What you guys doing right now.

I'll be off to vote later today. The UK government seem to dislike the EU, so I'll vote in favour of the latter to voice my concern with the former. Currently I'm just passing time after sitting my final exam.
Taking a break from jobhunting by updating my blog. Put up some short expo stories and photo's of cosplayers including one of J.D and Turk from Scrubs. Hurrah!
Things I've done today:
1) Done shopping for BBQ later today (nice selection of meat for £10!)
2) Voted locally and nationally - Lib Demos for Nat, Independant for local.
3) Prove that I can make a fool of anything - Fool-proof peeler manages to cut me while peeling potatoes.
4) Finally found out the meaning of the word Bakunyu, which is on my Ikki Tousen bag. (Bakunyu = "Explosive breasts"/Biggest of the big.) XD
5) Completed a really annoying game of DW - Gundam 2 (which took me 8 attempts last night to give up, and one go to finish today.)

ATM - Just checking up forums and such, and watching Ryo play GTA IV.
Manga Girls said:
Currently sad. :( (Can that be classed as an activity?)
Just watched the latest episode of 07 Ghost.
Mikage! NOOOOOOOOO.....

I'm about to watch this episode, and I sense that's a spoiler. Heh.
Chaz said:
Voted locally and nationally - Lib Demos for Nat, Independant for local.
Good choices Sir. Those were mine too (though I presume by national you mean European - we aren't quite there yet ;))
ayase said:
Chaz said:
Voted locally and nationally - Lib Demos for Nat, Independant for local.
Good choices Sir. Those were mine too (though I presume by national you mean European - we aren't quite there yet ;))
Yeah, the MEPs or whatever they like to call themselves... Used to be MPs. I just thought the Lib dems as a larger group would benefit me more than anyone else, but the local guy would be capable of sorting out the immediate problems in our area.
@Spyro - Whoops sorry, hope I didn't give away too much.

Just got back from voting. I did politics at university first time around. It would be embarassing if I didn't vote, I can just imagine the scolding my old uni teachers would give me if I didn't vote...
Manga Girls said:
@Spyro - Whoops sorry, hope I didn't give away too much.

Haha, nah don't worry. The way 07-Ghost is going at the minute, it's pretty predictable. It's sad, it's such a good show but, seems to lack in a hundred different ways. The OP is just the best though XD
I just got back from working in Didcot & Blackbird leys, Oxford & am relaxing in my comfort position, hands down my trousers in a non-weird-kind-of-way.

Unfortunately, I did not vote today. Too disillusioned to. I'll sit back and wait to see what the general public have voted for. Let's see where we stand, see where people's mindsets are. Should be interesting, maybe a little worrying.
Zin5ki said:
chaos said:
Online stalking a girl who use to work with me as she is visiting London this summer.
Travelcards at the ready! This could become interesting...
Hey, I'm her personal stalker and I'm not sharing! ;)

As summer approaches I have friends and family coming over for holidays.
I wonder how many times I can do the London's tourist route without getting bored myself.

I just seen an Elvis impersonator at Paternoster Square. Many city boys having their lunch whistl listening to some classic Elvis tunes!
Well...i didn't vote...i went to the pub and couldn't be bothered with it.

I'm waiting for the enevitable general election and will be voting conservative.

most people have been shouting BNP alot round luton.....and BNP marches happen on a daily basis....i was out last friday and police arrested people for beating up asians and stood with banners promoting BNP.

different i guess..

Had a really political talk in the pub about the country and whats going wrong, why and who's fault it is, how to make it better and who's making the right noises to fix the country.

the convo ended up going into a really philisophical and intelectual convo about space and why were here...how was the universe made...is there a multiverse? is there another earth in another galaxy thats wondering "is there another [insert planets name here] in another galaxy?"

i came up with the theory that mars was once like earth....and based my theory, on the fact that scientists found the remains of a water supply on mars a few years ago and that the earth is at an optimum temp and everything to support life...the sun is growing and i think that the sun is slowly devouring the line of planets....there where more....and they where consumed by the sun...the planets shifted and basically the optimum temp to support life then rested on earth rather than mars....they probably thought that their planet was burning up because of global warming too....when infact the sun is slowly dragging planets into it.

well thats just my theory :p

the convo went way past that mind...but yeah...amazing what happens when your sat up at 2am still drinking beers and talking like your in the presence of einstein and the rest of history's genius' :p

i'll get back into my cage now i think lol
Tachi- said:
i came up with the theory that mars was once like earth....and based my theory, on the fact that scientists found the remains of a water supply on mars a few years ago and that the earth is at an optimum temp and everything to support life...the sun is growing and i think that the sun is slowly devouring the line of planets....there where more....and they where consumed by the sun...the planets shifted and basically the optimum temp to support life then rested on earth rather than mars....they probably thought that their planet was burning up because of global warming too....when infact the sun is slowly dragging planets into it. ol
I've wondered similar things before sometimes. Science aside, Mars does look very much like a dead Earth and Venus like a developing one. I don't know about the past but as the Sun heats up and expands it's not impossible that Mars may be able to support life in the future (and that Earth will be toast).

After reading up on it, I've something new to put on the climate change thread - We've only got a couple of billion years before the Sun consumes Earth anyway! Bah, this planet is done for, it's time to get in the market for a new one. ;)

Edit: One billion years left in Earth max. All the water will have boiled away by then...
:) well i think i've just made the startings of

A) derailing this thread further :p
B) given birth to a science thread possibility lol
still awake... Trying to find some rather old needles in the great internet haystack.

Wanna-Be's and Ten Little Gall Force / Scramble Wars anyone?