What you guys doing right now.

Ooooh, I see lots of stars... Dunno Ayase, I've never fully understood these contraptions myself.

OT - I'm tierd... I should be at Taekwondo, but I just cant do it. Slightly more time at work than usual, but packed full of customers with new responsibilities to go with it... Meh. *Flops on desk*
Reading about Steve Ditko and his Objectivist comics characters. Fascinating stuff.

I always feel a bit heartless when I find myself agreeing with Objectivist philosophy, but since that feeling itself is explained away as irrational by Objectivism, I can't help but feel that it's the truth regardless of whether I admit it or not.

Head Asplode?
ayase said:
...that feeling itself is explained away as irrational by Objectivism...
By feeling, do you intend to say belief?
As I understand it, the epistemology associated with Randian Objecivism decries 'feeling' as irrational, but seemingly attributes the status of knowledge to certain volitional activities following from perceptions.

According to this, if you can justifiably believe that Objectivism is true, said justification adhering to whatever is required of you by the doctrine, then agreeing with the Objecitivsts needn't be a self-defeating proposition: No irrational act of conciousness is committed by doing so, for you have reasoned accordingly and cannot say you merely 'feel' that Rand et al are correct.

Of course, if you do only feel that Objectivism is true, as opposed to anything more reasonable, then you've encountered a paradox: The doctrine you'd feel to be true wouldn't allow you to feel that it is true, owing to its denouncement of feeling as a knowledge-acquiring method.

I myself find more insight in arguments older than Objectivism. Though I cannot claim to be an expert on the various forms of representationalism or Kantianism, I don't wish to reject them outright at the moment by opting for a more modern approach.

Sorry for the long-windedness. I'm at a loose end at the moment.
Zin5ki said:
Of course, if you do only feel that Objectivism is true, as opposed to anything more reasonable, then you've encountered a paradox: The doctrine you'd feel to be true wouldn't allow you to feel that it is true, owing to its denouncement of feeling as a knowledge-acquiring method.
Hah! Brilliant. I rather like that paradox. Objectivism doesn't deny of course that feelings and emotions exist, but rather that it isn't rational to act based upon on them. Therefore if I do feel that Objectivism is right, I am indeed in a very odd situation, as acting on that instinct and declaring it to be right would run counter to that same belief.

Sadly though, I think it is a case of mis-wording and I did in fact mean to say that I believe it to be true based on evidence I have accumulated. No world-shattering disproving of philosophies for us today, Zin5ki. ;)

As for philosophy in general, it's the one thing I would have liked to study for no reason other than to find how to describe what I believe coherantly to others. However, the fact that what I believe changes as I gain knowledge makes me think that probably would have been futile. What I believe now, with the knowledge I have now, is not the same as what I believed five years ago, with the knowledge I had then. For all I know, this trend may well continue until my death.
Trying to get to sleep unsuccessfully so I started watching Dirty Harry. I'm gonna be tired when I've gotta get up at 9 tomorrow...
On the 29th of June I said:
Too hot, unable to sleep, listening to a ******* house alarm which has been going on for about the past hour...

I can shut the window, all will be quiet but I will drown in my own sweat, or I can leave the window open and be cool but have to listen to this piercing siren.

Either way I get no sleep.
I have a strange feeling of déjà vu... As long as I haven't entered into an endless recursion of time.
ayase said:
On the 29th of June I said:
Too hot, unable to sleep, listening to a ******* house alarm which has been going on for about the past hour...

I can shut the window, all will be quiet but I will drown in my own sweat, or I can leave the window open and be cool but have to listen to this piercing siren.

Either way I get no sleep.
I have a strange feeling of déjà vu... As long as I haven't entered into an endless recursion of time.

A Siren? Where do you live, Silent Hill?
Spyro201 said:
ayase said:
On the 29th of June I said:
Too hot, unable to sleep, listening to a ******* house alarm which has been going on for about the past hour...

I can shut the window, all will be quiet but I will drown in my own sweat, or I can leave the window open and be cool but have to listen to this piercing siren.

Either way I get no sleep.
I have a strange feeling of déjà vu... As long as I haven't entered into an endless recursion of time.

A Siren? Where do you live, Silent Hill?

That would be quite bizzare, imagine waking up to find Pyramid Head knocking on your door. (well not so much knocking as breaking it down to get at you)
BlackWolf said:
Spyro201 said:
ayase said:
On the 29th of June I said:
Too hot, unable to sleep, listening to a ******* house alarm which has been going on for about the past hour...

I can shut the window, all will be quiet but I will drown in my own sweat, or I can leave the window open and be cool but have to listen to this piercing siren.

Either way I get no sleep.
I have a strange feeling of déjà vu... As long as I haven't entered into an endless recursion of time.

A Siren? Where do you live, Silent Hill?

That would be quite bizzare, imagine waking up to find Pyramid Head knocking on your door. (well not so much knocking as breaking it down to get at you)

Or for him to wake up and it be deadly quiet. What he thinks is snow falling from the sky... Odd mutants splurting highly corrosive poison on sight...
and so todays song of the day is

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/tBrUjvONIrA&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/tBrUjvONIrA&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
I remember that song. Poor chap simply doesn't know the best ways of getting some shut-eye. Different people have different standards though, so perhaps he is indeed scuppered.
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share the good news that I will be starting a new job on Monday.

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the kind folk on the forum who have been wishing me well with interviews over the last couple of months. I know it has been a long journey from twisting my ankle to getting back into employment, but your motivation and kindness has been appreciated.

Thank you!

M.G x
Manga Girls said:
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share the good news that I will be starting a new job on Monday.

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the kind folk on the forum who have been wishing me well with interviews over the last couple of months. I know it has been a long journey from twisting my ankle to getting back into employment, but your motivation and kindness has been appreciated.

Thank you!

M.G x

Congratulations MG!

Maybe this means we get around to that long planned meet-up in London?
Manga Girls said:
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share the good news that I will be starting a new job on Monday.

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the kind folk on the forum who have been wishing me well with interviews over the last couple of months. I know it has been a long journey from twisting my ankle to getting back into employment, but your motivation and kindness has been appreciated.

Thank you!

M.G x

Congrats Manga Girls, i wsh you the best of luck on your new job :) i'm sure you'll do great
Ryo Chan said:
and so todays song of the day is

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/genGRyaaM7k&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/genGRyaaM7k&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

And congrats Manga Girls! Hope the new job will be enjoyable :)
Manga Girls said:
Hello everyone, I just wanted to share the good news that I will be starting a new job on Monday.

I just wanted to say a big thank you to all the kind folk on the forum who have been wishing me well with interviews over the last couple of months. I know it has been a long journey from twisting my ankle to getting back into employment, but your motivation and kindness has been appreciated.

Thank you!

M.G x
That's fantastic news for ya, MG. :D I'm sure you'll do yourself and everyone proud.
Hey, Congratulations Manga Girls. :D

On Topic: Half-heartedly playing a literal "hide the banana" .swf H-game to the sound of Neil Young's Campaigner in the background.
Just finished playing some Final Fantasy. I'm up to the point where i've just landed in Costa del Sol :)

This games great, seriously.

(But please guys, i've not finished it before so no spoilers!)

And i'm about to go watch the latest 07-Ghost and some more Serei no Moributo :)
I am EXTREMELY pissed off at present. I would've liked to have gotten some sleep but my laptop went on the frizt. As such it decided to do a complete wipe of everything on here and reinstall windows. Now i have to get everything back on my laptop, since all my back-up disks are missing =/. So much for sleep before my exam.