pro and iphone I am not sure if I could warrant getting the new ipad.