What you guys doing right now.

chaos said:
Imaging 89 laptops... what a thankless thing to do.. :p

They're all going to year 1 kids too.

At least I get one for myself too....and I get the one with none of the admin tweaks on to make the main account a little.....restrictive.
Got back from a mini-holiday last night and i'm now attempting to unpack my stuff and re-construct my room which was painted whilst I was away. I have too much stuff.
Decided not to go into town early with my bro... Let's see, few mins walk to get to work, or wait over 1hr 30mins in the pouring rain...? Rather spend the extra fuel.
Watching this.

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/9X54RvzZKkI&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/9X54RvzZKkI&hl=en&fs=1&color1=0x402061&color2=0x9461ca" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
^ Those are awesome. Except for the Ultra Folk 1 & 2, which are the most complicated, unnecessary but brilliant inventions ever created. Guitar playing by proxy with the possibility of electrocution? Bravo.
Sitting down after spending another three hours fence painting, feeling like I got nowhere, despite the panels only being half-size. Being slow at doing things and impatient isn't a good combination. I'm hoping but not expecting to finish it tomorrow.

For lulz, it appears some random person chucked some 2p coins at me from somewhere I couldn't see. I'm not sure if it was because I'm dressed in crappy clothes to avoid getting paint on the good stuff or just pure boredom.

Right now, I'm about to have a bath to get the paint off me.
Drinking some warm milk for a change.
I'm not fond of milk so I dont drink it too much, but I've been trying to get into the habbit of doing so. It's not bad, but I always have to have 2 sweetners with it (and it has to be warm!) *Sweatdrop* No wonder my teeth are bionic.
Maltos said:
I'm relaxing after trecking around Bristol all day.
I'd expect you'd be tired. I decided not to study in Bristol on account of the sheer number of hills there. If you needed to get anywhere in the city, elevation changes would be afoot. Reminded me too much of my existing qualms with hilly areas, you see.
Zin5ki said:
I'd expect you'd be tired. I decided not to study in Bristol on account of the sheer number of hills there. If you needed to get anywhere in the city, elevation changes would be afoot. Reminded me too much of my existing qualms with hilly areas, you see.
A feature I encountered many times. The hills did pose a problem after an, almost, full day of walking; the last gradual slope up to the train station was truly difficult.
Today I finally finished assembling a Captain Morgans Zombie Regiment for my Vampire Counts :p

Converted to have a zombie Cap'n Morgan and First-mate Maltos in the front rank ;)
Chaz said:
Drinking some warm milk for a change.
I'm not fond of milk so I dont drink it too much, but I've been trying to get into the habbit of doing so. It's not bad, but I always have to have 2 sweetners with it (and it has to be warm!) *Sweatdrop* No wonder my teeth are bionic.

I can't stand milk at all unless it's part of a milkshake, which is why the only cereal I'll eat it stuff like Coco-pops :p. My disdain for milk often gets my quite a bit of grief with my friends...
Chaz said:
Drinking some warm milk for a change.
I'm not fond of milk so I dont drink it too much, but I've been trying to get into the habbit of doing so. It's not bad, but I always have to have 2 sweetners with it (and it has to be warm!) *Sweatdrop* No wonder my teeth are bionic.
Did I read that right - sweetners? In milk? XP

Surprised at the disdain being shown squeezed cow juice (as Yotsuba would have you believe). I drink a lot of milk, after coffee it's probably my most consumed liquid. I'm not quite Leon (yet) but I do like it.
ayase said:
Chaz said:
Drinking some warm milk for a change.
I'm not fond of milk so I dont drink it too much, but I've been trying to get into the habbit of doing so. It's not bad, but I always have to have 2 sweetners with it (and it has to be warm!) *Sweatdrop* No wonder my teeth are bionic.
Did I read that right - sweetners? In milk? XP
Hehe, well, I didn't want to add sugar to it. :p So it was the only other option for me.

Just finished helping my dad chop some overgrown trees down in my garden. All I did was pull on the rope though. He got the fun of using the chainsaw. ;)