What you guys doing right now.

I finally had pysio for my ankle today. Hurrah! Only a three month wait...

@ any computer experts out there...

Trying to figure out why my laptop died. I tried to turn it on and a message said 'Please check the report ...'something or other. Then the screen went all black and stayed that way. I've turned it off/on, charged the battery to no avail. If anyone knows what this might be, please let me know. It's not even a year old, so it shouldn't be dead just yet.
Crying because it seems as if I might not get to see Cotto/Clottey & UFC 99 this weekend due to setanta going bust. DAMNIT!!!!
Currently planning on watching the newest FMA episode in an hour or so, but at present doing some reading, talking on the chat and listening to music, the usual stuff basically.
iisan said:
Thanks Chaos, but I'm afraid your wellwishes may have been insufficent to save my grade. :3
Sad to hear that, but as a human being as long as you have your health you should be fine.
(a cookie if you know which anime I've got that from) ;)
Zin5ki said:
ayase said:
Watching the BBC Election Map.

It's... looking pretty decisive.
Egad. Our green and pleasant land now appears to be blue (da ba dee...).
Hehe, that just reminded me on how today's music artists aren't quite as imaginative as we all thought... Flo Rida Ft.Wynter Gordan - "Sugar" for instance. (Good song though.)

Just finished one lot of image transfers from one device to PC... Now I have more to do. Busy day! TT_TT
Listening to the thunder and watching hailstones come down hard like a rain of ball-bearings. Glad I don't have to go out today...
ayase said:
Listening to the thunder and watching hailstones come down hard like a rain of ball-bearings. Glad I don't have to go out today...
Oh, Arby was listening to that Yesterday. I wonder if this is any good, but I believe I might listen to it before this week ends if things keep on like that.
chaos said:
Oh, Arby was listening to that Yesterday. I wonder if this is any good, but I believe I might listen to it before this week ends if things keep on like that.
No thunder around these parts, to my knowledge. Of course, I can testify the same was the case for Arby.
Wondering why my television signal is so broken up and jittery... When I went to check the cables however I realised that moving a bookshelf last night had smashed the aerial lead out of the wall, leaving half of the connector in the socket.

Now I'm wondering how I even have a picture at all.
At the moment I am addicted to omegle.com, a simple-yet interesting idea for a chat-based website. Since it's all anonymous, 4chan loves it.
Currently without a laptop...again, due to the charger breaking again, but at a different point this time, won't have it fixed till next week i think so i'm having to use me brothers computer when i can.
Arbalest said:
Currently without a laptop...again, due to the charger breaking again, but at a different point this time, won't have it fixed till next week i think so i'm having to use me brothers computer when i can.
Ouch, that sucks. hope you sort this one out soon.
Having the final, dust particle-like remnants of any innocence I once had swept away by the revelation that yes, there are Yotsuba H-doujins. Well I suppose there were bound to be, weren't there?

::spends a couple of minutes with head in hands::


::heads off to find ones with Torako in::

I have succeeded. There are several. Maybe it wasn't such a bad thing after all...

Now I'm plotting the downfall of Timpsons. 6 quid for a bloody mortice key? Probably costs them about 10p for a blank and a similar amount in wages given that it takes less than a minute to do.