What you guys doing right now.

Chaz said:
ayase said:
Chaz said:
Drinking some warm milk for a change.
I'm not fond of milk so I dont drink it too much, but I've been trying to get into the habbit of doing so. It's not bad, but I always have to have 2 sweetners with it (and it has to be warm!) *Sweatdrop* No wonder my teeth are bionic.
Did I read that right - sweetners? In milk? XP
Hehe, well, I didn't want to add sugar to it. :p So it was the only other option for me.

Just finished helping my dad chop some overgrown trees down in my garden. All I did was pull on the rope though. He got the fun of using the chainsaw. ;)

Using a machete to lop off the branches can be a great stress reliever..plus great exercise.
Ryo Chan said:
i must say i'm glad to come home and notice my samurai swords in 1 piece after u mentioned that

My friend got worried when I started doing things with the machete blade I normally do with the ForceFX lightsabers I have at home...it was amusing to watch his face every time I did a moulet/spin....leaning things with non-edged weapons gives you BAD habits...
Wondering where exactly my day has gone. None of the plans I had for yesterday came to fruition, I never even left the damn flat. Oh well.
!!! I play WoWTCG too! I qualified for the nationals last December but I didn't go because I would have had to place in the top 8 at least to win anything of greater worth than the cost of the travel, & I was playing an AWESOME Mother Misery deck. Awesome though it may be, it has a few unavoidable weaknesses thanks to being weapons & quests only. I play for fun more than to win.
Mutsumi said:
!!! I play WoWTCG too! I qualified for the nationals last December but I didn't go because I would have had to place in the top 8 at least to win anything of greater worth than the cost of the travel, & I was playing an AWESOME Mother Misery deck. Awesome though it may be, it has a few unavoidable weaknesses thanks to being weapons & quests only. I play for fun more than to win.

Nice to see a fellow player ;) Just out of interest are you on/aware of http://www.zappedgiants.com? It's the UK Community site for WoW TCG and has pretty much all the details you could want of Organised Play.

I like to qualify with/play ABSOLUTE JANK....I qualified for Nationals with a deck that relied on AQUATIC FORM....this amused me greatly. Also built the Sunseeker Astromage that took a clean sweep at one of the qualifiers for the previous Realm Championship.
Typing this post entirely with my right hand because my left is currently in a rubber glove filled with water and tied with an elastic band, the only way I can find to numb the crippling, agonising pain caused by pouring boiling water from a kettle directly onto the skin between my thumb and forefinger and as such, also down both sides of the hand.

Advice for everyone: there is no need to hold a mug with one hand while filling it when a surface does a perfectly adequate job on it's own. Kitchen surfaces don't feel pain.

If anyone knows any better way to lessen the pain than my makeshift wetsuit glove which does not involve basic first aid items or consuming large quantities of alcohol (I've found I don't have any of either) I would very much like to know. This is one of the most painful things I have ever experienced.
ayase said:
Typing this post entirely with my right hand because my left is currently in a rubber glove filled with water and tied with an elastic band, the only way I can find to numb the crippling, agonising pain caused by pouring boiling water from a kettle directly onto the skin between my thumb and forefinger and as such, also down both sides of the hand.

Advice for everyone: there is no need to hold a mug with one hand while filling it when a surface does a perfectly adequate job on it's own. Kitchen surfaces don't feel pain.

If anyone knows any better way to lessen the pain than my makeshift wetsuit glove which does not involve basic first aid items or consuming large quantities of alcohol (I've found I don't have any of either) I would very much like to know. This is one of the most painful things I have ever experienced.


Failing that, put an Ice-lolly, bag of frozen peas, anything like that on it.

Also Anthisan is a marvellous cream for burns. You can obtain it basically everywhere.
Cheers Spyro. I'll try and turn the other rubber glove into an icepack. :lol:

Some kind of cream would be useful I'm sure, but nothing is really easy to obtain at this time of night in suburbia, sadly.

And, uh, thanks devilrules. I think I'll pass on that option.
i am burning albums right now. lateest album i have downloaded is sudice silence and i am currently listening to it full blast. by the way hope ur hand feels better soon dude :D
devilrules666 said:
i am burning albums right now.
Hmm... Any site with adequate ventilation for the fumes given off by melting vinyl / plastic. As long as you're in the open air you should be okay. ;)

I imagine that question violates the forum rules, just so you know.

[Rui edit: Indeed it does! I snipped out the quoted phrase in question - ayase isn't talking crazily to himself]
ayase said:
Cheers Spyro. I'll try and turn the other rubber glove into an icepack. :lol:

Some kind of cream would be useful I'm sure, but nothing is really easy to obtain at this time of night in suburbia, sadly.

It's a bitch that you don't have anthisan. It's awesome for burns. I reccomend you get a tube of it for your house just incase you do it again by accident, or burn yourself cooking. It's great. (Works on nettle stings too if you're a gardener.)

And yeah, Ice pack is generally good as it's colder :lol:

They aren't like 3rd degree burns... right?
^ I wouldn't have thought so. No skin peeling and I'm not in shock. It's just very red and very painful, the fact that the place it burned is pretty sensetive isn't helping.

Yeah... I had some first aid stuff (which my mum gave me when I moved out) but I've managed to misplace it. It's just a good job I've never gored myself or I'd probably bleed to death before an ambulance arrived. First thing tomorrow I'm taking a trip to the pharmacy.